Chapter 2

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Wow 2 reads, respect for myself. But it's not about the success of the story, it's about having fun writing. Well, I've just caught the flu too, so I'm also very bored and although I should be in bed, I'm continuing to write this story. In fact, I'm sitting in my bed writing the story. Take that parents! But well, I'm going to sleep now.

Ok I'm not going to sleep yet because: funfact: I went to sleep at 9pm last night (which is unbelievably early for me) and I'm still tired. My sleep rhythm has also gone, but that was a few years ago haha. But now have fun reading!
(1650 words) [edited]

We hurried down a corridor and ended up in a huge room. I looked around in confusion. We were standing on a slab, all around us was a wide descent. In the middle of the room was another slab, but much bigger. And on the other side of the room, was a third small slab and behind it a corridor like ours. "What the fuck?" I asked confused, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed. No one answered me, they were probably as clueless as I was. In the corridor opposite us I could now make out figures in robes with their hands chained together. "The candidates are here, unlock my handcuffs." said one of the figures and I heard a soft click, then a pair of heavy handcuffs fell to the floor and the person took off his robe. A tall guy with a bald head stepped out of the shadows. "Dear examinees, let me explain." a voice sounded from a speaker.  "Standing before you, are some of the prisoners locked up in Trick Tower," there was silence for a moment. "What prisoners?" asked Kurapika and I at the same moment. I glanced at him, then turned back to Baldy, who was grinning at us. "These prisoners got hired by us, to function as examiners for the Hunter exam", I snickered at the man. „Hired? Very professional", I whispered to myself, finding it pretty funny.

. "I give up, I give up!" Tompa shouted and I rolled my eyes, I was already expecting it but I was still annoyed.
I wasn't able to hold back the anger and hatred for this man, knowing damn well that if I wouldn't pass the exam I would be in trouble. So that I wouldn't punch the shit out of Tompa I turned to the walls and punched it. everyone turned to look at me.

My hand hurt like hell from my strong blow against the wall. I was lucky I hadn't wrapped my aura around me, otherwise there would probably have been a hole in the wall, but my hand would hurt less now too. "Say, are you insane?!" Killua shouted and I wasn't able to tell if he was talking to me or Tompa, who made his way back to us. As soon as he was back with us, I charged at him. „You fucking dick!" I spit while grabbing him by the collar, well actually I wanted to grab him by the collar, but I was held back by someone.  "Get off (Y/N), it doesn't do us any good to get upset now," a low growl escaped my lips. "Let go of me," I hissed contemptuously, but I had stopped struggling. While Kurapika was still stopping me from charging at Tompa, Leorio had already grabbed him by the collar and Tompa was explaining why he was really taking the Hunter exam. I slowly sank to my knees while Kurapika now also stopped Leorio from tearing Tompa to pieces. 

Gon held out his hand to me and helped me to my feet. "Are you all right?" he asked and I nodded silently, holding my aching hand. I opened my backpack and took out a bandage, then wrapped my hand in the bandage and watched Gon walk towards the middle platform. 

(A/N: Fun fact, my right hand is also bandaged, but not because I hit a wall haha.)


I looked at Gon's candle which was now burning down rapidly. I had been aware that Gon's opponent had probably planned a trick, but the one he had just explained was a bit too complicated for me. I felt the strong wind in my face coming from the abyss in front of us. I sighed, the fight was quite unfair after all. Suddenly Gon put his burning candle on the ground and ran to his opponent, then blew out his candle. He looked at Gon in aghast and at the same moment the wind stopped and a dot appeared on our side. I grinned at Gon. Why the fuck, are the 12 year olds smarter than me? Thats kinda sad. I was almost embarrassed by this thought, but Gon and Killua were clearly thinking more soberly than I was. A faint memory of my brother flared up in my mind. 


