Chapter 8

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Yup I know. I havent upload n a while even tho I'm home since two weeks. I didn't had any time, but I promise I will upload more. It's not like I already have 11 chapter *cough cough*. Anyway. I am sorry and I hopefully will post more. Well then have fun with this crap :)


(1429 words) [edited]

It was a clear night and I sat on the little balcony that belonged to the room Gon, Leorio, Kurapika and I shared. They were asleep, well except for Gon, who I could watch from our balcony. It was a bit cold, but not so cold that I had to wear a jacket.

I just wore a undershirt, I actually slept in my pyjama shirt, but it was hanging over the balcony railing in front of me because I had spilled some water onto it.

Since our training with Zebro and Seaquant started, a week had passed. By now, I was pretty sure that I could already open two doors, but I kept quite. I didn't want the others how strong I could be, that was simply non of their business. Beside I didn't want them to ask me more questions about my skills, as they already did.

I knew that Gon would sneak out in the night and train, I saw him one night, but didn't stop him. It seemed to me that there wouldn't be a problem with him training a bit. I watched him every night, since I saw him sneaking out, if something would happen, I could help him. I smiled. At that moment I saw Gon yawning as he finished training and slipped back into the house. I would normally have crept back to bed now, but I wasn't tired at all, so I got up and leaned against the railing, looking through the glass of the balcony door into the room. I watched Gon slip in and rush over to his bed. As he crawled in, he took a quick look out the door. His eyes widened as he saw me. He slipped out of the bed again and scampered over to the balcony. Then he pushed open the glass door and stepped to me at the cold air.

He leaned against the railing next to me and took a deep breath. "You knew about it," he asked and I nodded. "Yeah", he looked at me. "Why didn't you tell me?" I shrugged and smiled a bit, while I turned around, putting my elbows on the railing and looking into the dark forest. "I don't know", I answered, he followed my lead and propped himself up on the railing as well. "You could've helped me," he said, almost disappointed. I gigged quitely. "It didn't look like you needed help. I was watching you in case something happened, which didn't." I turned around to face him. Gon titled his head. "But you were always in your bed when I came back," I snickered a bit. "Gon, that's called, sneaking back inside before you home back." Then I turned back to the forest.

A comfortable silence fell between us, where we both just stood there, looking into the forest and thinking. "I'm going to sleep," I heard Gon beside me and nodded. I turned around and watched him go through the glass door. When he had snuggled into the bed, I relaxed and closed my eyes, leaning against the railing.


I heard how the door to the balcony opened, but didn't pay attention to it. I thought it was Gon, who couldn't sleep, even though I was a pretty surprised, I had assumed that he was really tired.

"What are you doing out here?" I heard Kurapika ask. I opened my eyes a bit in surprise and felt how I began to heat up. "Nothing," I replied. I am so glad there is no light here, so he cannot see my blush. "You can't sleep, can you," I shrugged. I mean, he's right, but... "You can't sleep either," I grumbled in embarrassment. I felt him lean against the railing next to me."I guess you're right," he chuckled and I smiled a bit. At this moment I heard my stupid phone ring. Ruined the moment. I thought while looking at the display, to see Machi's number. I moved away from Kurapika and walked to the other side of the balcony. "Yeah," I heard her sigh. "The Boss forced me to check up on you," she saidIannoyed and I had to smile a little. "I'm fine, was that all?" I heard her sigh again. "Where are you right now",

"I'm near the Zoldycks Maison, why?" I heard her chuckle a bit.

"No reasons, well see you in York New" she said the last part a little muffled, i smiled. "Yeah, see you there." then I hung up the phone and walked back to Kurapika. He eyed me sceptically. "Is something wrong?" he shook his head. Then suddenly I felt him stroke my shoulder with his gentle fingertip. (A/N: His Hands are soft, you can't convince me otherwise)

I was taking a back by the sudden touch, not that it really bothered me, it calmed me down for some reason. Then I noticed him trailing a certain line and I flinched away.

As if he saw it. it's took dark. I tried to calm myself, I shivered.

"May I ask what this is?" he finally asked as he kept running his hand along the one spider leg that was on my shoulder. I flinched slightly, then I tilted my head. "It's- um- it's a tattoo," I stammered, looking down at the floor. I was extremely uncomfortable with the whole situation.

I closed my eyes to calm my nerves and get rid of the goosebumps I was getting.

"That's not the full tattoo is it?" I looked up from the floor, opening my eyes while doing so. "I is," I said sternly, smiling at him a little awkwardly. "I don't believe you, I know you better than you think", I scoffed in response. „Yeah, sure", I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. Acting it off was the best right now.

He laughed softly as I looked back down at the ground. "Listen, it's nothing more than a simple tattoo", I Must say that I sound pretty convincing. I felt him finally stop driving along the spider's leg. I exhaled a held breath, I didn't even realise I was holding in. I closed my eyes, terrified of what would happen next. I felt Kurapika grab my chin and force me to look at him. I stiffened and felt a feeling of panic rushing over me. "You can tell me, I can see you don't like to talk about it, but it may help you," he said in his soft voice, I nodded. Not knowing how to respond.

I sighed. Then I turned around quickly and showed him the tattoo, the quicker it would go, the less afraid I would be of the pain. I heard Kurapika gasp in shock. "'That's not possible," I heard him whisper in shock. I hung my head. I felt guilty for keeping it from him, if I would've told him we never ever had become friends, but then again, he could easily try to kill me as he planned without feeling any regrets, or I could've killed him.

I felt him run his fingertips over it again, I flinched and turned around quickly. "'I should have told you when we met," I said. I couldn't look at him, I knew that I wouldn't be able to stand his judging look. Then I felt him put his hands on my shoulders, he brushed with his thumb over it again, to calM me or himself a bit down.

He didn't say anything for a long time and with every second that passed I was even more afraid of his answer. I heard him letting out a sight and take a step back. He didn't seem angry, more likely disappointed. „I can understand why you hid it, but I really need to think this trough?" he finally said after what seemed like an eternity. I sighed relieved, glad he didn't try to kill me right away.

I looked at him, still his hands on my shoulders, then I spoke, "Imma head out now, so you have time to think this all trough", with that I stepped back inside, grabbed all my stuff and just as I was about to leave, I turned around to wave at Kurapika. Then I left the house. I had been right about the gate thing, I was actually able to open three of them. I grinned at myself as I started to walk all the way back to the city Hopefully I find a bus, I will have days until I get there.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now