Chapter 12

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     Natsu held the note to his chest in sorrow. He also had the green dress in his hand now as well. He thought about how he found it in a market.  He wished he had given it to her sooner, but he did not wish to scare her away. Only, she left anyway.

        He sat on the bed with tears in his eyes and refused to let go of the material that reminded him of her grace, beauty, and kindness.  He clutched the letter as if his life depended on it.  He found the golden band she dropped, and it laid beside him. 

        He knew the cold hardened truth now.  

        Lucy discovered the ring. The one out of a set of two he had lost. A copy of it sold.

           Natsu never cared to have it back in his possession. He lost her. He knew it was crazy to be so emotionally attached to someone he barely knew. It was not like him at all. Yet, he found his time spent with Lucy was never a dull moment. 

            He longed to have her back.  He also knew it was impossible.

          Little did he know how life had a way of throwing you curveballs and then handing you something far greater than you ever expected.

                 Lucy returned home. She stood in the kitchen now. Her mother was ecstatic about the whole thing.

                 "Lucy, you are back!"  Layla pulled her into a hug.

                 "Mother, I thought a lot about what you said while I was away. I have decided to marry Sting.    I know you will have your man to care for you. I will manage over time."

                 "Glad to see you came to your senses," Layla's finance said.

                 Layla did not say a word. She just hugged Lucy and whispered in her ear, "Ok, whatever you say, Lucy."

                      Later that night, it was rather late, and Lucy could not sleep. She stood in the kitchen with a cup of milk in her hand. She was so busy drinking it and eating a few cookies she did not see him approach her.

                       Layla slept unaware that her finance was not the same person she thought him to be or that he was a creep who took advantage of her daughter when he saw fit too.

                        Lucy felt him grab the left cheek to her bottom and squeeze it.  It made her feel disgusting as ever.  She wished she had gone to Sting's place instead of here. Goodness anywhere was better than in the same place as this sicko.  She was backed against the corner and felt as if she might just die.

                         "Leave me alone," She sneered.

                        The man just scoffed.  "Look, I say when I stop, not you. Got it?"

              Lucy was so terrified she only nodded her head.


                 Layla's fiance, gag, he uh, picked up Lucy and set her on the counter.  He kissed her face all over, then kissed her lips.  She tried to shove him off, but he was too strong for her. He put his hands on her thighs. 

                Lucy closed her eyes as she waited for the torture to stop. It only got worse.

               The sicko, pyscho, cut open an onion and put slices of it in her hair. He laughed. He also reached up and put his hands under her shirt.

                 Lucy opened her eyes, and could not handle the abuse anymore. She grabbed up a steak knife and stabbed him in the arm.  She heard him gasp in surprise.  She ran away from him, grabbed up her things, and left once more.

                This time she went to Sting's place and passed out on the front porch.

            Find out more when the story continues in Chapter 13

                  -Summer out!


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