Chapter 9

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Did I say I will upload more? Yes, yes I did. Did I do it? No, no I didn't. Well anyway. So my friend found my Wattpad account, so I'm gonna say hi to you. Anyway so... I am gonna be honest, I am really lazy butttt... yeah theres nothing anymore. Anyway so I have school camp next week so I won't update again. Heh. The Author is lazy af sorry lol. Anyway to my two readers or something... enjoy :)

Ah yeah that's now for idk any saiki simp or whatever, I'll start a book with him after I'm done with that... You don't have to wait long *cough cough*


(word count: 1920) [Edited]

!TW: loss of weight! (Not much and not on purpose, but still I don't want that someone gets triggered bc of me), light swearing, 

I looked at the wall in front of me. I was tired and had big rings under my eyes. I took a sip from my coffee and laid down on the uncomfortable bed. Even I just drank a lot of coffee I fell asleep quickly. 

Almost a half year had passed since I had left the little cottage. I had been living on the streets near YorkNew city for about a month, then I looked for a Job and afterward I came back to Meteor city to live in my old apartment. Though I didn't really like it, it was messy, unclean and I didn't had the best memories about it.

I sat up on my bed, remembering that I had to leave soon, so I'd be on time for the arrival on Yorknew city. I sighed and then stood up, grabbed my backpack, where I had put everything I needed the day before, but on my outworn boots and grabbed my jacket. I really didn't wanna go, but I had to, so I left the wrecked apartment.

As I stepped in the rain, I put on my hood. I walked out of the ugly location- the apartment was - and went to the little train station, on my way to York New, again. I had lost some weight over the past months, either because I didn't had any money, though I could use my hunter license, or because I was too exhausted to stand up and leave my bed.


I looked around the dirty and somehow destroyed room. I scrunched my nose in disgust. "From all the houses that are around here, Chrollo had to pick the ugliest one." I hissed under my breath and groaned. I let go of my backpack and sat down on a block of cement. "y/n what a-", the person who came up from behind me, stopped to find the right words. "-lovely surprise", I sighed and turned around. "Mhm, I still don't like you", he grinned and walked up to one of the windows in the old ruin, swung himself up to it and sat on the window frame. "Are we the first ones who had arrived", I asked lazily and looked up to him, Hisoka was still grinning. "Obviously not", I rolled annoyed my eyes and sighed. I literally hate it here, I thought to myself and grabbed my backpack again, leaving the ruin without a word. I knew that my windbreaker wouldn't be able to hold back the rain any longer, I walked straight to the bus station, deciding to look around the familiar city.

The bus had arrived after a few minutes and I reached in my pockets to get the hunter license, so I could show it the bus driver. He didn't respond and after I got into a seat, I could hear the bus starting and began to drive. I looked out the window and watched the raindrops running down at it. I smiled and closed my eyes. For my luck I didn't fell asleep, beause I would've probably passed the station I had to get out. Though I didn't exactly had a clue where I was heading anyway.

The rain had stopped, when I climed out from the bus. I was now in the middle of the city, or so I thought, it was actually pretty warm, when I got out of the bus, so I  could undress my jacket. I put my hands lazily in my pants pockets and walked down the street, I had arrived on. Around me where little pups, weird  bars, a big casino and some strip clubs. Perfect for Leorio, I giggled and walked past a bar where some drunk guy walked out of it, just to throw up in front of it. I didn't even raised an eyebrow while I watched the man passing out, I was used to these sort of those streets, so I wasn't surprised when I heard a voice behind me. "Hey kiddo? Aren't you in the wrong street", some guy behind me wondered, I didn't even turned to him, I just ignored him. "I mean, Isn't it dangerous down here, don't you think something bad could happen to a young kid like you?" his voice went from kinda worried to kinda creepy. I didn't respond and just continued to walk down the street. I felt him grabbing my collar from behind. I sighed in annoyance, while he turned me around and grabbed in my h/c hair. I felt a sharp knife at my throat. "And now, are you scared?" I could smell the alcohol from his mouth. I scrunched my nose in disgust. "Not in the slightest sir", I responded lazily and looked him straight in the eyes, while he raised his fist. "No? So give me your fucking money and I will let you go kid", his eyes got smaller and he looked mad at me. I began to laugh at his pathetic shit. "Do you think that's funny?" I stopped laughing but still grinned at him with a procative look. Then I leaned closer to his ear. "C'mon my beauty, let go of me", his eyes got white instantly and he let go of me. "And now", I grinned in a somehow maniac way. While the guy was waiting for his next task. "Give me you're stupid money and drown yourself in the next thing with water." He gave me his money and ran off. I grinned proudly to myself and continue walking. 

