Chapter 12

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Lmao this chapter is so short but I am so tired, I almost fall asleep, so yeah. Ah and the chapter ends weird because I am tired af. But have fun Ig. Ah yeah and sorry for not updating I wasnt really in a good mood in the last time and I alo was really stressed so i did forget it... anyway have fun!


(word count: 758) [edited]

How I hated hot-air balloons. I sighed and closed my eyes, I thought about what had happened on the roof top. I fucked up.

We were above an desert but then I heard something and the balloon rushed to the ground. I easily jumped out of it on time, so I wouldn't get hurt. I groaned in annoyance. Why of all does this shit keeps happening to me? I questioned and pulled my hood up. I don't know why I did so, I just had the feeling that I have to, so I did. It was obviously the mafia that shot a hole in the stupid hot-air balloon. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Not really listening to the others, like I wasn't a part of them. Well I actually wasn't. "Make some noise", I heard Chrollo say and I sighed, acting like I didn't hear him. And the others began to get loud. It's not like we would tell them where we are. I thought sarcastically and stared lazily at the ground. My head slowly began to throb and I sighed in pain. "What about you", I heard Chrollo say in my direction and I shrugged. Still looking at the ground. "I am not in the mood for this", I finally respond and for once in my life he let me be.

Soon some weird ass guys showed up. I guess they are those Shadow Beasts Uvo was talking about. I thought and looked at the others, while Uvo told us that he would take care of the Shadow Beasts. He then walked up to them and the other members did whatever they wanted to, what mainly consisted of waiting for Uvogin and passing time.

I stood there, I didn't know whether I should join the card game or not. I decided to join them. The game was quite boring and I couldn't really focus onwit because of the noise Uvo and the Beasts made while fighting.

"Why the long face y/n?", I heard Sharnack chuckle and I shook my head at him, playing a random card. "You lost", Machi informed and I shrugged, slowly standing up and stepping away from them. 

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulders. I flinched at the sudden touch. I didn't even turn around to know who it was. "You can't focuse y/n, You're getting weak", Chrollos grip tightened. I didn't try to get out of his grip, I was actually to lazy and tired. I closed my eyes and waited for something else. His grip tightened even more. But I ignored it. Why is he always such a dick to me? I kept silent. "I am just worried, you know", but it didn't really sounded like he was. I am 17 almost 18 and he still has control over me, pathetic. I let out a sharp breath. Then I had the feeling that someone watched us, no they watched Uvo, killing those people. My eyes flashed yellow. Huh, weird. "Someone is watching us", I told Chrollo and I could tell that he was nodding. "I know, but they aren't dangerous", he told me, it sounded like he wanted to calm me down, I then got out of his grip, stepping away from him and pulled the hood deeper into my face. I clicked my tongue. "As if I would care, they can't hurt any of us", I said and crossed my arms in front of my chest. I focused on a point in the direction I assumed our watchers to be. They were actually pretty far away from us and I was too 100 precent sure that two of them were called Kurapika and Melody.

I saw in the corner of my eyes how Chrollo reached out an arm. I flinched, scared that he would slap me, but he just patted my head and walked away. "You should look after them", he said it casually but it sounded like a command. I knew that this wasn't a good Idea, but I kept quite again. I wouldn't look after them.

Well it turned out that I would.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now