Chapter 26

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Did I stay up all night and wrote some chapters, no... yes [edited]

I shot up of my bed, looking around in panic, just to see myself in the room I had been living in for the past 3 months. I stood up from the almost hot bed and took of the shirt I gad been sleeping in, it was disgusting and sweaty. Then I put on some other clothes, knowing damn well that they'd be sweaty innert two minutes. I walked into the small living room, that was completely in the dark, though it was quite I heard a phone buzz. I looked around the dark room, trying to find where it came from and saw that it was on the kitchen table. I walked over to it and grabbed the phone. Leorio. It read and just as I was about to answer the call, I felt how someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around in surprise. „Don't pick it up, I will call back later", Kurapika said sternly and I sighed. Feeling how my whole body heat up, though I didn't know if it was because of Kurapika, or the fever I had. I felt how he put his other hand onto my forehead, I shuddered under his cold touch. „You should go rest now", but I stayed and walked to open the curtains, sweat trickling down my face and I felt really dizzy. „I know you won't call him back, that's the third time he called this week", I grumbled as I grabbed the water Kurapika gave me and before he knew it I snatched away his phone, that he took earlier, and called Leorio back. „Finally, I wasn't able to reach you for so long", he seemed calm but stressed at the same time. I kept quite, not really know how to answer, beside I got really cold out of the sudden. „Um, Leorio, here's y/n, sorry Kurapika didn't want to call back", I glanced at Kurapika, while I felt another wave of hotness wash over me. Kurapika, again, stretched out his arm to press his cool hand against my forehead. „You're hot, go back to bed again", he almost commanded but I just ignored him. „Huh? Y/n, what did Kurapika just say?" I could hear the smirk in his voice and internally face palmed, one reason why you shouldn't call back Leorio, are those type of conversations, that I mostly tried to avoid. „I have a fever, jeez don't take everything in that way", I answered and rolled my eyes at him, feeling suddenly better because I could turn him down a little. „Why did you call in the first place?" I asked, actually curious about his answer, while ignoring Kurapikas warning glances, or the fact that he was still pressing his cold hand against my forehead and if I wouldn't be pissed at him right now, I would maybe enjoy it. „Oh, just wanted to check up on you guys, but it seems like everything is fine, beside of the fever, well see ya!" with that he hung up and I sighed, giving Kurapika his phone back. „Bed, now"


„Hey, aren't you suppose to pay me or something?" I asked as I walked into the small living room the next day. Kurapikas head shot up and turned around in my direction. He looked me up and down, seeing that I looked a lot better than the day before. „My existence is your payment", I raised both of my eyebrow in surprise. Well that wasn't what I was expecting. I thought while walking quickly past him, so he wouldn't see the slight blush on my cheeks. „Or at least that is what you would say", I deadpanned and closed the fridge I just took some yogurt out of it. „So? You said you'd pay me", I turned around and sat down on the kitchen table, staring intensely at him. He let out a small chuckle as he saw how annoyed I was. „Well, we don't exactly have much money at the moment, the hunter licenses pretty much saved us", I frowned and started eating the yogurt in deep thoughts. „Beside, I didn't promise you anything, you just assumed I would pay you", I let out a small groan, of course he'd say that. I continued eating my yogurt in silemce. „Wait! Aren't you suppose to be rich?! After all, you took over Light Nostrades position, for quite some time", Kurapika looked up from the laptop in front of him, looking at me in thoughts. „I suppose you're right, but I still can't pay you", I growled at him and then snatched away the laptop, skimming over what he was reading and then easily finding some job that had to do something with it, then I spinned the laptop to show him. Kurapika gasped in surprise. „How did you do that?" he asked and gave me a confused look, I grinned. „ I have my ways" I said and stood up to put the empty cup of yogurt into the trash can. „I was looking for this job the whole night", he said in awe, still staring onto the website I was on. I held back a laugh. „You should start to ask for help, it'll be easier and we would be faster", I told him and walked back to the table. „You were sick", he said sternly and I rolled my eyes at him. „I believe you got sick because you were overwhelmed by all that work, beside you haven't really eaten, drunken nor did you sleep", he somehow scolded me and glanced at me. I rolled my eyes again, seeing the dark circles under his eyes. „And you did? Go to bed now! You haven't slept in days either, you'll get sick too", I saw his eye twitch as I eyed him closely, examine his face, then I stretched out my hand to touch his cheek. Giving him a worried look. „But before you do that you should eat something properly", with that I stood up an began to cook some noodles with sauce.


I felt how someone ruffled over my hair the next morning, well it was already noon, but due the fact that both of us woke up pretty late, was it morning. I could convince Kurapika to get some rest and I myself did sleep quite sometime too. „Morning", I greeted him and felt how he put his hand on my head, just standing next to me and staring at the groceries I had bought earlier. I was sitting on the chair in front of them, while taking some notes about the job we would be doing in two weeks. Kurapika just stood there, looking over my shoulders at the notes I was taking, his hand still resting on my head, softly stroking my hair. I could sense that he was in a better mood, since he slept enough. „Honestly, as we met first I didn't thought that you could be responsible", I snickered and put away my pen. „Sometimes I actually hate your honesty", I smiled and rested my head on my hand. Kurapika ruffled my hair again, then he sat in front of me. „About the payment", he trailed of and I raised my hand in a dismissing manner. „I was just kidding, jeez don't take everything seriously I say", I said and eyed him closely. The big eye bags were gone, well they were still visible but I didn't expect them to vanish after one night of good rest. But his skin also didn't look as pale as the day before. I stretched out my hand, gripping his chin and leaned closer to get a better look.

Kurapika didn't even flinch anymore, as he did at the beginning, he got used to it, I would always examine him closely then tell him what he should do or shouldn't, doesn't mean that he listened to me. He ignored my advice most of the time.

„You look better", I said while cupping his cheeks, leaning closer again. Somewhat embarrassed and somewhat relaxed at the same time. I never expected to get this close to him. I felt how he finally relaxed in my grip. „almost handsome", I added in thoughts and for someone who was so calm, I felt how he tensed up, a nervous look on his face. „Something wrong", I asked as he inched away. „I didn't meant to make you feel uncomfy", I mumbled apologizing and leaned a bit back, still examining him, though more for my personal reason, I was admiring him. „What am I saying almost handsome, you're handsome af", I laughed a bit as I let go of his chin and finally leaned back into my chair, resting my head in the palm of my head. Seeing the faint blush on his cheeks. We kept quite and I was still admiring him, even as he stood up to cook something.

„Man, You're so oblivious", I mumbled quietly.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now