When I turned into the next street, the location was getting better. There were at least no strip clubs any more and the people looked a bit more kind. At some street lamp I found a flyer of a market more in the heart of the city. I was glad, because it was still there. So I walked past it as fast as I could, after I asked a kind old women where to go. I arrived after 20 Minutes of jogging and looked amazed around it. It was actually pretty big and there were so many stands. I smiled, for the first time in months because of happiness, or a sort of.

I walked around and saw so many stands that were fascinating to me. I guess my face had lit up and didn't looked that mean because some people, even kids, smiled at me. I just ignored the people and looked still around, when I arrived at a big group of people standing around. I got curious and asked some guy, what was happening. "There's a little boy who won every battle in arm wrestling", I nodded still curious and pushed myself through the crowd, slowly getting more at the middle of it. I wonder who this little boy is, maybe I could beat him. As I arrived, after fighting myself through the crowd, in the middle of it, I saw a table, with someone's back to us, who was obviously struggling to hold on it.

Sadly the strong man was in the way, so I couldn't see the boy yet. I panted, I was exhausted from the little battle through the crowd, the most people there were Idiots who didn't stepped out of the way so I had to push them a bit. I watched the struggling man standing up and let my look at the boy who thanked the depressed man for the fight. I chocked at my own spit as I saw the kid, I also recognized the other two. And I would've loved to turn my back to them and run away through the crowd but it was to late, of course.

"Does anybody else wanna arm wrestle against this young and invincible man?" Leorio walked around in the big circle around them and looked closely in the crowd. I put back on my hood and looked down to the ground. I knew that Leorio was disappointed that no one else volunteered and I heard something dropping on the floor and it jingled in it. I guess they had made a lot of money, I smiled at this thought. "What about you?" Leorio finally said and I had the feeling that some eyes were landing on me. I panicked and stared more intense at the ground. "I mean you there in the (color) windbreaker", he explained and I rolled my eyes. Fuck, nothing with: sneaking quietly and unnoticed away. "I am good, I don't have money anyway", I rejected him. "Don't be a pussy kid", I heard someone behind me and felt how they pushed me in the middle. I got irritated. "pussy yourself", I grumbled and walked back again. "What was that kid?" I heard the same voice asking me from behind. I sighed louldy. "I said that you're a pussy yourself, you don't have the balls either to fight against him, you're scared old man", I stated and looked into the man's eyes. "What did you say", he screamed now and he charged with his raised fist at me.

I dodged him, still with my back to Gon, Leorio and Killua, then I knocked him out quickly and rubbed my sweaty palms at my trousers. I sighed annoyed. Why do I keep getting in fights, I asked myself and groaned, then I kicked the man in the side and went to push myself out of the crowd again. But I felt how someone grabbed my shoulder and held me back. "You shouldn't kick someone after you won against them and they're unconscious at the ground already." I heard Gon say, I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes. "Be happy that I didn't killed him kid", I said and I pushed myself out of his grip, then I walked through the crowd, the people got out of my way to make me some space, but I knew Gon good enough to know that he would probably follow me. "Let it be", I heard Killua behind me and I felt how,I assumed it was, Gon grabbed my wrist. I groaned again.  I wasn't here for my 'friends' - I wouldn't call it friends tho, but whatever – I was here for doing my job. "Listen to you're friend, let it be, there's no point in holding me back", I felt his grip tightening and I scrunched my eyes together. He didn't respond. It was silent all around us, everyone in the crowd was watching us. "Please let me-" he cut me up. "No I won't, why don't you fight me, like you did with the man before", he asked louldy and I got annoyed by him. But I knew that he got me, I was trapped.

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