Chapter 1

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(1100 words) [edited]

I looked up as four of the six flaps above me swung open. Four figures fell to the ground, three of them landing on their feet, one landing ungently on the floor. I snickered at the man, who was standing up, turning their attention to me.

I stood up and patted the dust off my overalls. "What?" I asked a little annoyed as they all continued staring at me. "You don't have to freak out right away," said the boy with the white hair.
„ Why the fuck are you just four people, you're suppose to be five!" I ignored the guy, while picking up my jacket from the ground. "Tell me, are you crazy-" he was interrupted by the blonde.  "We're really sorry, but we couldn't possible know that we have to be six down here" I just turned to look at him, giving him a cold look. I heard the white haired boy muttering grumpily to himself. 

I gave him a quick glance, then the tall man caught my attention. "I'm Leorio and what is your name, my dear?", I watched with a smirk as he made a faint bow. "My name is (y/n) (l/n)," I replied terse. "I am Kurapika," the blond said and held out his hand to me. I ignored his friendly gesture and just nodded at him, noticing again how my eyes flashed yellow. "Are you all right?" asked Kurapika and I felt his concerned gaze on me. 

I nodded and felt how someone grabbed my hand, shacking it in an excited way. "I'm Gon!" the second kid introduced himself cheerfully. "That sourpuss over there is Killua," he introduced his friend. Killua had his back to me and his arms crossed in front of his chest, but when Gon called him a sourpuss, Killua turned to him and stuck his tongue out at Gon. I hold back a small laugh


I sighed. My gaze wandered around the bare room and got stuck on Gon, who was practising some tricks on Killuas skateboard. I sighed again, even though I liked watching Gon, I got bored as hell over time and had started tapping my fingers on the floor like I always did when I was impatient. I closed my eyes and groaned.

When I opened them again, I could still see Gon practising tricks and Killua playing with Gons fishing rod. I suddenly felt someone sit down on the ground next to me. I didn't even bother to turn around, I knew it was Kurapika anyway. I mean Leorio was still leaning against the wall and sleeping and the two boys were still doing what they had been doing a few minutes ago. I drew in a sharp breath, knowing damn well why he had decided to talk to me. 

"Tell me (Y/N)," I opened my eyes and turned to look at the ceiling. "Why did your eyes flash yellow before?" and I had been right, he did have to ask about that. I slowly turned my head towards him, meanwhile wondering if I should answer him or just ignore him, it wasn't his business anyway

"This is unbelievable," Leor exclaimed, annoyed. "It's been two hours and no one has shown up yet! How long are we supposed to wait?" he asked and continued rambling on.

„Calm down Leorio, it won't do us any good if you continue anyway", Kurapika decided to interrupt the old man, Leorio shot him an annoyed glare and in that exact moment a soft knock was heard above us. We all stepped towards the sound and the next moment it rattled above us and a flap swung open. A Blue bag of something dropped on the ground. As I took another step near it, I saw that it was a human.

I stared at the man's face, somewhat confused. I recognised him immediately afterwards. Isn't this the guy who wanted to offer me some of his suspicious drink? I thought. "I haven't seen dungarees for ages," the man said, and I stared at him. Did that jerk just call me dungarees? I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore this idiot for most of the time we had to spend together.

When I still ignored the roundish man, he finally lowered his outstretched hand. "I don't think we've even had a chance to introduce ourselves," he said grinning at me. A cold shiver ran down my spine. "I'm Tompa," he finally introduced himself and I scoffed. „As if I'd care", I hissed and his fake smile dropped. He quickly got a hold of himself. „Okay, lets go", he said while grabbing the swatch thingy.

A door appeared on the wall, attached to it was a screen, with a cross and a circle like we had on our swatches. "I see," Kurapika said as we stepped towards the door. "Once all six candidates are wearing a timer, this door will appear for them." he finished.

„No shit", I grumbled, does he have to state the obvious?

I looked at the board and quickly voted for circle, which meant we should open the door. When the result appeared, that it was 5 to 1, I looked around in confusion. " Dammit, who voted for cross?" out of the corner of my eye I saw Tompa scratching his head. "That had to be me, I must have mixed up the shapes." I rolled my eyes, as if someone believed him this pathetic lie. In exact that moment, Leorio grabbed Tompa on his collar.  "Don't fuck with me old geezer, do you not see well or what?" he almost hissed, "I told you I made a mistake." defended Tompa and I groaned in exasperation. "How can you mistake a cross for a circle?!" exclaimed Leorio angrily, I groaned, god were they annoying.

"It doesn't matter," I heard Gon say and Leorio turned to him. "Of course it matters! I'm sure he voted against us on purpose!" I sighed loudly. Yes it had been silly of Tompa and it would be even sillier if it was on purpose, but arguing about it here and now made no sense to me right now. "Even if Tompa always votes against us, the four of us just have to stick together," Killua said, glancing over his shoulders and giving me an exclusionary look. For his young age, he seemed quite grown up to me, but when he did things like that, you realised how young he really was. 


Hey you idiots. Haha sorry don't take it so seriously, I like to insult people. Anyway, I wanted to say that I just finished the first chapter, but you should have noticed that. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I don't know why I chose this scene as the first scene of (Y/N), I just thought it was funny. By the way, about (Y/N)'s clothes, well actually they wear dungarees that are rather wide cut and already a bit faded (you can choose the colour yourself of course), then they just wear a basic shirt in (color you want) and practical brown boots (sorry i ad to choose brown haha). They have a windbreaker with a hood, which actually gives enough warmth. (You can of course choose your own outfit, I don't really care, but maybe something will be write like, I tied my brown boots, or something). And they will wear a backpack in idk you choose the colour.

BTW yup they/them, because I don't wanna left someone out. It will mostly be in y/n pov but if someone talks about y/n they will use they/them. I guess the character act more like a girl and I guess more girls read this, but yeah yk. Hope no one feels left out and if you feel so, I'm very sorry.

But I don't want to keep you too long and wish you a nice day/night and then I'll say goodbye.

Best regards,

your lovely and idiotish author.

(And yes, I will always say goodbye with such nicknames, I already said that... buttttt, I don't care.)

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