Chapter 14

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Yeah yeah I know this chapter sucks, but my life does too✨😛✌️😘😱😩 (sorry lmao) anyway enjoy it haha. Bye
(Word count: 840) [edited]

I just sat there on the chair, still shivering because of the cold air. I was staring at the moon, quite confused what just had happened, although Kurapika had left over an hour ago. I sighed and stood finally up from the old chair. I dusted out my pants and sighed. "And where the fuck should I go now", I asked myself under my breath and let out groan. I then walked to the exit of the place, seeing the sun already rising again. Sleeping on the streets isn't an option... I guess I have no other chioce. I sighed again, I did fuck up, again. Then suddenly I heard my phone go off in my trouser pockets. I answered the call. "Yeah", I asked lazily, while I walked down the road in the direction of the city. "Oh y/n, I didn't think you'd pick up.", I heard Hisokas annoying voice, I let out a groan. "What do you want", I hissed and I heard him chuckle on the other side of the line. "No need to be cocky", he paused for a second. "Tell me y/n, are you gonna tell the other members?", I breathed in a sharp breath and clicked my tounge. "As I said, I couldn't care less", I answered and ended the call. But a few seconds later my phone goes of again. I answered the call again, being quite furious that he called me again. "As I said Hisoka, I couldn't care less!" I yelled in my phone and was about to end the call again, but then I saw who it actually was. "Oh sorry Shalnarck",  I apologized under my breath and I heard him laugh a little. "So I guess you could escape the 'chain user'", I raised an eyebrow and thought for a little. "I suppose so, who's the chain user?" it was silent for a while, then he answered with a simple: "I don't know man, Uvogin was talking about him, I think it's one of the people that captured you", the last part of the sentence sounded disappointed. I huffed in respond and rolled my eyes. "I , of course, let myself got kidnapped", I muttered sarcastically and I could hear him laugh again. Then it was silent for a while again. "Why did you call me anyway?" I finally asked and I heard some voices in the background. „Well, were in the hideout", I nodded, then I noticed that he couldn't see me. "Cool", I answered and made my way there.


I stepped into the so called hide out an hour later, no one was in the main area. Maybe they're still asleep? I thought even though I doubt that they even sleep.

It was cold in the dark hide out and I was already shivering anyway, but now I actually was cold. I heard someone approach me and turned to look around, just to see Phinks who was rubbing his tired eyes, his expression turned to one of surprise as he saw me, sitting now on the ground with a book on my knees. "Oh, you're already here?" he asked and I nodded quietly, too tired to answer him in a cocky way. I saw him raise an eyebrow at me, but I guess he just chose to ignore it. I bit at my lips in thoughts, while Phinks walked to the exit. "Do you know who this 'chain user' is?" I asked and Phinks turned his head in my direction. "It was the guy who kidnapped ya", I nodded in thoughts again. So Kurapika nen ability must be with chains, interesting. Phinks continued to walking to the exit, but he turned back to me just before he left. "By the way, Uvogin told us that he wouldn't return until he fought the guy," he made a pause and looked intensely at me, I raised an eyebrow in confusion and put the book away. "You probably won't see him ever again", he said, still staring at me and there was a suggestive tone in his voice. I felt how my face heat up. "Who? Uvogin? I hope so", I smirked cockily at Phinks, alought I was just hiding what I really felt at the moment. Was I scarred? Was I worried? And why was I already red again. I barely know him.

Phinks gave me an annoyed look. „No, I mean the chain user", he said and I decided to play dumb, though it must've been obvious, I came to the conclusion that I thought Kurapika would be able to win the fight, if he's lucky. „Oh, and why would this bother me?" I asked a bitter tone in my voice, I internally cursed at myself. Now I'm not even able to use my pockerface anymore?! Phinks sighed loudly and then turned around. He probably thought it was better than staring a discussion with me.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now