Chapter 6

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(1000 words) [edited]

I stood next to Kurapika and Gon and watched Leorio step into the darkness of the cave. "I hope Ponzu really is in there," I said a little worriedly and sat down on the floor. I propped my head in my hands and continued to look at the entrance. "I'm pretty sure she's in there," Kurapika said, sitting down next to me. He was far too close to me, really far too close. I felt my heart start to race and I blushed, so I just kept staring at the cave entrance. "Aunty Mito once said that I was better than a sniffer dog," (A/N: Idk how to call it) I heard Gon settle down next to Kurapika. I turned my head towards him. "She really said that," I finally asked and Gon nodded. "Yup," I had to smirk a little and continued the conversation, across Kurapika, with Gon. Suddenly I felt an intense gaze on me and I turned to look at Kurapika, who now quickly turned his head towards the cave entrance, little did I know, that he tried to hid a blush. I smiled at him, then I layed down to the ground and looked into the sky, which was orange from the setting sun. I yawned loudly and closed my eyes, I slowly drifted into dream land. A pair of grey eyes, under which it shimmered red, on me.


A gentle shaking woke me and I opened my eyes tiredly. I sat up quickly and looked around. "Half an hour has already passed," Kurapika said as I looked at him, a little confused that he had woken me up. Gon just nodded affirmatively and I finally got up.

We were now standing in front of the cave entrance, looking into the darkness. We all called down into the darkness at the same time. "Leorio?" no answer. I panicked a little bit. "Leorio?!" no answer. Fuck it. And with that I ran down into the dark. I saw Leorio lying on the floor full of bloody little bites. Ponzu was sitting on the opposite side of the room and looked up at me. "What the fuck did you do to him," I asked loudly and stepped closer to her. I heard Leorio whimper softly and turned back to him. "I tried to warn him, but he didn't listen," Ponzu shrugged and explained why Leorio was full of bite sores. I sighed in annoyance. Well, thank you very much.


I couldn't believe it, even though I had assumed that I would pass the hunter exam, it was strange to hold the licence in my hands. But I couldn't think too much about that now because I had decided to go with Gon, Kurapika and Leorio to pick up Killua at the Zoldycks. Yeah fuck ya Chrollo!


We were sitting in the airship when my cell phone suddenly rang loudly and I pulled it out of my pocket. Chrollo, it wrote on the display. I sighed loudly and then finally picked it up: while Leorio, Kurapika and Gon just kept chatting, I stepped out of the compartment after all. "What do you want," I asked irritably, my voice dropping. " Now now, please don't be rude kid, from what I have heard from Illumi, you passed," I gave an annoyed sigh. "Did you expect anything else," I asked sweetly. "Of course not."

"Why are you calling", i asked and heard him sight in annoyance. I smiled a bit proud of myself, because i annoyed him. "Where are you," he asked and i looked around for a moment. "In an airship," I replied, finally. "I don't expect you to come to me, I don't really give a shit where you are, however I do expect you to be in YorkNew City in September ." I drew in a sharp breath."And why?" he didn't give me an answer. "Hello," he still didn't answer. "I swear, Chrollo, if you're not gonna answer, I'll won't come," he gave an annoyed sigh. If I had been standing in front of him at that moment, he would have probably punched me. "You'll see it there," he said at last and I sucked in my breath in annoyance. "That's it? That's your fucking answer?!" i was so close to smack my phone to the floor, but i knew it wouldn't break anyways. (A/N: just imangine its like an unbreakable nokia, but bigger) "Yes thats my answer", he then hung up the call.

I calmed myself down and stepped back into the compartment where my three friends had been talking all the time. I then sat down again next to Leorio at the window.


My gaze wandered out of the huge window and I sighed loudly. In my head, I kept going over the conversation with Chrollo. I was trying to find out, why exactly we had to meet up in September in Yorknew, but I wouldn't get any idea. "You'll see it there," I repeated in my head for what must have been the tenth time. "Oh shush it Chrollo," I said quietly to myself and leaned my head against the window.

Kurapika, who was watching me curiously, straightened up in his seat and leaned towards me. "Say (y/n)," he started and my gaze jerked briefly in his direction but then slid carelessly back out the window. "Who called you? You seem kinda irritated since then," he eyed me briefly and I felt myself blushing again. Fuck, why do I keep getting this feeling? It makes me sick. I finally shrugged my shoulders. "Oh, just my brother," I said finally and turned my head to him again. I smiled at him briefly, then leaned back in my seat and listened to Gon and Leorio's conversation.


So um, yeah, I know this chapter is kinda short, but I like it. Anyways I hope you like it too. I guess in the next chapter, they will go to the Zoldyck-House and begin the training or end it yk. Okay I have to be honest, I don›t know what I meant with, ‹yk›, because I don›t even know, what I meant with the sentence lol. Ok anywaysssss, i should sleep bc I have school tomorrow lol.

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