C- 36 - Fresh off the press....

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Despite knowing how important today is for the band, I still had to drag myself out of bed at 5am to work on some band business with David, much to the annoyance of Reece. Three hours later and we were all set to break the exciting news to the band.

"Ok, so all of the paperwork is signed, sealed and delivered. Posters are printed and have arrived at the listed businesses. Tickets are printed and ready to be posted. All merchandise is picked, ordered and stored...."

David stops me with a small laugh as he grabs my shoulders.

"Jamie, everything is organised, purchased and ready to go! You have done an amazing job. So, let's go tell the lads." He says with a huge smile.

"Ok, I just need to send these emails off to the farm and I'll be ready." I smile and he nods as he starts tidying up the mass of paperwork that's spread over the table.

We head out to find the guys. Stu and Nick are in the pool taking selfies for their pages, TJ is boxing and Reece is dozing in the swing chair, most likely because when I got up, he insisted he had too as well.

"You two finished your secret business now?" Nick asks.

"We have! Wanna know what we know?" I tease.

"Always." Nick grins.

"Well, dry off and get dressed. We have some launching to do."

"Launching? For what?" TJ asks, puzzled.

"The concert! It is being officially announced today and tickets will be released for sale on Saturday morning." I smile.

The guys all cheer and TJ heads straight for me, lifts me in the air and swings me around.

"You are amazing!"

TJ kicks Reece and he stirs.

"Why are you holding my girlfriend?" Reece questions.

"I want to marry her and run away from this crazy world that follows us." TJ jokes.

"Oh yeah sure, after she has raided my entire coffee supply." Reece playfully teases.

I give him a small smile and offer him the cup of his coffee that's in my hand.

"So, what's the plan?" Stu asks.

"You will launch the concert on the main site and your individual accounts. The farm will add it to their site and have posters up around the farm ready for today. You guys need to dress smart but casual as you will be doing some tv and radio interviews today and tomorrow."

"Are you coming?" TJ asks, hopefully.

"She can't mate. Can you?" Reece says, looking at me a little disappointedly.

"No, with the attention from the papers due to Chloe, I need to stay in the background. But I will be watching, listening and of course, offering my critique." I give them a playful wink.

"Any opinions on our outfits?" Stu asks.

"That's Amy's role, she will know the perfect outfits for you all. " I look around, "Hang on, where is Amy?"

"Don't start him off again." TJ sighs and I turn to Stu who is drying himself off.

"She had to work an extra shift, she should be by later, or maybe tomorrow." He shrugs.

"Stu, she has a life and a job she loves, that doesn't mean she doesn't also care about you." I say with a soft smile.

"Yeah, I know. I guess old worries just creep in." He says walking past, heading inside.

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