Chapter 23

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Bro tf two updates innert two days?! I must've been bored lmao [edited]

I looked around at the crowded airport. Feeling Gons and Leorios concerned look on me and I had the feeling that even Killua seemed concerned. „Are you sure y/n?" Leorio then asked and I gave him a confused look, mostly because he asked my that over and over again the last few minutes. „Yes, now shut up", I grumbled and continued to look around on the air port. A loud sound let me snap out of my thoughts. „Flight 206 is about to leave, please make your way to the airship", the voice said and I turned to the airship. Then I turned to look back at Gon and Killua. „Promise we'll meet again!" Gon shouted and waved at us. I nodded and smiled. „Yep and make sure you guys are okay! Leorio keep an eye on them", I yelled back, a big smile on my face. I could see how Leorio grabbed melody on her arm and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and then joined Kurapika and me to went in the airship. I quickly found our compartment and opened the wooden door to it. I gasped as I saw the luxury of it. „What the fuck", I muttered and then ignored all of it and walked to the window to wave at Gon, Leorio and Killua until I couldn't see them anymore. Then I walked over to the comfy couch and laid myself down, yawning loudly. Melody was quietly humming to herself and Kurapika was reading some book. To be honest I easily got bored.


„Are you sure", the Voice was quite, more likely a whisper, but I was still able to hear it and sadly it woke me up. I finally opened my eyes and looked around, but it was dark around me, well mostly dark, beside of a little lamp in the corner of the room, the light didn't even reach me. I sat up in confusion and turned to look at Kurapika, who sat next to that little lamp, still reading his book. I turned to look for melody but she had fallen asleep on the seat she was sitting in. „Where you talking to me?" I whispered into the silence and I saw how Kurapikas head snapped up to look at me. He gave me a confused look. „I didn't say anything", he said and continued reading, I frowned and stood up, stretching my legs a bit and then turned to leave the compartment, just as I was about to leave I turned around again. „Imma get some snacks or something, should I bring you something too?" I asked and leant against the wall, focusing my gaze on Kurapikas dark frame, he gave me a small nod then it looked like he was in thought. „coffee, black and um bread?" the last one sounded like a question, I had to laugh a bit. „Bread, it has a goddamn McDonald's and you choose bread?" for some reason I continued laughing, accidentally waking up melody, she gave me a confused look, then turned to Kurapika for an explanation, but he just shrugged. „Bread and coffee jeez your so weird" I said between laugher and both of them gave me a weird look. I stopped laughing and turned around to leave. „Don't you dare bring that disgusting McDonald's coffee", Kurapika grumbled threatening and I scoffed. „How deep do you think I fell, never! that shit is fucking disgusting", I didn't hear his answer then I slammed the door shut and left, walking into the main area and looked around for some kind of vending machine for snacks. The main area was huge, more likely a building. „Shit that's something" I mumbled and looked around. Seeing some coffee shop or something.

A little ring was heard in the empty café as I entered it. „How can I help you", the man behind the counter asked. I shrugged. „I'd like a black coffee and um (whatever coffee thingy you want), oh yeah and do you have some cakes and pastries, like croissants or something" I said and grinned at him, looking for some money in my pants. Not finding any. „Shit, um can I pay with my hunter license?" I asked and the guy gave me a confused look. „Well it dosen't exactly work like a credit card, the stuff is free for you then", he explained and grumbled an: „Always these arrogant hunters", thinking I didn't hear him, I scoffed. Grabbed the stuff he gave me, I obviously had to show him my hunter license, then I left the shop and mumbled a: „fucking prick"


„I'm back", I said as I entered the compartment, putting the bag with croissant on the table and putting the both cups of coffee beside it. The only light that lightened the dark room was still that little lamp and I turned to look to Melody who was sleeping again, then I sat back on the couch and grabbed a croissant and the coffee. „How much was it?" Kurapika asked and was about to pull out some money, I grinned, raising my hand so he'd stop. „For free", I said and started eating the croissant, slurping some coffee between the bites. „Jeez I haven't had a coffee for so long", I said and sat more back into the couch, not getting any reaction from him. So we fell into an awkward silence. I eyed Kurapika curiously while he was eating and still reading that book. I noticed the dark circles under his eyes, or the constantly worried look in his eyes. Jeez, that guy is too stressed, how old is he 17? No 18? „Is something wrong", he asked and finally looked up to me. Maybe it was because of the lightning, but he looked so exhausted and his eye bags looked even bigger now. „When is the last time you did sleep properly?" I asked, giving him a concerned look while taking another sip from my now empty coffee. I put the cup on the table, not letting him out of my sight. „I could ask you the same", he mumbled and leaned a bit forward to see me better. I scoffed at him. „Well I asked you first, so?" he sighted and put now the empty cup of coffee also onto the table. „Maybe a week?" if I would've been still drinking my coffee, I would've spit it out, probably in his face, but I wasn't so I just coughed weirdly. „That's Not healthy you know", I informed him, though he obviously knew that himself, he glanced at me and rubbed over his trembles. „Well what about you?" he asked and shrugged, grinning smugly. „Tonight",
„You slept for half an hour",
„I won't ask again, when is the last time you sleep properly?" he asked again and I frowned in thoughts. Leaning back into my seat. „Yesterday night, but you woke me up", I answered, giving him a annoyed look at the last part of my sentence. „You slept for about an hour back then", he told me and a small grin plastered itself on his lips as he saw how I crossed my arms and looked defeated to the ground. We fell back into silence for quite some time.

„Okay Deal, we both sleep now and-„ I interrupted myself as I saw how Kurapika had fallen asleep in his seat. His head rested on his hand and he was breathing slowly. I had to smile a little, then I stood up to turn of the lamp. Just as I was about to turn it off, Kurapika woke up again, giving me a confused look. „Sleep!" I commanded and turned the lamp off, stumbling clumsily back to the couch, almost falling over the small table between the couch and Kurapikas comfy seat. As I arrived at the couch I laid down and immediately fell asleep.


„wake up", was the first thing I heard in the morning, the next thing was some weird noises and then how someone shook me softly. I opened my eyes, squinting at the bright light that hit me. I sat up and looked around, but something was blocking my view, it was my jacked that I had dropped to the ground as I entered the room. „Jeez, someone have got up on the wrong side", I mumbled tiredly and grabbed the jacked out of the air. „get up already", Kurpika commanded and went to leave the compartment. I sighted and stood up, following him out of the room and then out of the airship. „Where the fuck are we even going?" I asked as we approached melody who was waiting for us on the airport. „You'll see", I looked around in confusion, the location looked weirdly familiar. „What the fuck are we doing here?!" I shouted and the next thing I knew that Kurapika shoved me a file in the face. My file, the file light Nostrade gave me. „We're gonna meet your parents", Kurapika then stated and I almost dropped the file and my jacked, letting out a loud groan. „I love you and everything, but I start to believe that I just met you, that you can torture me", I grumbled while following him and Melody outside. „Excuse me, what was that?" Kurapika asked and I scoffed, feeling how I heat up at the same time. What the fuck was that?

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now