Chapter 20

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Are we gonna talk about how this story and the other one I am currently writing on have the exact amount of chapters, but I am almost done with the other one and this here, well is an absolute mess and I myself am confused and it's not close to be finished. No? Great. Have fun now haha.

(word count: 1689) [edited]


I stepped through the door and walked in, stopping awkwardly in front of the bed, where Neon was sitting on. She looked up to me and send me a quick smile. I smiled back and rubbed awkwardly my neck. After a few minutes of silence Neon decided to speak up. "Um, so your my new bodyguard?" she asked and I nodded, Neon raised an eyebrow at me and put the thing that she was holding on the nightstand next to her bed, I couldn't see what it was because it was covered by fabric. "Aren't you the kid that said my nen-ability was stolen", I nodded again and she motioned me to take a seat on one of the chairs, wich I sat down on. "Well do you wanna tell me about yourself or are you just gonna be this weird", My eyes opened in surprise, while Neon crossed her arms in front of her chest and pouted. "Um, well, my name is y/n l/n and um", I stopped, there wasn't really anything else I could tell her, so I decided to be quite again.

It looked like she would slowly loosing patient. I let out a quite sight and leaned forward to rest my elbows on my knees, staring intensely in Neon's eyes. "Well what do you wanna know for now", she shrugged and gave me a quick smile again, I tried to smile back but it must've looked very forced. "Why are you here?" she than asked and I shrugged in respond, I couldn't really answer to that question anyway. I let out another sight, feeling how my head stated to throb from exhaustion. I rubbed over my throbbing temples, while thinking about a good answer. "I didn't really had a choice", I answered and nibbled nervously on my lips. A small smile laid itself onto Neon's face, that quickly turned into a smug grin. "Oh I wasn't talking about that", I gulped, knowing in wich direction that would lead. I guess she likes to play games. I thought while still looking at her. "So why are you here", she asked, now leaning forward herself. I let out a dry chuckle. "Guess what", I made a dramatic break, just to see her reaction. It was hilarious, her eyes widened in excitement. I let out a small laugh again, knowing that I would crash her expectations. "I don't know either", I finished and smirked mischievously at her, then leaned a bit more forward. Her excited face dropped and she gave me a bored look. I laughed again, this time much more. "What did you expect me to say?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her and she shrugged in respond. "Maybe a love story?" she questioned herself and I nodded, I was expecting such an answer, so it didn't really surprise me.

I looked around the room, it was pretty big and obviously one of the best private rooms you could get in a hospital, I then noticed that we were just the two of us. How naive was that actually, also in front of the door was no one. What if I did lie and was actually here to kill her? "Say Neon, don't you have other bodyguards than me", she nodded and stood up, walking to the closet that was in the room. Yes there was a closet, don't ask me why. "Yes, but they are all much older than me, it's no fun", I nodded and bit my lips in thoughts. Leaning back and watching Neon pulling out some clothes of the closet. So I am actually here for the amusement. I sighted, I wasn't a human pleaser, I was a human myself.

She continued talking, as if she could feel how curious I actually was. "I do have some sort of nannies, they are most likely my age, but it's so easy to run away from them, and the other bodyguards aren't-" she interrupted herself, looking around in confusion. I heard it myself, a ringtone went off, as if someone was calling someone else. "Is that your phone?" she asked me and I raised ironically my eyebrows. "As if they wouldn't have taken my phone", I said sarcastic voice and crossed my arms in front of my chest. Neon frowned at me. "But this isn't my phone", so there I sat on a weird doctor chair and tugged out a phone, that wasn't mine. "Yes?" I asked, my voice was oddly shaky. Neon gave me a curious look and wanted to ask something, but I held up one hand to stop her from talking. To my surprise she kept quite, I listened to the calm breathing from the caller on the other side of the line. "Hello?" I asked, thinking that this was a sick kids joke, my voice was now much more steady. "So he gave you the phone", I let out a surprised noise. Neon patted my shoulder and gave me a questionable look. As I didn't give an answer, she said: "Who is it?" she asked while pressing her ear on the other side of the phone. "Kurapika", I whispered, and he hummed in respond. "Why are you calling me?" I then asked and he explained where I could meet him and the others. I listened closely. "And what about Neon?" I asked confused and turned to Neon, she was observing me over the whole call. I could hear Kurapika sight, almost sounding desperately. "Take her with you, she can stay in the hotel, okay?" I nodded, then I remembered that he couldn't see me and said, with a smirk on my lips: "Yes sir", and so we left the hospital.


My mouth opened a bit more by every word Kurapika said, until I couldn't open it wider. I was completely in shock. "He's what?!" I shouted after Kurapika did finish. They all looked at me, trying to read my emotions, but they all fucked up by trying that. "He's dead, y/n, Chrollo is-" I cut Killua with a quick hand movement off. And then let out a dry laugh, I couldn't stop laughing, but they all noticed that something is off. "He isn't dead, that's almost impossible", I then said and took a sip from the cup I was holding. Killua started to get pissed off, as I still sat there with a smile, that said that I didn't believe them. "Well then ask his Corps!" he yelled and stuck out his tongue at me. I had to chuckle a bit. "What's so funny?" Killua hissed irritated, I was still smirking, but held in my laugh. "Nothing", I answered as I recovered and stood now there with a blank expression. "And what now?" I asked and raised an eyebrow, listening to their plan.

"Killing more members before they can re-group?" I questioned and raised an eyebrow, taking another sip from the strange liquid, I scrunched my nose, then I lifted my hands in defense. "I'm out", I watched how the expressions of the others dropped. "What why?" Gon asked and gave me a strange look. I cracked a smile at him. "You know those people are my family", I answered and rubbed my neck, taking another sip. I knew I should stop but I couldn't stop drinking it. I felt slightly dizzy. Before someone else could say something I added: "That isn't an excuse for what they did", I stopped and glanced at Kurapika. "But we aren't better in the slightest. One of us was an assassin, one of us works with the Mafia-" I got interrupted. "Two of us", Kurapika corrected me and I rolled my eyes. "and I, myself am a member of the Phantom Troupe", I finished and took the last slurp of my drink. A frown placed itself on my face as I looked into the empty cup. "We're still better", stated Killua and I shook my head. "Maybe you are", I whispered, another wave of dizziness came over me and I let out a small chuckle. We all went quite. "Didn't we talk about stopping the troupe and not killing", Leorio thought out loud and I snorted. "That means the same", I explained and put my hands into the pockets of my pants.


I looked back and forth between Killua and Kurapika. And how did I end up here now? I asked myself as I listened to them. I wasn't really paying attention, they weren't talking to me anyway, so I decided to leave the room, they were currently talking to each other, getting grabbed at my shoulder by Kurapika and tugged back. I let out a loud groan and rubbed over my eyes, trying to see a bit clearer. "y/n", I hummed in response, slightly turning in their direction. "What do you think", I looked at Kurapika in confusion and turned to Killua, he was watching me very closely, so he won't help me. "Well um", I stated, without having a clue. What were we talking about? I was so in thought, that I didn't hear them calling me until Killua shook my shoulder rapidly. "Um, yeah I think it's a good Idea, but it will be difficult", I said trying to think of something that made scenes. But they both seemed satisfied. "Well I never said it was", Kurapika asked and I shrugged in response, suddenly remembering that we were talking about the scarlet eyes. What was it? "Find them all"? Or- My thought got cut off my Kurapika's phone going off. He stepped away and as he turned back he had a blank expression on his face. "That was Hisoka", I frowned at Hisokas name and Killua let out a groan. "Y/n, you were right, he's still alive", Kurapika then finished.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now