Chapter 16

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This chapter sucks, like the other did, in my opinion. I am sorry though. I just barely can remember the York new arc, but I thought it would be a good point for the story so yeah. I have to re-search so much bc I forgot everything. I know the basic stuff, like what happened, but not why and we're the connection is. So that's why it takes more time and it sucks :) oh btw I started to write an erased fanfic. I didn't post year but still. So enjoy:



I watched the kids escape, I didn't really care to be honest and I was really glad that they didn't introduce Gon to Chrollo. Even though I was sure that he wouldn't of wanted to join the Troupe. After all he's still a kid and I would've felt guilty if he did join the Troupe. Even though I didn't know why.

I rubbed my tired eyes, feeling the visible eye bags under than while doing so. I sighed and stood up. Not caring what the other would think, I did let Gon and Killua esxcape, I could've stopped them If I would've wanted it. But I didn't. So they were free and I, well I was about to leave. Maybe forever, maybe for a while. I didn't know where I wanted to go and I didn't have any money. But still, I would leave this place.

I left the ruin of a building and walked through the miserable neighborhood. Some people crossed my way, but they didn't even look at me.

I then came to a stop at the bus station and sat onto the bench. Quietly listening to the sounds around me and just blending out everything and everyone. I knew that, even if I leave the country, the Phantom Troupe will find me. Maybe this isn't a good idea. I thought and looked at the street in front of me. Then I heard the bus and I looked up. It stopped in front of me and opened the doors. I climbed into the bus and sat down into a seat in the back.

I heard my phone make a sound and I pulled it out of my bag. Hm that's odd. I stared at the number, I didn't know who it was.
- thanks y/n for letting us escape.
I raised an eyebrow at the text. Was this Gon or was it Killua. Nevermind it dosen't matter.


no problem kid -
I'm glad that you didn't
join the troupe -

- oh Yeah I'm glad that gon didnt join too.

oh so you're killua? -


we're are you staying at? -


I got no respond. I put my phone down and leaned against the window. My eyes closed and I slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder. „Sorry to wake you up, but that's the last bus stop." I Heard them say. I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed over them, looking to my side I saw the bus driver. I jumped out of the seat. „Sorry", I mumbled and I heard him laugh. „No problem kid", he said and I got out of the bus. Waving at the man when he turned around. I was in the middle of no where. Okay not really. I was at the other side of the city. My phone rang in my pockets. I ignored it and walked to the bench of the bus station. Pulling it out as soon as I sat down. I groaned as I saw that Chrollo was calling me. Oh shit! I should've turned it off, they sure can track me.

Due to the fact that they mostly knew were I was, I picked up the phone. „Sup?" I asked with an annoyed tone in my voice. „Come to the cemetery building and do your thing", I rolled my eyes. "Do your thing" was also used as: kill some people and just mess everything and everyone up. „No." I said rudely. But before I could push the bottom to end the call, Chrollo interrupted me. „No?" it sounded dangerous, as if he's about to do something. „I don't accept a no." he explained in a threatening voice. I clicked my tongue, but I was shacking at my whole body. I knew that this wouldn't end up well. „I am at the other end of the city!" I explained, changing my strategy. I heard him groan. „Fine", I almost dropped my phone. Fine? He really said it was okay? Wtf?! With that he ended the call.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now