Chapter 35

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      It had been two months since the babies were born. Lucy and Natsu were as busy as ever but enjoyed every moment of being parents.  Natsu's love for each other continued to grow over time.

     The roses had fully developed into something beautiful. The buds from the destroyed ones had finally sprouted so that little shoots of them were since once more.

   Natsu hitched the horses to the buggy since it was a nice warm day. He and Lucy were grateful for the help from the young lady who came over twice a week to babysit. Today, she had come over shortly after Lucy had called her. They felt their babies were safe while Miss Primrose was around.

    The two went on their first date since the baby's birth.  It was a nice, romantic ride for the two of them. They traveled around the block twice, then onto the village. Rumors had died down about Natsu since their private wedding.  A few villagers still shut their merchandise up to them, but the rest were happy to see them.

    "Mr. and Mrs. Dragneel, welcome," One lady said.

    "Hi, there, do have some tea on the house," Another one stated.

    "Would you like to try some cookies? They are fresh out of the oven," An older man said.

        "How about a lovely  shawl for a lovely lady?" The next merchant said.

     Natsu purchased a shawl, one that was blue with flakes of green and brown in it. He and Lucy sampled some of the tea and bought a few cookies. They also went by the butchers and bought chicken wings, drumsticks, fresh tuna, recently caught cod, and a few cheese slices. Once they had finished with the purchases, they made their way to a local joint.   Inside, was the nice scent of vanilla, the sound of music, laughter, and the smell of food cooking inside the wood stove.

    Natsu and Lucy ordered a pizza, a small salad, and glasses of water. The two enjoyed each other's company as they waited for the meal. Soon, it was all ready and set before them.  Natsu paid for the meal, and Lucy gave the manager a nice tip. After the meal, they danced and then went for a walk. They bought ingredients for a salad, and fresh bread, and headed to the park.

   They feed the ducks some bread crumbs. They looked over the pond and saw the reflection of each other's smiling faces. Natsu held Lucy close. The two kissed.

     They returned home, and Lucy fell asleep. Natsu smiled at his lovely wife. Once at the castle which is what their house was, Natsu parked the horses in the stable, and the buggy, he put inside the small extra space beside it. He picked up Lucy and carried her inside the house.

   He laid her gently on their bed. He smiled as he tucked Natsu Jr in for his nap. He did the same with Lillian and Sherri. He heard his wife yawn. He went to check on her and saw her stretching her arms.

   "Natsu, did I miss the ride home?"  Lucy asked. 

    "Yes, you sure did, sweetheart, " Natsu answered.

      Lucy got up and walked downstairs with him. The two sipped some tea and ate a few cookies. The rest of the groceries Miss Primrose had already stored in their proper areas. She smiled as she headed out for the day. "See you both in a few days," She said on her way out the door.

       Natsu made sure the door was secure. He was still a bit paranoid after so many years. He wished not to worry so much. Then again, he was responsible for keeping himself, Lucy, and now Natsu Theo Jr, Lillian Rose, and  Sherri Lilac, safe. 


    The story is almost finished

  It continues in Chapter 36, followed by the Bonus chapter

   Until then,

bye-bye, little owlets!

Summer out!




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