Chapter 15

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So I guess I I have a new chapter. Idk but I somewhat think that I look like a heartless author. So don't get me wrong I am really thankful that some people read this story. I just don't Act like I do. So um thank u I guess :) now enjoy haha.

(Word count: 590) [edited]
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The September 3rd was a pretty beautiful day and I was sitting in the hideout. Waiting for Machi and Nobunagas return, they wanted to lure the 'chain user'. It was quite funny to watch the whole troupe getting all worked up over a friend of mine, could I even call him a friend? I supposed so. Why I didn't tell them about Hisokas betrayal or the fact that I knew Kurapika, I didn't really know. Though I was also glad that neither Hisoka nor Phinks said something, well Phinks wasn't even sure about it anyway. I guessed I didn't really care what happened to the troupe, to be honest I didn't like what the troupe did. When I was younger, I didn't really questioned the whole thing. But since a while, I was even questioning myself, why I was still with them. Being member of the Phantom Troupe is like fighting in a war, it's a suicide command. But I couldn't just leave the Troupe, not just because Chrollo was my so called brother, I just couldn't because it was like that, even if I tried.

I sighed and put my head into my hands, closing my eyes. Choosing a side is so hard. I don't like the Troupe, but leaving it is almost impossible. I would love to be with the guys from the hunter exam, they're cool. And then I heard steps and voices. Some sounded like kids. Wait kids? I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up. There stood Phinks and Pakunoda. The both of them held two smaller figures, their hands were tied behind their back. I gasped. "Speaking of the devil", I grumbled under my breath and pulled my hood from my new jacked up. "Why the fuck did you brought those kids, weren't ya looking for the chain user?" I was the first person that spoke up, the others were still quite. Probably also as confused as me. I could see a grin tugging at Phinks lips. For whatever reason. I did raise my eyebrows though. And even though I did change my voice and the style I spoke, Gon recognized me. He gasped and I rolled my eyes, stepping back into the shadows. Just perfect. "Y/n, is that you", I heard him ask and now I also felt Killuas gaze on me. I sighed and leaned against the wall next to Feitan. I felt how he looked up to me and I could see that one of his eyebrows was slightly raised. "I know them from the hunter exam", I explained quitely, so they wouldn't hear us. Now we heard again footsteps from the door and Nobunaga and Machi entered the hideout.

Machi made quickly her way over to me, while Nobunaga stopped in front of the young boys and eyed them sceptically. Gon then began t ramble about something and Feitan pushed him at a cement block. Huh, when did shorty walk over to them. I wondered and watched the scene. I guessed that they recognized Gon from the other day, when he was arm wrestling for money. Because they were now arm wrestling with him. I sighed, slowly sitting down at the wall. This is gonna be a boring day.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now