"You really do run headlong into the wall," he had said calmly, but the reproach from his voice was clear to hear. I stared into his dark brown eyes that flashed dangerously with anger. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." I stammered, my voice dripping with fear, then suddenly he smiled devilishly and the next moment a sharp pain tore through my cheek. I blacked out for a moment and then I felt him yank me by my (h/c) hair, forcing me to look at him. "You know I'm not a fan of violence, but you really better listen to me." with these words he lifted me up and carried me baby-style over to my bed, then he put my blanket over me and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Just remember I'm doing all this for your protection, (Y/N)," I nodded slowly. "I know, Chrollo."


I was pulled out of my thoughts as Kurapika stepped forward. "Well, I guess it's my turn then," he said and I saw a guy step out of the shadows. He was quite ugly. His skin was blue and his face looked a lot more like a blue skull than a human face. I growled contemptuously, the guy seemed like an impostor to me. I leaned against the wall again. "See that," he pointed to his left chest, which had a few hearts tattooed on it. I watched the ugly guy sullenly. "I've already killed 19 people and I think it's great that now I can meet number 20 too. You know, 19 always feels so imperfect." I raised an eyebrow. This guy is weird. And before I knew it, the guy had punched a huge hole in the ground, but Kurapika jumped away in the exact moment. I looked at the blue guy in surprise, I hadn't thought he had that much power. 

And then, for no reason at all, the guy had turned around and showed us a tattoo of a twelve-legged spider. "What an impostor," I muttered to myself, listening to Leorio and Tompa explain the tattoo, which was of course fake. I let out a low growl. "Kurapika had told me about it himself," Leorio said aloud, and my ears perked up, I turned my head in his direction. 

So Kurapika must be connected to the Phantom Troupe in some way. But I never heard his name before...

I was curious about what Kurapika had told Leorio, but I didn't want to ask so rudely, so I let it go. I didn't really follow when Kurapika suddenly lifted the blue guy in the air and he begged for mercy, the next moment he slammed with full force on the hard stone, my eyes widened, I heard Killua let out a whistle, he was probably as impressed as the rest of us. Then suddenly it was very quiet. Only when Kurapika began to speak was the silence broken.

"Let me warn you," he began and I leaned back against the wall again. "Firstly, in the sign of a true member, the membership number is tattooed in the spider. Secondly, members don't pedantically count the number of people they've already killed, Thirdly, don't ever take the name of this gang in your mouth again, otherwise I will kill you myself." when he had finished, there was still dead silence. "Well, I'd love to see you kill this guy", I interrupted the oppressive silence and now the others found their voices too. 

What would happen if he- no he will never find out that you have a tattoo like that. But it would be quite exciting to fight him. Especially when he's like that.

Kurapika slowly walked back towards our platform. "Are you okay, Kurapika?" asked Leorio. "Yes, I am unharmed," Kurapika replied slowly. I raised my head and our eyes met briefly. I nodded dully at him, but then forced myself to smile a little. "I meant-" Leorio began again, but he interrupted himself quickly. "-Is it safe for us to be near you?" at that Kurapika let out a discontented sigh. "I knew from the start that the guy wasn't a serious opponent-" he paused briefly as Gon and Leorio walked towards him."-and I also knew the tattoo wasn't real, the moment I saw the spider everything turned red in front of my eyes." there was silence for a moment and I turned my head again, giving him a pitying look this time. I felt genuinely sorry for him, above all I'm sure the Phantom Troupe had done something wrong, I couldn't explain his deep hatred any other way.  

  "To be honest, even when I see normal spiders, I can hardly control myself," we all stared at him in aghast , then i had to laugh a little. He is almost cute.

I followed Kurapika into the corridor and then sat down next to him. He said something like: "In view of my deep hatred, the whole thing was probably pretty good." Without meaning to, I moved away from him a little. My gaze slid back to the slab, a person in a cowl walked up to the blue guy and felt for his pulse. "He is still alive, thus the fight is not over." I groaned in annoyance. "Hey Kurapika! Take this guy who doesn't want to die to the other world," Leorio said, pointing at the guy. "I refuse," and a new discussion began. I giggeled silently to myself.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now