Chapter 5

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(848 words) [edited] man this chapter is short :/

I looked at Leorio, who was talking to Tompa, yes you heard me right, Tompa. Because Tompa knew who the person was whose plate Leorio was looking for. But, as I had suspected, Tompa is the same, because he had set a trap for Leorio and that again. I ran after the two and saw Tompa suddenly trip over something and then roll over several times. "It's wrong to trick other people," a familiar voice said scoldingly and I heard Leorio exhale in surprise. "Kurapika," he finally said with relief and I dived right behind Leorio. "Who-" Kurapika interrupted himself. "Oh, it's just you," just? Wow I feel so loved. I bit my lips before I could say the sarcastic comment. "Do you have all your number plates yet?" he finally asked me and I nodded. "Good to know, do you want to join us," I nodded again and felt a slight blush crept on my cheeks. I looked away quickly and turned to Leorio, but stared a bit emberassed at the ground. "Well-", i had to clear my throat. "Luckily, all we have to do is get your number plates and we'll have them all," I said finally and looked up to him. Leorio began to grin as he saw the blush on my cheeks, he then looked at Kurapika, then back at me, Shit.


"Oh, it's just you", I couldn't stop myself of thinking about his words and I couldn't explains why. I let out a quite groan so no one would hear me.

I  closed my eyes. But I still couldn't sleep. I was so fucking anxious and I didn't even know why. I slowly sat up and looked around the small, hidden cave we had chosen as our resting place for the night. It was pretty small and we didn't had much space. I turned to my backpack and looked after some Apple, hoping I still had some of them. Which I did. I had found them earlier on this island.

I'm kind of addicted to these apples, I had to laugh a little. Then I bite the apple.

"Can't you sleep?" I heard Kurapika ask in a very sleepy voice. I flinched in surprise and felt my cheeks flushing pink again, then quickly turned to him and shook my head, to clear it, a faint flash coming from my eyes, lifting up the small „room".

Luckily it's dark or he'd notice how flustered I am. I stared at the floor, then suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw Kurapika rubbing his eyes tiredly. I lifted my head again, only to see him yawning in the faint moonlight that shone into our cave. Cute. "Yeah I couldn't sleep, sorry that I woke you up," I finally answered his question after I regained my coolness and heard him chuckle. I smiled, even though he couldn't see it. "No problem, I couldn't sleep that good anyways." Kurapika said and I suddenly heard a soft ratcheting sound, then I saw a small flame light up, also lighting up the cave. I watched Kurapika pull a candle out of his shoulder bag and then light it, then he sat down in front of the light so that the light wouldn't shine on Leorio and wake him up, because Kurapika was starting to know him, Leorio would probably have gotten pretty mad if we had woken him up.

I calmly continued eating my apple and felt Kurapika's gaze on me. I noticed again that I was blushing. Slowly but surely, his curious gaze on me bothered me. "Are you hungry or do you just like to act like a creep?" I asked and looked up into his grey eyes, blushing again. Kurapika looked at me a bit confused but he also chuckled a bit, I didn't notice the slight blush on his cheeks or the red that shone through the grey of his eyes.

As Kurapika still didn't answer me, I turned to my bag and pulled out one of the many apples. "Here," I said, holding out the red apple to him. "Thanks," he returned and smiled, I smiled back kindly and watched the blond haired one munch down the apple. When he finished he looked me straight in the eye and I felt like he was staring straight into my soul and suddenly knew everything about me.

Panic, I felt a little bit of panic when I remembered how Kurapika had knocked out the blue dude with just one punch and all because of a fake tattoo of the twelve legged spider.

Since when do you of all people care  what other people think of you?

I felt myself blushing again and this time Kurapika noticed it too, still staring straight into my soul. "Are you sick?" he asked, reaching out to put his hand on my forehead to find out if I was healthy. I was now even redder under his touch. "I'm alright, its just hot in here," I said. Little did we know that our 'sleeping' friend heard everything.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now