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The cold breeze pushed my hair out of my face, while my gaze lingered on the dark ocean in front of me. I let out a small sight, letting everything that had happened a few hours before repeat in my head over and over again. He was dead, finally. It felt like someone lifted a heavy stone from my shoulders and I felt at peace. Well beside of my hurting side. Oh yeah, I got stabbed. I remembered and put my hand there, where I had been stabbed, it didn't really hurt, nor was it worth it for a threat.

I breathed in again, letting the cold, salty air fill my lungs. I felt at peace, for the first time in my life and I would never let something ruin it. Not even the dried blood on my clothes and face did it and I was usually pretty disgusted by blood. The sudden touch of someone's hand on my shoulder, let me jump up and out of my thoughts. It was clear who it was so I just continued staring onto the clear ocean. Taking another breath, I just enjoyed the silence and the presence of him.

„Kurapika?" I asked, he didn't respond, but I knew he was listening anyway. „Are you okay?" I asked, still focusing on watching the waves break on the cliff underneath us. „Yes, I am fine", he said it so sternly that it could've been from a complete stranger. I hung my head down. I knew it had been traumatic, but I couldn't risk to loose him, not again. So I pulled him into a hug, burying my face in the crook of his neck. He stiffened, not moving at all, not returning the hug. I heard his breath quicken and I turned to look at him. Tears were running down his face, I raised my hand to wipe them away, taking his face in both of my hands and inched a bit closer. He looked so sad and relieved at the same time. I stared deeply into his eyes. „Kurapika, it's over now", I then said, it was so quite that it was merely a whisper and at first I thought he didn't hear me, but suddenly, as if someone had knocked out the stress he had been feeling, he relaxed, closing the gap between us.

I was surprised as I felt his soft lips on mine. I felt how he laid his hands on my waist, pulling me closer, so close as if he was afraid of loosing me if he would let go. I caressed his cheeks with my thumb in a calming way, letting him know that everything was so okay. This kiss, it was more like a comforting hug. And I suddenly felt how tears were threatening to fall. I didn't want to cry, but it eventually started. Kurapika pulled away as he felt the wet tears on his cheeks. He frowned at me, putting his hands on my shoulders and gave me a reassuring smile. He raised his hand and wiped my tears away, like I did before. „stop crying my love, there is nothing to cry about", he ruffled my hair and then pulled me in a hug again. I buried my face into his shoulder, enjoying his closeness.

The smell of clean laundry, the sea and dried blood, rose into my nose and it sort of gave me a feel of safety. We stayed like that for quite some time until Kurapika decided to break the silence. „I am so glad that you're okay", he said, pressing me even more against his body, I felt how he placed a kiss on my cheek. „I wouldn't have known what I would've done without you", he then said, I gasped in shock, then I heard him sniff, he probably tried not to cry, but he failed miserably. „Y/n I cant risk to loose you and I hate to admit it, but I know that I can't keep you safe, I wouldn't know how to continue living with the guilt, because I love you, so promise me that you'll be safe, that I don't have to worry", I was taken a back by his words and just stared at the beach behind me, my eyes were widen in shock and I already felt like to cry again. I felt his grip tighten and for a quick moment I thought we were able to melt together. „I promise", I then whispered in an raspy voice, feeling how he relaxed a bit. I tightened my own grip around him. „I promise", I repeated the words, my voice becoming more steady. „I promise you that, I promise: nothing will ever happen to me nor you", I then said, pulling away a little, so I was able to see his face. His eyes were a crimson red, I had grown to love these eyes, but now I just was confused why they had turned red, while Kurapika on the other hand was confused why mine were shining in a bright yellow, after such a long time. „You're eyes Are so beautiful", I said, stretching out my hand and brushed my fingertips against his soft skin. In that very Moment, that simple compliment had the same meaning as „I love you too" And we both understood that. A small smile appeared on Kurapikas face and he gave me a lovely look. „Yours are indeed beautiful too", I felt how I started to smile, raising my hand to push some strands of his hair out of his eyes. Admiring their beauty and taking in any detail, as if I was afraid that if I look away, they were gone.

„Promise you will be safe as well", I whispered, my hand resting on his cheek. Kurapika nodded slowly and my smile widened. We were silent, just listening to the waves of the calm ocean, and to the other persons breath. „You know", I started and I could see how Kurapika gave me a curious look. „I never believed in love", I finished the sentence and then I scrunched my nose in disgust at my own words. „God, that was so cheesy", I said, pulling away my hand and made a vomiting sound. „You did ruin the moment my love", I rolled my eyes as Kurapika flicked my forehead. Then he grabbed my hand and turned to walk back to the car. „This is it", I mumbled more to myself, but I knew that Kurapika was able to hear it, he squeezed my hand and rubbed with his thumb over it. This was the life I had chosen.


YO YO YOOOO, NO WAY I JUST FINISHED THAT GODDAMN BOOK LOLLLL. I AM SO EXCITED OVER THE END AND I WILL EDIT THE BOOK AS SOON I HAVE TIME. well no actually when I want to, because I have two other books on-going and a school project where I have to write something as well. Anyway I wanted to thank for u guys and I hope you like the ending. Ik it's short but idc. I am bad at writing romantic stuff (ironic isn't it) so I couldn't made the epilog longer even if I tried🤷‍♂️. Well then I wish y'all a great day.

(I apologize for any spelling mistakes in the whole story, I was mostly writing this at night so I was pretty tired)

- ray :)

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now