Chapter 30

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Oh wow it's already midnight again, crazy. Hehe. I have an headache, what means I am going to bed now. See ya!!! [edited]

The smell of disinfectant and fresh laundry rose to my nose as I opened the door to the Hospital. I walked straight to the information and sighed as I saw the long row in front of it. „Geez, can't they go any faster?" I asked and turned to look at Kurapika, seeing that he wasn't there yet. I raised an eyebrow and turned to look back on the long row.

„You were fast", Kurapika said as he arrived at the hospital, I rolled my eyes at him and we had gotten to the information counter. „How can I help you guys?" the nurse behind the counter said. „Um, our friend is here, we would like to see him", I said and cracked a smile tapping impatiently on the counter. „And who's you're friend?" she asked in a calm voice, I groaned. „I did literally just tell-„ I got interrupted by Kurapika. „His name is Gon, Gon freecs", he quickly said and smiled at the woman and apologizing look on his face. I frowned. „I don't think that it's possible, Mr. Freecs is in a really bad condition and I'ts not allowed to bring anyone to him", I rolled my eyes and just as I was about to pull out my hunter license, Kurapika put his own on the counter. The woman apologized and told us where to find Gon.

„Calm down y/n", I frowned at him, leaning on the mirror in the elevator. „I am calm", I hissed back after some time and looked at the ceiling. I heard Kurapika chuckle next to me, then he put his hand on my shoulder, I immediately calmed down. For some reason it always calmed me down when he did that and I sure wasn't complaining. „Sorry, I just have no idea how I would handle it when something happens to Gon", I whispered and felt how he ruffled my hair. I had to smile a little then the door opened and we stepped into the empty hallway. If I would've been alone I probably had already forgotten the number of Gons room, but Kurapika was with me, so it wasn't an issue. I followed the young man to a room at the end of the hallway. He knocked on the door, just to be polite, we both knew that Gon wouldn't be able to answer, then he opened the door and we stepped inside.

The room was empty and the only thing you could hear was the sound of some machines. I was confused to say the least. „Where's Gon?" I asked, I was expecting a bed and him laying there, but he wasn't here. Kurapika pointed at a sheet of glass on our left and I turned to look at it. Behind it was a bed and some tiny thing laying in it. Bandaged all up and attached to many machines. The only thing that told us that it was Gon was the spiky hair on the head of the thing. I stepped closer to get a better look at our unconscious friend. He was so skinny, too skinny and shriveled. „And I thought you got it bad", I said teasingly to Kurapika, but it didn't sounded as teasing as I wanted it to be. Gons condition got really to me, more than I expected it to be. I gave Gon a pityfull look. „I hope Killua is okay", I mumbled while I laid my hand against the cold glas of the „window". I could understand that Killua was worried and he was probably blaming himself too. „Speaking of wich, where is he?" Kurapika asked and sat down on the bench in the room. I shrugged. „Leorio said that Killua knew how to heal Gon", I answered and sat next down to him, I was tired, I haven't slept since the day Leorio called me.

We were quite for some time. „Y/n?" Kurapika called and I hummed in response. I had laid my head on his shoulder and had almost fallen asleep. „Thank you", he said and put his head on top of mine, I frowned, trying to figure out what he meant. „What are you thanking me for?" I asked in a tired voice, my eyes were still closed. Kurapika let out a slight chuckle, but he kept quite. I sighed and snuggled a bit closer. A feeling of comfort coming over me. „Well, no problem then", I mumbled, feeling how I fell asleep.


I woke up to people running and looked around in confusion. I was still sitting on the bench, but I now was alone and had been leaning against the wall behind me. I saw a few people rushing in and getting where Gon was laying, bringing him out on his bed. My eyes widened in shock and I jumped up, the jacket that someone had laid on top of me to keep me warm, fell to the ground and I ran after the doctors. „Um, excuse me!" I shouted while running up to them. „Where the fuck are you bringing him", one of the doctors grabbed me and stayed behind with me, while the others were entering the elevator. „He's going to get healed", the doctor explained and raised her hand to pat my shoulder. I nodded. Gon's gonna be okay. A sight of relive escaped my lips and I walked back into the room I came from. Kurapika was sitting on the bench, two cups of coffee in his hands and his jacket that I had dropped on the ground laying next to him. I sat down on the bench, quietly staring in front of me. Kurapika gave me the paper cup with coffee and I drank it quickly.


Steps where heard on the hallway and then someone stepped inside. Followed by more steps. Killua walked over to us and before he knew it, I had stood up and pulled him into a hug. „Ew! Y/n let go of me!" he ordered but I ignored him struggling and just hugged him even closer. „You stupid brat, don't you ever get in so much trouble again", I hissed and pulled away, patting his head and then I saw a small figure behind Killua, I pushed him away and stretched out my hand to the girl. She looked exhausted, as if she just had woken up from a deep sleep. „And who are you?" I asked her and a shy smile formed on her lips. „Alluka, I am Killuas sister", she smiled and took my outstretched hand. „It's nice to meet you, my name is y/n. I am one of Killuas friends", I explained while offering her the seat next to Kurapika, where I had been sitting before. Kurapika introduced himself, sending Alluka a friendly smile.

„Y/n stop doing that!" Killua said next to me, we both were leaning against the sheep of glass, not wanting to face Gon. Though he looked perfectly fine again. I turned to look at him with a confused expression on my face. „Oh, well then I just stop breathing I guess", I grumbled in a sarcastic way, referring to the fact that I was not doing anything. Killua scoffed. „Gladly", he hissed in annoyance and rolled his eyes, I turned to look at Alluka and Kurapika. Both of them had fallen asleep. They are so cute. I felt how Killua hit me across my head, shooting me a disgusted look. „you're doing it again", he told me as I rubbed the back of my hurting head. „Oh and what exactly, breathing?" I slightly got pissed off, beside my head still hurt from his hit. „Looking at Kurapika like that", he explained with a judging look. „Like what?" I was genuinely confused by the 14 year old, I get that he's disgusted by something, but why can't he just get to the point. „Like you're in love!" I laughed drily at his answer and a small grin laid itself onto my lips. „Oh, maybe because I am?" he made a vomiting sound and backed away from me. „What? Scared you're getting affected too?" I asked and leaned a bit closer, Killua backed back into the glass and I laughed again at him. „Ew get that beast away from me", he was throwing his arms in the air, trying to push me away. „Maybe it got you already", I grinned and walked away, sitting down onto the bench. „What's that supposed to mean?!" Killua shouted and quickly walked over to me, grabbing me at my collar. I shrugged and simply ignored him.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now