Chapter 20

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    As the days went on, Natsu felt himself fall more in love with Lucy.  He realized it made him feel as if the old wounds from the past were no longer there. It made him want to prove his worth to her.  How could he?   He could not even get her to open up to him. Saddened by the knowledge that perhaps, Lucy would never return his love, he sought a way to forget his love for her.  

    Lucy had no idea how troubled Natsu was over her. She did not know he wished to forget how he cared about her.   She awakened today feeling refreshed. She grinned as she got dressed. She could not wait to see him.  She felt nervous at the same time.


       Lucy got no answer when she entered the kitchen.  She thought perhaps he left for work and had forgotten to tell her. She stepped closer to the refrigerator and gasped.   She put a hand over her mouth in shock. She found she could not speak at the sight she saw.

      Natsu laid on the floor with his eyes shut tight. His hand held a glass in it.  Beside him was a small scrap of paper. In the other hand, there was a small rock. 

      Lucy slowly approached him. She was afraid that she was too late. She removed the cup and set it on the table.  She set the rock next to it. She grabbed the paper last.

       Her hands shook as she uncrumpled it to see what it said.  She started to read it but placed a hand on his face.

        Dear Lucy,

        I am sorry to say that I can no longer go on like this.

        I  have learned to care for you more than I should.

       I know that now. I never meant to let this happen.

      Please forgive me.  I had to do it.  I had to seek help to erase the pain that my affections towards you caused. I  could never expect you to feel the same for me.



       "No, what have you done?"  Lucy screamed as she knelt next to him.

         Lucy held his face in her hands. She felt tears as they flowed down her face. She could not lose him.  Not when she was sure now he was her everything.

          "Natsu, darling, please stay with me,"  Lucy pleaded with him.

           Little did she know that he was not dead. He was just unconscious.  He had taken some dangerous liquid that he thought would make him forget his love for her. He thought it would make things better for them both.  

           Lucy wept. She placed her head on his chest and refused to leave him. She could not give up. Not when she needed him and she was sure he needed her too.  Besides, she loved him.

           "Natsu?  Natsu?" Lucy grew weak from the guilt and sorrow. She lost consciousness with her head still on his chest.

          Find out  more in Chapter 21

          bye, bye little owlets!

       -Summer out!

Chapter published May 25, 2021

Edits made to the chapter May 30, 2021

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