Chapter 22

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YES! YES! YES! I wrote another chapter, I think I was so unmotivated for this story bc I didn't know how to get out of the yorknew arc lmao. Well I'm still kinda unmotivated, but yk I was able to write and I have an idea in wich direction this is abt to go so yesssss💃💃💃💃 [edited]

„Where you the leader of the phantom troupe, as you massacred the Kurta clan?" Kurapika asked again, his eyes were a crimson red as he asked Chrollo, slapping him again. I watched them with a visible grin on my face, I was sorta amused by that. „Tell me!" a loud slapping noise filled the room again and even though Chrollo had been punched multiple times over the past minutes, he still managed to grin at that very moment. I scoffed in annoyance as I saw how he darted his eyes at me. „Why don't you ask your friend over there?" he suggested in a questioning tone, I rolled my eyes. „This is getting old and before you ask", I turned my head slightly, so I could look at Kurapika, who was staring intensely at me, taking in every word I was saying with a scowl on his face. „I wasn't there, in fact I didn't know where the others went nor how long I'd have to wait for them to return to that crappy excuse of hide out", with that I finished my speech, taking a deep breath and turned away. I fell exhausted into my seat and stared out of the window. „Does that answer your question", I asked, though it was more of a whisper due the exhaustion. I didn't receive an respond, though he stopped asking, so it did.


I looked around the small airport, visible uncomfortable, while we waited for Pakunoda to arrive with Gon and Killua. A cold shiver ran down my spine as I saw the car arrive. I was nervously tapping my foot on the ground and fidget with the hem of my jacket, I pushed the hood of it in my face, my gaze was focused on the car that slowly came closer. I saw how Kurapika raised a hand, motioning Pakunoda to stop it, though I couldn't see the face of the person that now stepped out of the car. I saw how they opened the back door and dragged out two smaller figures, I smiled as I saw the two boys being fine, I even had to hold myself back to wave at them, because we're professionals and professionals don't do such stuff.

The exchange happened quickly and before I knew it I was tackled in a hug by Gon. And to be honest, I needed it, I hugged him back, though I didn't try to crush him as he was crushing me. I ruffled his spiky hair and then finally stepped back. „I am glad you're okay", I mumbled, turning to Killua, to ruffle his hair too, besides, since I met him I was wondering how it felt, but as I stretched out my arm at him he slapped it away, giving me a dirty look. I shrugged and turned to look at the troupe, who were staring at our group. Dead Pakunoda still lying on the ground in front of them. I gave her corpse a pity full look.

Though the lightning had been bad before, it wasn't anymore due the fact that the moon wasn't behind a cloud anymore. I could see their expressions as they stared back at me. Every member nodded at me and then they turned away. Well beside of Sharnack and Chrollo. Sharnack waved at me and gave me a smile, „Bye bye y/n! Hopefully we'll meet again", he yelled and I rolled my eyes at him, then I just waved back and smiled awkwardly.

My gaze now lingered on Chrollo and, even though he looked exhausted, he still managed to grin that stupid grin of his. I rolled my eyes and was just about to turn around as I saw him nodding in an impressed manner. I nodded back and managed a smile. „this is it,", I whispered to myself, feeling how a cool wind brushed through my hair. (If it's not too short to do that)

„Y/n!" someone behind me yelled and I turned away, seeing that everyone was already on the airship. Seeing Killua in the entrance waiting for me, I quickly entered the airship and as I passend him I managed to ruffle over his surprisingly soft hair. He scoffed as he followed me to actually go inside. „I'm also glad that you're okay", I grinned as we arrived in the main area, that of course was small. I heard him scoff again, then we both sat down on the ground.


I woke up, to hearing someone moving, rather walking, around the airship. I rubbed over my eyes then I looked around in confusion to see a shadow by the window, staring down onto the landscape we were currently flying above. The sun was already rising, but it was still kinda dark. I stood up, slowly walking to the window and staring down myself. We stood there in a comfortable silence.

„This is it", Kurapika broke the silence, still looking down, while my head snapped in his direction. „Yeah, this is it", I answered and felt how a soft smile plastered itself on my lips. We fell back into a comfortable silence and I turned to look out of the window again. Kurapika let out a loud sight. „Are you okay?" I asked, glancing at him with a curious look and then he suddenly started to laugh, my expression changed into a confused one. „Did I say something funny?" I asked now turning to face him. He stopped for some seconds than laughed even harder. I scratched the back of my head, feeling utterly confused. „I'm glad you're okay", I mumbled and stared out of the window again, slightly pissed off, but I waited patiently for him to stop laughing. „I'm relived", he then said, placing a hand on my shoulder, probably to calm me down. I nodded in respond. „I'm glad that you're fine", he then explained and I let out a small chuckle, feeling relived as well. „To be honest," I interrupted myself and made a little break, Kurapika seemed to wait patiently as well. „I thought we'd never be able to be friends again", I muttered, feeling quite embarrassed, he put his hand again on my shoulder, giving me a reassuring smile. „I was afraid of that too",

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now