Chapter 15

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       Lucy shook her head in dismay. She did not much care for the way Sting whistled at her. It was rather disrespectful. Then, again why did she care?  She was the one who chose to run in this direction.

          "Babe, you look hot!"

          "Sting, stop it!"

            Sting tickled her, and she squealed.  He thought it was the most adorable sound ever.  In all his life, he never knew anyone as great as Lucy. He wished to take care of her and be the one she loved.  Somehow he doubted it. He dared not speak a word of it.  He felt perhaps she had fallen in love with someone else.  Who?  Who could be his competition for Lucy?

             "Lucy, darling, whatever is the matter?"

             "I hate to be called hot. It sounds so disgusting. It makes me sound like I am a used piece of trash.  Besides, he called me that right before he tried to take advantage of me."

               "Who did this to my Lucy?"

                   "Oh, you do not know him. He is my mother's fiance, and he is a worse pervert than you!"
                      "I am sorry. I did not know."

                     Sting hugged her.

                       Lucy relaxed just a little at his words. She smiled weakly. She even returned the hug.

                        "Lucy, be honest, do you love me?"

                         "Sting, I can not answer you that now."

                           "Who is he?"


                             Sting knocked over a chair and punched a hole in the wall right behind him. 

                                "I said, who is he?"  He spoke through gritted teeth.

                                "N-No on-one,"  Lucy stuttered. She was too afraid to tell him about Natsu.

                                  "Do not lie to me, woman!" Sting scowled.


                           Sting pulled her hair and threw her hard across the room.  

                               As Lucy crashed into the table, she moaned in pain. 

                            Sting did not seem to care one bit that she was hurt because of him. 

                             He was too focused on his anger to care. 

                            It did not help much that he had sneaked a glass of wine either.


                                "Sting, why are you doing this to me? Lucy whimpered as she spoke.

                                 "You are mine, got it?  No one else can have you."

                           " Not that  #$%&*  who is to marry your mother, or anyone else."

                                    "Consider the engagement off!"  Lucy yelled. 

                            She pulled the ring he had given her off and threw it at him.


                                 "I do not think, so honey,"  Sting sneered.

                                    He picked Lucy up and took her to his bedroom.

                                   Sting slammed the door.  

                                       He laughed.   

                                      Lucy felt cornered as Sting placed her on his bed. She wept.

                                   "Please, do not kill me."

                                      Sting ignored her cries for mercy. He kissed her. 

                                       "Stop, I promise, I-I, will not leave, Sting, just d-do not..." Lucy pleaded with him.                                    

                                         Sting was about to force himself on her when the front door was kicked in then, the door to his room.


                                       "Leave her alone!"  

                                        "Help me, please!" Lucy screamed.

                                 The newcomer ran over to Sting and punched him hard until the guy passed out.

                                     Lucy ran to him. She was never happier to see him than at that moment. 

                                      The salmon-haired man grabbed her hand, ran out the door, got her bag, and left.

                                      Lucy never argued. She just let him take her far away from there. 

                                She sure felt foolish for thinking she was safe with Sting. 

                                     Boy, was she ever wrong.


                               Once at his place, he took her inside. 

                                  He set her down gently at the bottom of the stairs.

                                       "Lucy are you alright?"

                                        "Y-yes, thanks to y-you," She muttered as she collapsed in his arms.

                                          Natsu gasped.  He thought, my dear Lucy.  I am sorry.

                                 He took her to the guest room. 

                       He set her on the bed and tucked the covers around her.   He gently brushed a piece of hair away from her eyes. 

      "Luce, I never meant for you to be hurt. I am so sorry," He felt tears form as he exited the room.

                         Find out more in Chapter 16

                       bye, bye little owlets!

                    -Summer out!

 *Author's Note: Will Natsu report Sting to the police? Will he ever be able to confess to Lucy?  Will Lucy love Natsu?


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