Bonus part 1

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This part of the story is when Lillian, Natsu Jr., and Sherri are all teenagers, so Ignor is around six. Lucy and Natsu are done having children. That is to say, Lucy had surgery to ensure she would have no more.

  Natsu and Lucy along with the children were out admiring the flowers. It was summer so no one had school.

   "Dad, why does this rose shine purple and white with blue glitter on the edges?" Natsu Jr. asked.

  "Yes, that one is unlike the other roses," Lillian said.

   "It is special," Sherri agreed.

   "The flower is weird," Ignor stated.

"I happen to like that one," Lucy said.

"Me too, "Natsu said.

"Tell me the story of the flower, papa," The youngest one, Ignor said.

Natsu held him on his lap and Lucy sat next to him. The girls sat on the bench across from their parents, and Natsu Jr. sat in the grass. He was always the one to get messy.

    "Well, children it took place a very long time ago..." Natus began.

    "Yes, it was very long ago," Lucy agreed.

        Natsu told them. after the last of the children were born some strange old peasant arrived at their place and sold Lucy some special seeds. Lucy planted them.  

   "Now from those seeds grew this special plant which had this unique rose," Natus said.

  The children all listened in as their father went on to say, that the flower was one thought long to be extinct until then. Turns out it wasn't.

  "Wow, that is so cool," Sherri said.

   "Well, there is more to the story," Lucy remarked.

"There is?" Natsu Jr. asked.

"Yes, it is said that should a young boy pick one of these roses and give it to his sweetheart they both shall be blessed. Not only this, but they will protected from harm." Natus said.

   "What happens if he gives it to her, but she doesn't return his love?" Lillian asked.

   "Yes, father what then?" Sherri added.

   "If she refuses his love, then she will be turned into a hideous beast and the spell will only we broken by true love on the night of her twenty-fifth birthday," Lucy said.

    "Is that a true story?" The children asked.

"Well, what do think?"  Natsu asked.

  "I am not sure," The children said.

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