Chapter 4

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(1200 words) [edited]

Number 34? Who the hell is that supposed to be? I looked around the group of 25 people, there! A tall guy with brown hair who didn't cover his number plate well enough, but I kept my poker face and let my gaze glide through the group again, this time I stuck to each candidate. Then we all got into the ship. I wasn't really tired, especially with the sun beating down on my face, but I still had to yawn a little. 


"Say," I turned to Kurapika, who had been very quiet in the room we were stuck in for the 50 hours. He hummed in response and looked over to me. "How many books did you actually read in the room," he thought for a moment."About twenty I believe, why?" I stared at him open-mouthed, which made him smile a little. "Twenty books? That's more than I've ever read in my entire life," we both started to laugh, then remained silent. I sighed softly. "Tell me (y/n)," I turned my head to face him, "How did you do that," I looked at him perplexed. "Did what," I asked a little confused.

"How did you force the woman to kill herself", he sounded genuinely interested in the information. I smiled a little proudly, then slowly leaned over to him. "I guess I am very persuasive," I hummed in his ear and I could see how he tensed up, a startled look in his eyes, when I moved away from him he shook his head and turned to me. I grinned in satisfaction, it was almost easy. 

"That wasn't very pleasant," Kurapika said as he found his voice again. "Don't worry, it's normal," I grinned and the next moment the boat stopped and Kurapika stood up, he then held out his hand to me and I took it.


I walked across the small bridge and then into the dark forest. Number 34 was the person who had just gone into the forest before me. I looked around, but there was nothing to be seen of him. I sighed loudly, it would have been too easy. I sighed again, then I made my way out of the forest to get to the highest point of the island. Unaware that someone was following me every step.


Panting, I now stood on one of the highest points of the island, leaning against the only tree on the small area. I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed in the thin air. A fresh wind blew through my hair (A/N: sorry if your hair is so short, that no wind can blow through it lol) and I decided to put on my jacket. I looked around the place and realised that there was nowhere to hide, but I couldn't be seen from below either. 

It would be a bit stupid if someone had the same idea as me. I thought and had to smile a little. If it were Tompa, I would probably throw him over the cliff. A soft giggle escaped me as I imagined Tompa plunging into the abyss with a gentle push. 

I braced myself from the tree and pulled my spyglass out of my (color) bag. I looked around curiously, of course I couldn't see the whole island and I couldn't make out who I could see throught my spyglasses, nor could I exactly see what they were doing. I slowly turned to the side of the 'mountain' I had my back turned to and froze when I saw number 34 opposite me on another platform, also watching me with spyglasses. My eyes widened a little, then I started moving and scurried down the 'mountain'. On the way down I pulled one of my knives out of my pocket.

If my Nen also has any less of an effect on him than on the psycho aunt from Trick Tower, I really get pissed.


I looked at the man with the number 34 on his plate. He was taller than me.  I grinned and let my bag fall down to the floor. I held my knife in my hand and put the other one in my overall pockets."You don't even hide your number plate? That's very brave, or are you just stupid", I just shrugged and looked at him.  "I don't know. Why don't you tell me?" I asked sedutively, and he looked a bit confused."Ah you use Nen, um let me guess, you're a manipulation type, are you?" I sucked in a sharp breath. 

why the fuck does he know that?

The man in front of me grinned triumphantly. "So I'm right?" Of course you're right, you idiot! I didn't answer. He was still smiling, he obviously thought he was going to win this fight, what an dumbass. I smiled back, even though he wasn't really smiling at me, more because of the situation. "Oh man, you're dead." I informed him and ran towards him so fast he could barely see me. Before he knew it, I had hit him hard on the chin. He stumbled back a few steps and I saw him spitting blood. I grinned. "You really thought you were going to win this," I laughed in amusement. He didn't react to my statement. He looked at me in surprise. "So you got skills," of course I got skills! Bro, I'm the sibling of the leader of the Phantom Troupe. I shrugged off his - obviously - stupid question. "I guess so," I answered his question, which wasn't really a question. 

Without warning, I jumped over him and kicked him in the back. He fell headfirst to the ground and I walked over to him and sat on his back. While holding my knife to his neck, I reached down to his ear. "If you tell me where you hide your plate, I won't kill you," I whispered and smiled at his skin, then sat up straight. As I sat up on his back, I added a soft, "Maybe," to my sentence.

I felt the guy start to tremble, but I was also aware that he wasn't going to give in. With a gentle smile, I pushed his head to the ground and then roughly stuck it back up in the air. "You're not going to tell me, are you?" I smiled again and hit his head on the floor again, I repeated this a few times until he passed out. Then I stood up and turned him over. I saw some of his teeth on the floor. His face was dirty and covered in blood. I looked for his number plate and finally found it in his pocket, where I also found the card that had the number of the person he should have taken. The number 45 was written on it, or rather, my number was written on the card. That's why he didn't run away from me and fight me, or at least he tried to. I heard a soft gasp from him, then before he knew it I had already slit his throat and his blood spurted out at me. Ew.


Dude I am so sorry, I knew I told you, that I'm gonna write the hunter exam in this part, or better said: I end it in this part, but I messed up lol. And I swear by my soberness, that in the next chapter will be more Kurapika our love of life. I kinda forgot that this is a Kurapika x reader story haha.

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