Chapter 19

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You'll proably see where this is going but yeah. And yes I did update innert one day I know unbeievable. (TW: mention of suicide)

(word count: 1439) [edited]

I stood still on the building, staring onto the door, through which Kurapika just had left. Ignoring the Bodyguard, I stepped at the end of the roof, looking at the still crowded street underneath me. I just stood there and stared at the abyss in front of me. To be honest, there was nothing more that I wanted than trowing myself off of the building. And I didn't know why or where this urge came from, but it was there. The bodyguard gave me a look in concern and then stepped next to me, laying his hands onto my shoulder. But his grip was pretty strong. "You aren't thinking about jumping off, are you?" I slowly turned into his direction and titled my head. Raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "And what if I do?" I asked and gave him an innocent smile, that turned in a smudge smirk. I could see how his eye twitched and his grip tightened around his gun, which was still pointing to the ground. "What are you gonna do about it? Shooting me in the head?" I asked sarcastically. The conversation wasn't about jumping or not, at least not for me, it was actually just about if I could win this word fight. "I mean your gonna shoot me anyway if I disobey your orders", I said and my grin widened at his expression. He was obviously overwhelmed by my statement. "And jumping off the building would mean that I disobeyed your order, so its a death or death situation." the man lifted his gun and I held my hands over my head. "Calm down, I am not gonna do it." he scrunched his nose but didn't lower the gun again. "step away from the edge." he ordered and I raised an eyebrow in amusement, while another smirk tugged on my lips. "which side?" I asked and he rolled his eyes. I let out a laugh and took a few steps in his direction. He backed away from me in sinc. I laughed again. "No worries, I won't hurt you", I told him and gave him now a warm but fake smile. He still bought it, even thought it was obviously fake. Then the door behind him swung open and to my surprise stood there Light Nostrade, with a professional but still friendly smile on his face. "I would like to talk to y/n", he nodded in my direction and the guard stepped out of my way. I quickly winked at him and he gave me an annoyed look. As soon as we stepped into the building and the door closed, I let go of my over-confident attitude. I stuffed my hands into my jacket pocked and followed Mr. Nostrade in an empty room.


"So you're y/n l/n, 17 years old and a member of the Phantom Troupe", Mr. Nostrade looked up from the paper file in his hands and raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged in respond, while I sat down onto the hospital bed. He was still staring at me, but I wouldn't give him an answer. He let out a sight and shook his head. But I actually didn't know how to respond to that what he said, it was all true. So I just asked: "What are those documents?" and gave him a curious look, Mr. Nostrade looked back to me and gave me the file.

I quickly skimmed through the file, I raised an eyebrow at it. There was literally everything that I knew about myself. I nibbled on my lips and nervously tapped my fingers on the clean sheets of the hospital bed. From the time Chrollo took me into the troupe until now. The hunter exam was listed on it, the address of my apartment in Meteor City and so on. Even the names of both of my parents, not even I knew them, I had simply repressed them. I let out a shocked gasp. "Why do you have all this", a slight smirk tugged on his slips. "We have our ways", he said and now he was actually smirking. I gulped, while still nervously tapping onto the sheets and turned my gaze to the window to look through it. It was actually pretty dark in the room, so I couldn't really see anything. But I did notice how Mr. Nostrade pulled out a tissue and dried his sweaty forehead with it. I then noticed that my hands were also sweaty and wiped them dry on my pants. "You even have my parents' names that I don't even remember, so what information could you possible want?" I asked and I felt how my voice cracked and got more quite at the moment. I cleared my dry throat, but because of that I just started coughing.

Mr. Nostrade handed me a cup of water, yes there was a sink with cups in that room, don't ask me why. I cracked a fake smile and sipped on the cup, while I raised my eyebrow in curiosity. "I actually have a favour to ask you", I chocked at the water and started coughing again, after I calmed down I raised both of my eyebrows in surprise. Okay I wasn't expecting that. "Would you help us guarding Neon?" my face dropped and I raised my hands in defense, even though he wasn't exactly attacking me. A small smile plastered onto my lips I said: "I don't know that you got the situation right, but I am actually the enemy", I said, still holding my hands up and I was now smirking. I crossed my legs. "No you're not", he stated, obviously losing patients over my more or less childish behaviour. I lifted an eyebrow and dropped my arms, again starting to tap nervously with m fingers onto the bed sheets. "I am not?" I asked in surprise and confusion. Mr. Nostrade shook his head in response and sat down onto the doctor chair, that could roll around.

I nibbled at my lips again. "It depends actually", Mr. Nostrade said, while he was closely watching me, searching for a look of betrayal in my eyes. But there was nothing to find, my expression was blank now, an absolute poker face. I opened my legs again and leaned a bit forward, resting my elbows on my knees and titled my head, staring intensely into his eyes, trying to get out every information that I needed to agree. "You don't really have a choice", he explained, for one of the mafia leaders or whatever, I actually had no clue what he was or not, I just knew that he was important, he was quite nervous and sweaty. I scrunched my nose, I was expecting such thing. "If I don't really have a choice, then why are you asking me?" I questioned him and he wiped his forehead again with the tissue. I leaned back again and crossed my arms in front of my chest, raising an eyebrow at him. "Either you are our exchange for Neons ability or you are a bodyguard for her", I let out a sight and bit my lips in thoughts.

I didn't want to be an exchange, going back wasn't really an option but staying here neither, but better than going back, right? I sighed again then I clapped into my hands and stood up. "Well then", Mr. Nostrade stood up as well and gave me a curious look. "Where's Neon?" I asked, even though I expected her to be in the room she was earlier. Mr. Nostrade motioned me to walk out, he following me close behind and closed the door behind him. I could hear him mutter: "He was right after all", he then passed me and walked in front of me. Showing me the way to Neon's room. "Say, who was right?" I asked after a few minutes of silence, I heard him sight and then he stopped in front of a closed door. "Kurapika", he answered and I raised my eyebrows in surprise, even though I was already expecting that. "Of course he was right", I huffed and rolled my eyes, while stepping to the door and slightly open it. "He by the way takes over of my position, for now at least", Mr Nostrade added added, while I was already walking through the door. I stopped in my tracks and wanted to turn around to say something, but then I chose to ignore it and entered the room.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now