Chapter 24

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I just noticed that I am bad a writing romance, sadly all the books beside of one is a romance book, where tf did I go wrong lmaooo. [edited]

Melody walked off with a small wave, I followed her with my gaze until I couldn't see her anymore. As I was about to turn back around to Kurapika, he was already grabbing my arm, pulling me in some random street. „You do know that I don't know my parents", I mumbled and Kurapika nodded. „Indeed, I don't know them either", he said sounding kinda amused as he was still dragging me along, looking down the street, though I couldn't exactly call it a street, it was filled with trash and little, dirty houses, Meteor City looked poor and it also was poor. I scrunched my nose in disgust as I smelled the disgusting smell of trash.

We kept walking in silence until we came to a sudden stop in front of a house. It was bigger than the others and seemed like some rich people live in there. „Um Why did you stop?" I asked and titled my head, eyeing the house in front of us. Before I knew it he stepped for and rang the door bell, dragging me with him due the fact that he was still holding me. A woman opened the door giving us a judging look. „No I don't wanna buy any unnecessary magazines nor do I want to give poor children money, nor do I want to give money to the scouts and buy the disgusting cookies", she greeted us and I rolled my eyes at her. What a nice woman. I thought and gave her an weird look. „I assume that you're m/n(mothers name) l/n", Kurapika said in a questioning way and the woman raised an eyebrow at him. „How come that you're looking for m/n?" she said and I gave her a confused look, though I didn't know why we were looking for her either. I slightly turned my head in Kurapikas direction. „Listen I knew I said I would help you but why are we here to meet: m/n l/n?" I asked and gave him a curious look, Kurapika just chose to ignore me. Then the woman suddenly turned around and slammed the door shut. I looked confused at the closed door and turned around. „Well, we're done here", I said walking off, Well more I tried then Kurapika grabbed me at my wrist, pulling me harshly back. „I believe that she's coming back", he said while spinning me around so I was staring at the closed door again. It suddenly creaked open and a tall women with h/c hair was looking at us. Her arrogant aura was surrounding her like a parfum. „You asked for me?" she said, looking us judging up and down. Her gaze lingered on me and I glanced helpless at Kurapika from the side. Hoping that he'd get the hint. „Well?" she asked impatient and stared us down. „My Friend here", Kurapika pushed me a little bit closer to that scary woman. Gosh he's a good actor, that's fucking out of character. „Wanted to meet their mom after, what, 5 years?" he gave me a questioning look. „Six", I corrected him and brushed my fingers nervously trough my messy, dirty, actually just wrecked hair. „I don't have a child", she said annoyed and I then I remembered something that was on my file. Cheeky bastard", I grumbled under my breath and took another step in the direction of the woman. „I'm sorry? It's not like you just put me onto the streets when I was 11 years old, to get find by Chrollo, if you don't remember, the leader of the phantom troupe", I took a little break to breath. The woman gave me a confused, more worried look. „And um, what was it? He gave you some beautiful red-„ I got interrupted by Kurapika as he softly nudged me into the side, telling me to stop talking. The woman gave me a strict look, then she sighed and motioned us to get inside. We followed behind and she walked us in some sort of living room. „You can sit", she told us as she motioned to the couch. „Funny, as she left me, we were poor as fuck", I snickered and the woman, sorry my mom, gave me a strict look then she left the room. I groaned in annoyance. „And why exactly are we here?" I asked, turning curiously to Kurapika who was looking around the room. „The eyes won't be here", I told him, leaning into the surprising comfy couch. „I know where they are", he said sternly and my face dropped. „If you already know where they are, then why the fuck are we here?" and before he could answer m/n stepped in, followed by an even taller man with black hair. He gave me an surprised look. „y/n l/n, didnt thought I'd ever see you again", he said and scoffed. I felt utterly annoyed and just waited until we could leave again.


Kurapika and I walked in silence through the wrecked streets, it was already dark, Well i just followed him, than, as I just found out, he wouldn't give me an answer. I was probably some random place holder in his plan, what made me feel bad. „Okay, listen I told you I'd help you, because I had to sell those eyes and everything, but if you won't tell me anything, I'll leave", Kurapika stopped in his tracks, giving me a somewhat sad look and I felt bad again. He then sighed. „I apologize, I am not used to work with others", he explained and then continued walking, while I was following him, staring to the ground, feeling embarrassed.


I looked around the pretty small hotel room, though it was more like an apartment, it was still really small. „How long are we gonna stay here?" I asked, sitting down onto the small kitchen table and turned around to look at Kurapika, who put a laptop on the table. „About four weeks", he answered and I nodded, standing up from the chair and walking to the fridge. Opening it to find some food, luckily it had some eggs and rice. „You should get some stuff from your apartment", Kurapika suggested sitting now down in front of his laptop. I nodded again, while searching for a pan and a pot, finding them. „Will do", I then said, noticing that he couldn't see me because his back was facing me. „Should I bring a second laptop?" I asked while putting the rice in a pot with boiling water, I turned around to lean at one of the kitchen counters, to look at him. Kurapika nodded, completely focused on the laptop.

I stepped closer and leaned over his shoulder, looking at the screen of the laptop. I eyed the website he was on, it was actually just the hunter web thingy, so pretty boring.

I skimmed over the article he was reading and then some sort of pop-up popped up. „Open that" I pointed at the pop-up and Kurapika turned his head to give me a confused look and our foreheads almost banged together. I felt embarrassment washing over me and baked away. „And why should I do that?" Kurapika asked as I stepped back to the cooker. „Well, believe me or not, this man, even though he's a singer, is some sort of underground-god", Kurapika raised an eyebrow at me and turned now around, staring intensely at my back. The rice was now almost cooked so I poured some eggs into a pan. „I am sure that I sold him a pair", I muttered and opened the small fridge again, luckily finding some soysauce, putting it onto the kitchen table in a smooth move. „I'm not sure though, but I'll get the laptop tomorrow, there should be a list of the buyers", a smudge smirk placed itself on my lips as I saw how Kurapikas expression changed, from curious, to confused, then it looked like he was thinking and at the end he looked kinda irritated. „How come you didn't tell me earlier?" he asked while giving me a warning look, i had to chuckle a bit. „Must've forgotten", I answered then Grabbed pan and pot, put both of them onto the table, taking out plates, forks and knifes, two of each and put them also on the table, then I sat down and put rice and a egg on my plate.

Kurapika was focused on his laptop again and I was eating the kinda burnt eggs. I leaned over and closed the laptop, then I pushed the plate over to him. „Eat! Jeez you're so irresponsible", I said and gave him an strict look, Kurapika sighed, but then started to eat the food on his plate. „I didn't know that you can cook", he then stated and I cracked a smile, scratching the back of my neck, feeling the slight blush creeping on my cheeks. „You Never asked", I simply answered and shrugged. „Right", he mumbled in thoughts and I chose to let him be.

„Imma head to bed", I said while standing up, placing our empty plates in the sink and turned to one of the rooms. Kurapika didn't respond, he was too focused on his laptop. I shook my head at him, while entering the also small room. With a small bed, nightstand and a closet in it. This whole apartment was just so tiny.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now