Chapter 30

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     Lucy knew it had been two days since the doctor's diagnosis.  She shook her head in denial. She believed it was not true. She was sure Natsu would awaken and that he would have all his memories intact. She was sure he would recover.

      She went outside to get some fresh air as Natsu remained unconscious. She needed time to think. To process all the information that ran through her head. She went to survey the rose bushes.  She found the discarded hatchet. She saw an inscription on the handle.  She felt her blood boil at the letters "S. E."  She recognized it.  

    "Sting Eucliffe, but how? He is supposed to be behind bars."  

      Lucy called the police station. She spoke to the chief of police. She found out that Sting had escaped within the last few weeks. She was told no one knew his whereabouts. 

     "Well, chief, I might have a lead for you."

       Lucy explained over the phone about the tool she found in the garden. One she was certain did not belong to Natsu. She took a photo of the item and sent it to him.

     She made sure to include the tag, "Need, proof? Where there is your proof."

     Lucy's new cell phone made a ding noise. She saw it was a response from the head of the police department.

     Police Chief's text

     Lucy, keep all the windows locked, the doors bolted, and stay inside.

    Lucy's text

    He is an escaped convict, and that is all?

    Police Chief's text

   We do not know which direction he is headed.

    Natsu groaned and moaned in pain. He opened his eyes. "Where is she?  Where is Lucy?"

      Lucy heard her name and ran to him. She was glad the windows were already shut and locked.

      "Natsu, you are awake!"

      "Lucy, I could use some water."

       "Hold, on Natsu, while I check the doors."  Lucy secured the back door, then the cellar doors.

           Lucy fixed a glass of water and brought it to Natsu. She smiled as he took small sips.

            Natsu glanced at Lucy as he drank the water. He thought perhaps it was all too good to be true.  Here Lucy stood nearby with a twinkle in her eyes and a cute smile on her face.

            The white and red bushes, although destroyed, grew into smaller versions of themselves. Each had a few nubs of blooms ready to open at any moment. It seems their destruction never stopped them from blooming after all.

            Find out more in Chapter 31

            bye, bye little owlets!

           -Summer out!

Published June 29, 2021

 Edits made August 18, 2021

Beauty's  Tale by Summer  ChengWhere stories live. Discover now