Chapter 17

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     The police found Sting outside the mall and arrested him on charges of abuse.  Then, they went and arrested Layla's fiance as well.  The officers charged them both with sexual assault charges towards a Lucy Heartfialia.  They felt they needed to hear from her about it to do much more than lock them away for a few hours.

     The next day, Lucy slowly stood up. She still felt like she was in pain.  She pressed charges herself against Sting and the man who was said to be her mother's fiance. 

     Lucy hung up the telephone. She walked downstairs. She groaned.

     "Lucy, be careful you have been wounded badly."

    "Natsu, I appreciate your c-concern, but it is not necessary.  I will be just fine."

     Natsu helped Lucy the rest of the way downstairs. He gently guided her towards the living room chair.  

     "I will have breakfast ready soon."

     Lucy nodded her head. She was still a bit depressed about the whole experience she had gone through twice.  She felt that perhaps something was wrong with her. Maybe, that is why she was targeted. She did not know these feelings she kept to herself were due to shock.

      Natsu set up a tray for her. He brought a glass of apple juice, silverware, a napkin, and a plate full of food. He placed it on the tray.

       Lucy ate some of the biscuits, bacon, and scrambled eggs. She drank some of the juice. She was relieved it was not pancakes and orange juice. Those things stirred up bad memories in her mind.

     Natsu set up another tray in front of the sofa. He placed all his breakfast stuff on it. He ate a few bites in silence.

      "Thanks for the food. It was delicious."

     "Y-you are w-welcome, Lucy.  I am glad you liked it."

        Lucy walked to the bathroom and started to fall.  Natsu stood up, caught her, and helped her to it.   

      "Let me know we you are ready to go back to the chair or the room upstairs."

          Lucy never answered. She just closed the door. She opened it once she was ready to go back to the living room.

          Natsu held her hand gently in his and assisted her back to the chair. 


    "Yes, Lucy?"

      "I uh, I am not a bad person, am I?"

      "No, you are a good person."

   Lucy stared at him like she was not so sure.

  Natsu hugged her.  He let go when he heard her gasp.

    "Luce, I am sorry you had to go through all that horrible stuff. I truly am."

     "It is not your fault."  Lucy reached out and placed a hand over his.

     "Sting was angry because I could not say that I returned his love for me."  Tears flowed from her face as she spoke.

    " Luce, that is not love.  Real love would never try to force something on you that you did not want."


    Lucy shook her head. She still felt confused. She felt guilt over what happened.

       Natsu frowned. He felt Lucy let go of his hand. He sat on the sofa.

         "Natsu, what happened to her?'

    "Her, what do you mean?"

     "You know the lady in the painting."

        "She was my wife."

      "Tell me about her."

     Natsu told Lucy all about the sad part of his past. He left nothing out. It had been years since he told anyone.

       He saw Lucy's eyes widen, and her hand went over her mouth in surprise.

    "Natsu, I am sorry. It sounds dreadful."

     "It was, but I will be alright."

       Lucy watched as he went outside. She dared not ask him where he was going. She figured he must have wanted some time alone in his rose garden. She remembered his mentioning this the last time she came over.

      Natsu came back a few moments later with some roses. He placed them in a vase.

        "I know how much you admire the flowers."

        "Thanks, they are lovely."

       Natsu thought not as lovely as you. He blushed at where his thoughts took him.

         "Natsu, is there any milk?"

        "I will go check."

     Natsu saw he is low on milk. He poured the last of it for Lucy.

       "Luce, I  have to go to the store to buy a few things. I will be back soon, be careful, and do not let in anyone while I away."

         "Okay, Natsu."

  Natsu grabbed his keys, kissed Lucy's cheek, and left. He failed to notice the blush that appeared on Lucy's face.  He locked the door.  As he drove to the store he smiled.

     Once at the store, he parked and went inside. He found a shopping cart, added some milk, apple juice, bread, jam, peanut butter, butter, syrup, and a few things to it.  He headed towards the register.

      "Hi, Mr. Dragneel," The cashier said with a twinkle in her eyes.

       Natsu paid no attention to her said attempts to flirt with him. He paid for the goods, returned the cart, grabbed his bags, and left.  All the way home, he thought about Lucy.  He hoped she did not mind he bought her a new toothbrush.  He also purchased a few band-aids, some more bandages, and some Epsom salt.


    A few minutes later, Hi, Luce!  I am home!  

     Natsu received silence. He set down the bags and put the food away. He checked on Lucy.  He noticed she sat in the chair with a book on her lap.  He smiled.  He was glad she found something to read while he was gone.

      Find out more in Chapter 18

     bye, bye little owlets!

-Summer out!


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