Chapter 7

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(word count: 839) [edited]

I looked at the huge door, no it wasn't just a door. It was a gate that consisted of seven doors. I hardly listened to the tourist guide, I wasn't about to get back on the bus anyway. Suddenly, two big guys stepped out of the tourist group and threatened the guard from the guardhouse. They took the key and went through the small gate next to it. A scream was heard, then a growl, then two skeletons were pushed out of the gate again by a huge paw. While all the tourists ran into the car, my three friends and I just stood still.


"So, you are friends of the master Killua," zebro, the guard that was guarding the gate, stated. "I am happy for him-" the friendly guard just rambled on. I sighed and looked out the small window of the cottage, only to find that the sun was already setting. I sighed again, then after what felt like hours, we walked in front of the huge main gate.

I watched with a slight smirk on my lips, how Leorio tried to open the door hopelessly. He really struggeled at it. "That didn't really work out, ya know", I snickered at him and he looked annoyed at me. "I know that idiot," he scoffed. "Give me the key," Gon demanded and I stared at him in shock. "Gon please," I said calmingly and took a step towards him. I didn't want to risk him becoming a skeleton too. Gon simply ignored me and turned to the guard. "I'll go through the intruder entrance if I can't get in any other way, I just want to see my friend," I understood him somehow, even if the word 'friend' was still a bit too far away for me. The guard then suggested that we call the butler's office, which turned out to be a useless attempt.


Gon stormed out of the house after the call and we looked after him a little confused. "God that kid is so emotional," Leorio observed and I nodded. "Do you know what he actually wants outside?" I asked and a knowing expression twitched over Kurapikas face. "I think he wants to climb over the wall," Kurapika said and as if on cue, we ran outside. Gon had already swung his fishing rod over the end of the wall. "Gon don't do that!" called Leorio in a bit of a panic and I rushed to Gon with big steps, then grabbed him by the arm as if it would bring him back to his senses. "Believe me, you really don't want that," Zebro said and pushed open the first gate, then he instructed us to follow him. Of course we followed him and he called for a huge dog. I froze in fear, the animal looked really scary.

With a wave of his hand he told us to follow him, which of course we did. We followed him to a wooden house and he told us that we should spend the night there. I just nodded, to be honest I was too exhausted to say anything. Zebro pushed open the heavy door and we followed him into the cottage. "I'm Back", he shouted through the house. After a short moment, a man - who smoked a cigarette - walked down some stairs opposite us. "Oh, we have guests. That's very rare here," he took a drag on his cig. "Guys thats Seaquant, he works here with me." we all nodded and went to a table, where we could sit down. Zebro brought us some tea and also Seaquant sat down with us. "So you wanna meet master Killua?" Zebro asked and I heard Seaquant choke at his cig. "Yup," I answered and cracked a smile. "I don't think this is possible," Seaquant said very quietly, though we all heard him. "Why," Gon asked curiously. I guessed we all tried to see through Seaquant with our glances, bc he rubbed his neck. I smiled. "No one, not a single person ever got to the mansion." I looked at him, waiting for more, but there didn't come anything more. "Just forget it, its not worth-" he got cut up by Zebro. "We could train them for a while until they can open the first door." I looked at him in surprise. "That would be so cool," I said exited , through I thought that I might be able to open it already, and Zebro smiled kindly at me. I smiled back and looked over to Seaquant who suddenly stood up from his chair. "Well I have to go, shift change." he explained while he stubbed out his cig in the ashtray on the table. We watched him step outside and the door closed behind him. Then Zebro stood up and went into another room. "I think this'll be easy", Leorio stated and grinned very sure of himself. I smirked at him, pretty sure about that he will grouch about it after we started with the training.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now