Chapter 25

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    Natsu awakened to the sound of the pitter-patter of the rain on the roof, the winds as they screeched as if in pain, and the crash as the old pine tree fell and laid next to the old garden bench.  He gently removed his arms from around Lucy. He lifted her head off his chest, found the pillow, and placed it under her head.  

      He gave the cat some water to keep its faint meows from waking Lucy. He put on his headphones and listened to the latest weather report.  It sounded like the tornado was about to touch down outside his house. He shut the radio off.

      He paced the floor. He turned his flashlight on and saw to it that the backup generator worked. It was a good thing too. The electric company was not sure how soon they could restore the power.  He turned off the flashlight.

    As the cat calmed down and went back to sleep, Natsu laid in the darkness.  His eyes grew droopy, and he drifted off.  

      Lucy heard Natsu shiver so, she placed his jacket over his arms. She snuggled up against him and fixed the blanket so that it was over both of them. She dared not say a single word. She felt her cheeks go red at the knowledge that she was about to sleep with him.  

     "No, it was not the same," She reasoned to herself. It was not as if he loved her.

     She longed for love.  Real love from a man. A love she never had before in all her life.  She knew her mother loved her, but that was not the same thing. She supposed, for now, she would have to be satisfied with the friendship Natsu gave her.  It would do for the time being. 

      She closed her eyes. 

     In her dream, Natsu loved another. She stood there broken-hearted. It was too late for her.    Why Natsu?  Why did he have to make her feel this way only to love someone else?   Was it true?  

      Natsu dreamed as well. He was at sea with Lucy below deck. He was the captain of a ship. He waited for Lucy to join him. He knew it was time. Time to tell her before some other member of the crew did. He smiled as he felt the box inside his coat.

      Lucy came to meet him. She smirked.

      "Ah, captain, waiting for me?"

       "Yes, Lucy. We have been together for years. Lucy, will you make the happiest man ever and marry me?"

      "Yes, captain!  I will be pleased to do as you ask of me."

        Natsu kissed her and felt the sparks fly all around them.  He did not care who saw them together now as she was his finance at long last.

        "Congratulations, Captain!" Happy his faithful cat cried out.

       "Yes, congrats Captain Natsu Dragneel!"   Gray stated.

    Find out more in Chapter 26

     bye, bye little owlets!

   -Summer out!

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