Chapter 21

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Woahhh what a chapter? Means I waont write another one for the next two months. Sorryyy. anyway I'm starting a mikasa x reader chat fanfic and a sakura x ino fanfic so yayyyy. And bye, see ya!   [edited]

I stared out of the car window. Everything happened so fast, well not really, but I was too confused, that was probably caused by the alcohol I had drunk before. I sat in a car, next to Leorio, who was driving it, and in the backseat sat Kurapika, Melody and Chrollo, who was captured by us and chained up. He didn't recognize me, well yet. I pulled the hood of my jacket deeper into my face and focused on the street in front of me again. I let out a small sight and tapped my fingertips onto my leg. The whole atmosphere was really weird and I just wished to disappear right there and then. What of course didn't happen.

„What are you looking at?!" Kurapika snapped irritated at Chrollo, who has been staring at him for the past few minutes. His loud voice let me snap out of my thoughts. I could see in the mirror how a small smile laid itself down onto Chrollos face. „Nothing", he said in his usual smug voice, I scrunched my nose in annoyance. „I just didn't expect the chain user to be a woman", he then explained and my eyebrows raised in surprise. Leorio and I changed a confused look, he was probably wondering how someone could say something in such situation too, after all, it was Chrollo who were talking about „Who said I was", Kurapika then said, still sounding more irritated than before. I groaned and put my head in my neck, staring at the ugly car ceiling, not really paying attention to their conversation. „And y/n?" my head snapped in Chrollos direction, he slightly smirked at me. „As if that stupid hood of yours, could hide you're extraordinary aura", I clicked my tongue in disgust. What the fuck is he thinking?! A cold shiver ran down my spine. Fucking jerk. The sound of someone slapping someone else let me turn around, finally looking at the backseat. Kurapika had obviously slapped Chrollo across his face and even though the situation was really serious, I couldn't help myself and started laughing. But with a warning look of everyone in the car, well I couldn't actually see Leorio but he made a weird sound, I stopped giggling and turned back to look at the road in front of us.


We had been driving for a quite long time and I grew kinda impatient, so I tapped with my fingers nervously on my leg, staring out of the window to my right. The impatient patting of my fingers against my leg, was the only visible sound in the car. It was actually dead silence in it. What didn't help with my nervousness. I gulped and started to tap harder, the sound kinda reminded me of a ticking clock. "When are we-"- I bit my tongue, not finishing the sentence and then it became dead silent again. I heard a sight from behind me and turned around, just to see Melody, who was sitting between Chrollo and Kurapika, glancing at my hand, I immediately stopped tapping and turned back around. We kept silent for a bit again and then I heard her suddenly speak up: "It's not just your hand, it's also your heart, it's racing", I bit back an annoyed scoff and turned to look through the window again. Just as I opened the window, to calm myself down with the cold air of the night, it suddenly got loud. I supposed that Chrollo had provoked Kurapika again, then he was hitting him multiple times in the face. I groaned again, getting a headache from all the noise, not that I minded him hitting Chrollo, he actually deserved that. "Calm down already, geez", I didn't meant to sound that rude, but I really got pissed off by all that. It wasn't any of my business and I sill got involved. I knew it actually was my fault, if I just didn't showed up at that stupid hospital, no, if I never would've took the hunter exam, then I wouldn't bee in that mess. If I never would have met him. I said to myself, knowing damn well that I couldn't change it any more. I would've end up in that mess anyway, I could've never avoid it, but I wouldn't have struggled so bad, it would've been clear on what side I would be, but I was stuck in that mess, now actually taking the side of the enemy. I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't heard Kurapika asking me something. "Y/n?" my head shot up in his direction, giving him a confused look. His eyes had turned into a crimson red. "Were you even listening", he got a bit closer and I immediately baked away, feeling myself blushing in embarrassment. Seriously? Now? Bruh. "No", I answered, my mouth felt suddenly really dry. I gulped, trying to recover from all those overwhelming and really confusing feelings. But due the fact I was so caught off guard, he turned his attention back to Chrollo, who had, I assumed it to be, the Judgement Chain in his chest. I shook my head, finally getting rid of those feelings and let out a deep breath. Just before I turned back around, I saw Chrollo giving me a knowing smirk and Melody stared intense at me, also a knowing look on her face. I puffed out my cheeks and turned back around, crossing annoyed my arms in front of my chest, though I was annoyed by myself. I felt my phone buzz in my pockets. I pulled it out and quickly read the messages.



- where's the boss?


dunno, none of my

business -

- and where are you?

none of your business -


I turned off my phone, listening to Kurapikas calming voice, while he was at the phone with Pakunoda. I let out a sight and put my head in my hand while gazing trough the, still open window, in the night. The anxious feeling I had felt, was actually gone and for once in a while I felt at peace. Even though I was in an absolute mess.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now