Chapter 23

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     Lucy let go of him.  She went and sat down at the table. She watched in amazement as Natsu prepared the tossed salad faster than she had seen her mother make one. It had been years since she last had a salad, not including the icky ones that Sting had brought home a few weeks ago.  All that was before he attacked her, and Natsu had come to her rescue.

       "Natsu, whoa, that was amazing!"

      Natsu knew she meant his salad-making skills, but the compliment still made him feel special. He hoped she did not mind that he popped the breadsticks into the toaster oven to reheat at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for a few minutes. 

       "Here, have some pizza while it is still hot. The breadsticks should be ready soon." 

         "Thanks, Natsu. "

       Lucy bowed her head.  Natsu did the same and was shocked when he heard her say the blessing.


      Lucy finished her prayer and took a bite of the pizza.  Natsu did the same. 

         Natsu saw the dressing drip off her lip after she ate some of the salad. He was tempted to lick it off to get a taste of her luscious lips.  Instead, he wiped it off with a napkin, then gently kissed her cheek. He pulled away when he heard her gasp.

          After  Natsu kissed her cheek, Lucy did not say much. The kiss had taken her aback with how gentle it was.  All the other kisses were too rough, dominant as if the person were power hungry.  She sighed.  It was different this time. Somehow, she found she wished for more.

        The knowledge shocked her.  It could not be real, could it?    It was just a dream that she felt more than friendship towards him, was not it?   She never felt this way about anyone, before let alone a man!  She waited until the meal was over to glance in his direction again.

        Natsu heard her sigh. He shook his head.  Stupid, how could I have done what I just did? Great, going Natsu, now she never give you a chance.  As if she was going to anyways.  These were the thoughts he found ran through his mind. He should have known better than to have let a wet one on her cheek.


       "The dinner was delicious."

        "It was nothing. It was  Pete's Pepperoni Speciality from Pete's Pepperoni Palace."

          "I see.  The salad was great too, though."

              Natsu only nodded his head.  He was relieved she did not bring up the kiss. Then, again maybe it would have been better if she had.  He felt as if he had died inside years ago.  Lucy made him feel something he had not felt in forever.  He knew it was only a  matter of time before he blurted out he loved her.  When that day came, he would lose her for sure!

               Lucy observed him as he washed the dishes. She saw him as he rolled up his sleeves. This revealed the rose tattoo on his left arm, the gash on his left shoulder, the bruise on his right elbow, and the scar on his right arm.  She could see he was strong with all the muscles that showed as he stood there in his kitchen.

                She backed away without a word.  How could he be so gentle, so wonderful, and yet so hurt?   Why had he kept this from her?   Did he think she could not handle the news that he was abused in his past?   Did he only see her like a fragile flower to protect?

               She went back to the guestroom and journaled. Now, she sat on the bed as she glanced at the ceiling in bewilderment.  Why?   Why did he have to be so understanding?  She longed to have him tell her everything was going to be okay and to kiss her to seal the deal.  Somehow, she had a feeling things were far from okay.


             Find out more as the story continues in Chapter 24

             Until then, bye, bye little owlets!

           -Summer out!

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