Chapter 3

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TW: mention of suicide
(1113 words) [edited]

„God what a pervert", I mumbled as I was watching Leorio going all horny on that girl. „If he is such in need, he should go to a brothel", I added, getting a warning look from Kurapika, I just shrugged in respons. I was right after all. After some time I heard Kurapika face palm next to me and mumble the words: „It's physical painful to watch this", I nodded in agreement, while covering Gons eyes, Killua closed his own himself.

Turned out that Leorio was even dumber than I thought he was already. He picked the game rock, paper, scissors. Knowing damn well how dumb this was I just leaned back against the wall. Trying not to get mad at the dumbass.

Next it was Killua's turn, if he won I would have to fight the last battle, which I would prefer not to do. The guy who now stepped forward from the shadows didn't really seem scary to me, but a surprised and also scared gasp escaped Leorio and he advised Killua not to fight the guy. Turned out that the guy was some sort of serial killer called Johness.

Killua walked to the platform and Leorio tails him how dumb he was. I took a step towards Leorio. Which probably surprised him quite a bit because I was moving a little closer to the group for once. I of course knew who Killua was, Well more his family, it took me some time to recognize him though, so I also knew that Johness didn't have any catchable against him. Though I wouldn't tell the others, of the kid didn't tell them.

"Calm down, Leorio," I said calmly and put my hand on his arm. "Maybe he has some kind of plan," Kurapika and I explained at the same moment and I gave Kurapika another look, my eyes flashing again. I sighed and turned to the fighters. They were deciding on a fight of life or death. While Johness was talking about how he was going to tear Killua's body to pieces, Killua had run past him, though he was standing behind the dude so fast that I couldn't even tell if he had run or teleported. The next moment Killua was holding Johness' heart in the air. I let out a surprised gasp, even though I was aware of his skills, I didn't expect him to be this good at such a young age. As Johness walked dying towards Killua, the heart slowly stopped pumping and he fell dead to the ground, then Killua put the heart in Johness' hand and came back to us. I stared at the boy, who had a murderous grin on his face. Leorio flinched a little, especially after Gon had explained that Killua came from an assassin family.  "What's wrong?" Killua asked in surprise and I just shook my head. 


"Well then," I stepped forward. And saw a small figure step out of the shadows. "I should have won that fight!" growled Leorio and I turned annoyed to Kurapika, who I saw standing closest to me. "That guy is getting on my nerves! Tell him to shut up for once!" Kurapika chuckled softly. 

"Why don't you tell him yourself," he finally said and I took an annoyed breath. "Yeah yeah, you're right," then I rolled my eyes and turned towards the platform. By now the person had taken off her robe. A thin young woman, no more than twenty years old, smiled at me. She didn't seem dangerous at all, but she was quite agile. Her hair was short and stood out in all directions, she smiled happily at me. I took a deep breath, then stepped onto the extended bridge and walked onto the platform. "You're quite cute, if I'd met you on the street I wouldn't have thought you'd be stuck here," I said and smiled kindly, the woman's smile faded a little. "On the street, how ironic," she spat and I chuckled softly. I put my hands in my trouser pockets. "So, what are we doing?" I asked, almost bored. "I'm up for a fist fight," the woman said and nodded, I just managed to hold back a comment about the creativity of the prisoners. "Fine, I agree," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "I almost feel sorry for you poor thing," she began and paused slightly, " Whoever dies or gives up has lost," I sighed, how boring. "Alright, I won't hold back," within the next few seconds the blonde had me on the floor and was clutching my neck with her legs. She was strangling my air. I shakily inhaled, or rather tried to inhale. Shit, I can't use my nen attack right now. 

I was paralysed by the lack of air, then it struck me that I could move my arms freely, so I wrapped them around her torso and her them with all my might onto the floor in front of me. I gasped for air while the prisoner was in shock for a moment, I threw myself on top of her and pressed my arm on her throat. "You will give up now, my dear," I whispered in her ear, watching her eyes grow a little milky. "I won't," she spat in my face, but I didn't even bat an eyelid as her spit hit my face. "After you give up, we can do whatever you want," I whispered, her eyes whitening even more. She kicked me off of her with all her might. I landed hard on the stone floor, slowly but surely she was getting on my nerves, how could she resist my manipulation? But I saw how white her eyes already were. 

I entered the small room first, followed by the rest. I looked around, then sat down on the sofa with Leorio."50 hours, that's going to be fun", Leorio said sarcastically, I gave him an annoyed look. „And you're the one to talk", I growled. „Okay lady, you get on my nerves", I grumbled and jumped back as she tried to land a punch in my face, I grabbed her arm and threw her onto the ground again. She wad out of breath and just stayed laying on the ground. I leaned down to her and softly whispered in her ear: „Okay, now throw yourself in of the platform", I stood back up and the woman followed briefly, she quickly walked to the edge of the platform and threw herself off. I patted the dust from my dungarees and walked back to the others. „That was quite fun", I mumbled as I saw Leorios shocked expression.

Hello Hello here is your super cool author hehe. So I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm sorry that I didn't upload for a whule, but I actually didn't had time, because the school year getting to an end (in like 10 weeks but my teachers are idiots) and we have many tests in the past few weeks and in the next weeks also, so I won't update regular, sorry.

So but thats it I'm going now to sleep

- me (Kyle, so thats my name haha, or I use it bc I'm a they/she/(he) and love it when people are confused but my parents don't know that I'm gnender-fluid)

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