Chapter 19

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      Two days later, Lucy was still sore.  She managed to make it downstairs without falling. She smiled as she sat down in the chair once more.  She was glad Natsu had carried her to her room the last few nights.  It sure was generous of him.  She barely recalled what she had eaten yesterday.

     "Lucy, we are all out bread.  Would you rather have biscuits again with the eggs and bacon, or pancakes?"  

      "I will take the biscuits, please."

       Natsu nodded his head. He was sure what made her against pancakes. He dared not pressure her though. He fixed the biscuits first, then fried the bacon as they cooked. Last, he scrambled the eggs.

      Once it was ready he served it on the plates at the table.

      "Breakfast is ready, Lucy."

      "Alright, be right there!" Lucy called out.

              Lucy sat down at the table across from him. She still had not looked him in the eyes yet.  She was just nervous. Somehow his smile though genuine terrified her. She felt silly about her reaction to his glance especially since he had been nothing, but kind to her.  She never once had him try to put the moves on her.

               She ate her food in silence.

            Natsu  took a bite out of eggs, then the bacon, and finally a biscuit. He  looked at Lucy as he ate and as took a few sips from the juice. He was concerned about the way Lucy ignored his presence. It was almost as if she hated him.

             "Luce, is the juice stale?"

            " No, but I rather have anything else, but orange juice."

              "I am sorry, I had forgotten you disliked it."

             Natsu got up, removed some white grape juice from the refrigerator, and handed Lucy an empty cup. He carefully poured it into the glass without spilling it.

             Without a word he placed it back into the frig, and returned to the table.

             He frowned when he noticed she had not finished her eggs. He supposed it was to be expected as she had not eaten much since she first came back.  

               "Here, have some peaches."

               "Thanks, Natsu," Lucy stated without looking up from her plate.


             As the morning, went on Natsu noticed Lucy styled her hair differently than usual.

              He blushed.  Why should he do such a thing?  It was not as if she would ever take any notice in him.  

             "Lucy, I hope you like them."   Natsu handed her  some fresh roses as he spoke.

               "Thank you, kindly, Natsu."

               Natsu went to his room. He could not let her see how much her silence troubled him.

               Lucy  sniffed the flowers.  She smiled.  It was so sweet of Natsu to share his plants with her.  It made her feel special somehow. She had not felt that way in years.  

              Find out more in Chapter 20

             bye, bye little owlets!

         -Summer out!




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