Chapter 11

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      The next day, Lucy overheard Natsu as he spoke to someone in his garden. She pondered who it was?  She did hear the person say, "Are you ever going to tell her about your past? You know about the wife that died."  She trembled at the conversation she was not meant to hear. She thought, how sad.  Maybe, that is why he is so distant from me.

       Lucy knew what she had to do. She had to leave him.  It was for his good as well as hers. She tried to convince herself it was for the best. She might as well go home, ask for her mother's forgiveness, and agree to marry Sting. She could not stay here with Natsu anymore.

       Not when it might put him in danger. Not when he was so wonderful.

     "Sorry, Natsu, I have to do it."  

         Lucy ate some bananas. She ate a few of the scrambled eggs too.  She went back to the room, straightened it up, and packed the few things she had. She stood up to go when her toe caught on something that poked out from under the bed.

     What is this?  She pulled the object out and examined it further. It was a suitcase.  She opened it and gasped.

    Inside the suitcase was a pair of worn-out roller skates, a silk nightgown, a dress, and a frame.  She looked closely at the frame and saw a picture of Natsu with a woman beside him. She assumed it was his late wife.  

         She took the dress out. It was an emerald green color.  

             "Luce, what are you doing? The dress was meant to be a surprise and..."

            Natsu broke down in tears as he spoke. It was almost as if he knew she planned to leave him.

            Lucy handed him a note. She left without a word.  She did not even take the dress.

           Natsu should have stopped her.  He could not.  Not even if he wanted her to stay. She was not his, and he had to let her go even if it made the heartache he thought was long gone appear once more.                

        Dear Natsu,

         I am sorry. I have to go.

         I know it was a mistake leaving home.

          I do not love Sting, but at least with him, I will have someone to provide for me and keep me company.  Perhaps, this will be enough for my mother.       

          My mother's finance and I do not get along. So, what if he makes her happy.     

           I wish you all the best.



      Natsu felt as if all were wrong for him once more. He can not let her marry Sting. Then, again without a clam to her, what was he to do about it?

       Find out more in Chapter 12

        -Summer out!

The chapter was published on April 21, 2021, and edits were made to the chapter on April 22, 2021.

Beauty's  Tale by Summer  ChengWhere stories live. Discover now