Chapter 16

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   Lucy groaned in pain in her sleep. She screamed, "Do not hurt me!  Ah!"

    She tossed and turned.  Her scratches, scrapes, bruises, and such all troubled her more than she let on. 

     She cried.

    Natsu heard her sobs and went to see what was the matter. He turned on the lamp. He saw how restless she looked. He gently lifted up her shirt and gasped at the ghastly sight. 

   "Lucy, let me tend to your wounds."

    Natsu was careful not to wake her. He got out his first aid kit. He made sure to bring the peroxide, a washcloth, a bar of soap, and a towel.  He worked slowly. He held her shirt up with one hand as he cleaned her back with the wet washcloth and soap. He used the towel to dry it. He applied peroxide to the open sores. He stitched the broken skin back together. He applied Neosporin to the smaller wounds. He added a bandage to the area. 

     Next, he flipped her over so that she laid on her back. He checked her stomach and chest areas. He heard her wince in pain. He took care of the injuries there too.  Once finished, he returned the first aid kit to the place where he kept it on the top shelf in his bedroom.

      He filled a glass with water. He set it on the coaster on the bedside table.  He placed a few tyneol and ibuprofen pills next to it.


     As Lucy moved again this time to her side, he saw the small bruise on her left cheek.

       Natsu reached up, brushed a piece of hair away from her face, and kissed her hurt area here. He pulled away. He was about to take his leave when Lucy opened her eyes.

       "Natsu, thank you for all you have done to help me."  

      "You are welcome."

       He never once said a word about what happened. He stood up and went over to the chair.

         He sat in it and reported to the police what he had seen.  He made sure to leave nothing out about big a creep Sting was and told about Layla's fiance as well. He could no longer stand by and risk Lucy's life. 

         As soon as he was off the phone, he spoke once more.

         "Here, take these. They will help ease the pain."

         Lucy nodded her head as she took the pills Natsu had grabbed and held out to her. She put them in her mouth, gulped some water, and swallowed them.


              "N-Natsu, good night."

             "Good night, Lucy."  

       Natsu stayed until she dozed back off. This time her sleep was a bit less restless. He tucked the covers back around her. 

       He kissed her bruised cheek again. He went back to his room. Soon, he too was asleep.

        Find out more in Chapter 17

   bye, bye little owlets!

        -Summer out!


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