Chapter 34

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  "Time skip to five months later..."

      Lucy informs Natsu that it's time for her to deliver the triplets. 

"Hurry Natsu, I think the time has come!" says Lucy. 

"What time, Luce? It's 2 am," replies Natsu. 

"I know, but I feel like the babies are ready to be born," explains Lucy. 

"Okay, I'll prepare the van. But don't panic," reassures Natsu.

  Lucy picked up the overnight bag, diaper bag, and her slippers, then headed towards the vehicle. Natsu followed her to the van and opened the door, placing the bags in the back seat and the slippers on top. 

"It's time to go, Luce!" Natsu said, brimming with excitement.

"Yes, let's go, my dear," Lucy replied.

   Natsu drove Lucy to the nearest hospital, though he dreaded being there. He didn't tell her, but he associated hospitals with his sister's and father's death, and those of many others. But he reassured himself that it was all in the past, and things were different now.

Once they arrived, Natsu helped Lucy inside with her belongings and approached a nurse. "Excuse me, Nurse! My wife is pregnant and about to have triplets," he said.

The nurse looked up from her notepad and recognized them. "Why, Mr. and Mrs. Dragneel, the years have been good to you both. Come right this way to room number 275," she said with a smile.

Natsu and Lucy followed the nurse into the room. Lucy lay on the bed while Natsu put her belongings in the small closet and sat in the chair by the window. "The doctor will be in shortly," the nurse said, leaving the room.

           A few minutes later, the same nurse, Wendy, and the doctor Gray entered the room.

          "Well, let's see, how you are coming along, Mrs. Lucy Dragneel," The doctor said.

             He smiled, "Well you are very well dilated, and from the looks of it, I see no reason why your babies should not be born soon," Doctor Gray said.

           "I will ask you to push, then you start to push," Wendy instructed. "Now, push, Lucy, Push!"

          Lucy did as instructed and began to push. She pushed, and out came the first baby, a healthy boy who weighed 8 lbs and 22 inches long, she continued to push, and the second baby, a girl who weighed 9 lbs 21 inches long came out, followed by the last of the triplets, another girl who weighed 7 lbs and 14 inches long.  "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Dragneel on three healthy babies!"

         Lucy and Natsu smiled.  "Thank, you doctor Gray, and Nurse Wendy." 

             Lucy and Natsu looked closely at their newborn babies. They decided to name the boy Natsu Theo Jr. after his father, and the girls they named Lillian Rose, and Sherri  Liliac. 

               The nurse and doctor kept the family of five overnight for observation.

 The next day, Lucy, Natsu, Natsu Jr., Lillian, and Sherri headed home in Natsu's van. He had traded his old car for the van months ago. They all arrived home safely much to Natsu's relief.

     Once inside their home,  Lucy settled onto the couch with two babies on her lap. The third one Natsu held. "Awe, they are all so cute," Lucy cooed. "I should hope so since they all take after their beautiful mother," Natsu said. "I did have some help you know," Lucy said. "I know, but you did most of the work," Natsu remarked."  "I love you and all our children," Lucy remarked. "I love you too, and all our children as well," Natsu replied.

        Outside the house all was quiet. Later that evening, as the babies slept, Natsu and Lucy got ready for bed, and got some sleep too.  The weather temperature suddenly dropped overnight to 32 degree Fanheriet outside.

 The story continues in Chapter 35

  Until the next chapter,

bye, bye little owlets!

Summer out!

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