Chapter 10

145 2 4

TW: light swearing 

(word count: 1080) [edited]

„Because you're a child", I finally respond after a moment of silence. Gon's grip tightened again. "you're weaker than me, that wouldn't be fair"; I added and bit my lips, knowing that he wasn't weak. I had watched him training with an brocken arm, in the middle of the night, it was obvious that he wasn't weak. I was the weak one, I couldn't even look at them.

I had no idea what they all knew about me, though it didn't seem like Kurapika was the type to tell other people such stuff but I also knew how disappointed he was, so he probably did tell them. I actually couldn't say it and I was scared of what would happen if they would recognize me. 

I had bitten my lips so hard, that it was bleeding, but I couldn't care less. "I am not weak", Gon said sounding irritated. I sighed, not responding. "Just let go of me and nothing will happen", I said calm, even though I was pretty annoyed and would love to punch him right in the face. "For fuck sakes, let go of me!" I hissed, letting all my anger out. I grabbed him with my hand and pushed him away. He tripped and fell to the ground. "I warned you, you idiot, couldn't you just leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled, knowing that I was in trouble because I saw how Gon stood up and turned to me. "Hey, why did you do that!" I heard Leorio from behind and I groaned again. "He didn't let go of me Leorio", and at this point I knew that I had fucked up. First of all: because I said Leorio's name, what was impossible for a stranger to know, second of all: Gon had stood up and looked me straight in the eyes.

I watched him closely, trying to read his expression. I could see surprise and happiness, but no disappointment or anger – for what I was looking for. I sighed in relive and looked apologetically at Gon. "Sorry, I didn't meant to", I scratched embarrassed my neck and cracked a smile at the boy in front of me. And before I knew it, I was hugged by him. "Um, Gon", I said a bit puzzled while patting his head  helplessly. "Why did you left without saying anything y/n", he asked and gave me a curious look. I pushed myself out of his tight embrace. "I'm sorry, it was an emergency", I lied and turned around to face Leorio and Killua. I was still scratching my neck while Leorio was waving at me and Killua just looked bored as always. I smiled slightly and stopped scratching me neck. "I told you that they'll come back, you own me twenty bucks!" Killua said while looking at Gon, I chuckled at them and felt a hand on my shoulder. "And where are you going to stay?" I flinched at the sudden touch and cracked a smile again. "Well a friend of mine lives here", I lied again, knowing that if they would find out – hopefully that I lied and not that I was, more or less, a member of the phantom troupe – they'd be disappointed. I held in a loud sight and put my hands back in my trouser.

I felt watched, no wonder, I was in the middle of a more or less crowd full of bloodlust. "I don't wanna be rude, but can we leave, I feel really uncomfortable." I whispered and gave them all a helpless look. 

"Oh yeah of course", Leorio said, grabbed all of us and dragged us in a pub. He ordered a beer and I raised an eyebrow. "Are you allowed to drink it, I mean you're still a teenager", I teased him and he grunted a but annoyed, while Killua and Gon snickered at him. "Where I come from is it allowed to drink beer at the age of 16, besides they don't ask for an identity card and I could just show them my hunter licence and they would leave us alone", I knew that he was right, at least at the last point, they probably didn't want to get into a fight with an professional hunter.

Gon and Killua ordered fries, a burger and a coke, now they all looked over to me. "I I get (random food) and  an um..." I paused unsure of a drink. "A (random drink)", I finally said and looked at the waiter, he turned around and walked back into the kitchen. "What are you guys doing here, anyway?" I asked, actually curious of their answer. "Killua and I need to buy something very, very important", Gon answered exited and I smiled at him. I didn't want to ask him, what this important thing was, it was non of my business anyway. "And what are you doing here", Killua questioned me and my smile faded a bit. "Just helping here and there, getting some money, you know", I answered, hoping he would be happy with my answer.  He nodded and leaned back in his seat. I also leaned back and looked at the ceiling while waiting for our food to arrive.

It finally arrived and I ate it, I just notice how hungry I was, I ate it very quickly and smiled at them. "I am actually here because we all made a promise, that we will meet up here in York New city", I nodded while listening to Leorio, who now was explaining why he was here, after I had asked him. He ordered now an other beer, I raised an eyebrow at him, this would already be his fourth beer. "Don't you think thats enough?" I asked worried and watched him shaking his head. "That'll be my last one", he answered and I rolled my eyes annoyed, then I looked over to the two boys who were deep in their own conversation. I smiled and finally stood up. "I have to go now, get home safe", I said smiling in the round and walked to the exit. "get safe home yourself!" I heard Killua saying obviously a bit offended. I chuckled quietly and waved to them over my shoulder. 

Oh yeah ur lazy Author is back lmao. Two other friends found my account but yeah I do not care, I like them. So aynway have fun while reading, Idk when I will update lol.


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