Chapter 26

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    Natsu awakened again at nine am.  He got up and changed his clothes in a little private area of the cellar. The sun was out. He was grateful for its bright rays. He pulled out a few pop tarts and ate them. He heard Lucy stir while he was reading a book.

    "Lucy, good morning."

    "Good morning, Natsu,"  Lucy said through a yawn.

       Lucy grabbed up a few things, headed toward the private area, and changed her outfit as well. She was in such a rush she forgot to fasten the top two buttons to her shirt.


      "Lucy, the buttons!"  Natsu shrieked. He looked away as he felt a huge blush form on his face. 

       "Ah, you are so right!" Lucy quickly buttoned them. She felt embarrassed at the thought he must have seen a bit of her top cleavage before she got it fixed.

        "It is safe to look?" 

       "Yes, it is all taken care of now,"  Lucy reassured him.

           Natsu smiled as he turned around. He was relieved that her breasts no longer poked out from under the shirt. It made him feel awkward when he had accidentally seen this.

             Lucy grinned. She saw Natsu's face as he looked her over.

            "Um, what is for breakfast?"

            The question seemed to break whatever trance he appeared to be in for now. He pointed over to the box of pop-tarts next to the cat.

           "Poptarts, wow, I have eaten those in ages!"

         Lucy said a silent prayer, then took some bites from a strawberry pop-tart.

           "Lucy, I wish I could tell you I am as good a man as you want me to be. I am not."

          "Shh, do not say such things."

        She held a thumb to his lips to silence him.  

        Natsu kissed her thumb. He did not feel her fletch.  He longed to have her love him but knew he could not force it.    To do so, would make him as bad as the others he had turned in for abusing her.  

         Lucy closed her eyes as Natsu kissed her thumb. She thought do not stop.  Kiss me.  Kiss my lips Natsu.  Show me I am not just some girl you took in out of pity.  Show me I am someone special.  

         Natsu pulled away.  

      Lucy felt disappointed. She could not let him go on thinking she did not care.   She glanced in his direction as he fed the kitten.  She knew he claimed not to be good.  She knew it was not true. She had not seen so for herself. Yes, he was good. Far too good for her.

      She waited until he stepped away from the animal. She saw he stood where the stairs begin.


      Find out more in Chapter 27

      bye, bye little owlets!

    -Summer out!      


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