Chapter 13

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Guess who's back? Yeah me, you got it right. Sorry for the long waiting but I'll continue to write rn. So I just noticed I had one chapter on my laptop but still. Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter and um btw I am not sure how this story will contine. I guess i have sort of an authors block, but, chill, anyway so....
(Word count: 1756) [edited]


I watched the little group, that was watching Uvo fighting the Shadow Beasts, from a little distance.  I could tell that Melody, I guessed it was her compared to Kurapikas height and that I've seen them not too long ago, got nervous and then she turned her head in my direction, staring right in my soul. I took a step back into the shadows. But Melody was still glancing at me.

Beside, she pushed one of the others in their rips and nodded in my direction. And then, all of the sudden I felt someone press a hand with a wet cloth over my mouth to keep me from screaming. I groaned in annoyance. Just Perfect.

I wanted to turn around, say some random stuff into their ears, so they would let me go but then I remembered their Hand that was pressed against my mouth. I could've gotten out of their grip but I suddenly felt dizzy but also very clear at the same time. I couldn't help but I kept being silent, while the person pushed me to a car. They all were quite, or I couldn't hear them, I didn't even hear the sound of the car. I sighed looking out the window, as if nothing happened, as if those people were my friends. But well they weren't and I would realize it soon.

I felt how someone grabbed my chin and forced me to look at them. I saw their lips moving but I couldn't hear them nor clearly see their face. A punch in my face and a loud sound echoed through my ear. I scrunched my nose in pain and my brain began slowly to clear.

I could hear the person ask someone else something but I couldn't really hear it. „What did you give them Basho? It dosen't seem to me like a normal narcotic" the words slowly seeped through to me. I blinked and looked around. I gasped in, where the fuck was I. Shit. Shit. SHIT! I internally panicked and my mind was now clear. I still couldn't really see tho. "You drugged them with actually drugs and how did you think we could get any informations out of them, when they're completely high?", I let out a groan as I found out that I was tied up.

I continued to watch the fight between them too, the person who was scolding  Basho, had still their hand at my chin. I backed up a bit, the person who did help my chin was now looking back at me. My breath hitched. 

"Oh come on!" I then exclaimed and leaned back into my seat, I would've crossed my arms in front of my chest, but I couldn't due to the fact that I was tied up. I felt Kurapikas gaze on me, his eyes narrowed to slits. I practically felt the anger boiling up in him. I just stared blankly back at him. "It's nice to see you again y/n", he said bitterly and I had to chuckle a bit. "Just a few hours", I smirked and then felt him punching me again and after that I lost consciousness.


I woke up to sounds someone punching someone else. My head was hurting like hell, I Didn't know Kurapika was this strong. I tried to stand up, without success because I was still tied up, besides, someone did put some cloth into my mouth, so I couldn't say something.

I groaned, but all that came out of my mouth was a muffled sound. I then turned my face to were the punching sounds came from I saw Kurapika punching Uvogin in the face, his eyes had turned a deep crimson red. I could fully understand why people thought those eyes were beautiful, thought that dosen't excuse killing a whole clan.

Kurapika stopped and Uvogin said something that sounded like: "I won't kill ya'll if you let me go", I would have cleared my throat but I simply couldn't. They didn't notice that I was awake. I grinned, even tho I was tied up, just in simple ropes for my luck, I could probably reach the knife in my boots. It took a while, but I finally had it in my hands and began to cut my ropes. Funny how they didn't looked if I'd have a weapon. I thought to myself and turned my head again to the others but Kurapika was gone and Uvogin laid unconscious on the ground. I stood up and knocked the dust of my pants. I then walked to the door and looked through the keyhole. I could see melody with her back to me. I smiled at myself. And everything goes according to plan- I began to manipulate Melody again and then the door swung open. She grabbed me roughly and tugged me to the exit, but that was all part of my little plan, if someone else would see us, she would just say a random reason and I would end up knocking the person out. Easy. But to my luck again, was no one in the hallway at the moment. I stepped out into the night air and Melody walked back into the building, but what now? I looked around the car park. I felt the cold air hit my bare arms. "Oh shit, I forgot my jacked in the hot-air balloon." (A/N: Were they on a car park? Anyway...) I whispered quietly to myself and rubbed over my skin. I began to shiver. And then I saw A little light about twenty meters away from me and a silhouette. It seemed like the little light was from a display or something. I recognized the person in a instant and began to follow the shadow when it bagen to walk away.


Kurapika lead me to an old fairground and straight to an little stage, were I could see an other frame. It was oddly familiar, but I shook my head. It can't be Hisoka, right? But it was of course him.

I got a bit closer then I hid behind an old show tent. I couldn't really hear them. But they were obviously talking about the Phantom Troupe. My ears perked up as I heard my name. "What about y/n, why are they in the Phantom Troupe?" I heard Kurapika ask, his somehow soft voice calmed me down. I heard Hisoka chuckle and saw how Kurapika raised an eyebrow at him. "Why don't you ask them", Hisoka asked and turned into my direction. I gulped. Y/N pull yourself together, why do you always fuck up?! I panicked and took a step back into the shadows of the tent. I saw Kurapika turn into my direction, a scanning the area skeptically.

For the first time, from when I met him again, I felt my face flush red. Okay, this is getting out of hand, I am literally in danger. Not to mention that he had punched the shit out of me- I pulled myself out of my thoughts as Kurapika took another step in my direction, pressing myself literally into the walls of the tent. My breath hitched while I tried to cool my face down. "No need to be shy y/n", I heard Hisoka say from the stage, I could hear the smirk in his voice. I would love to wipe your gross smirk from your face. I thought annoyed, while I listened to Kurapikas footsteps, that came closer. I then felt something tug on my leg. I looked down and saw the pink string that stuck to my leg. Bungee Gum. I then felt how Hisoka tug again, but this time a lot stronger and I fell face first to the ground. I pulled myself up, blood dripping from my nose, not that I cared, I dusted out my pants while standing up, facing them and cracked an kind of embarrassed smile. Hisoka smirked at me while Kurapika just was staring at me, he seemed confused at first, then his expression changed to one I wasn't able to tell.

Hisoka still had his Bungee gum stick onto me, so I wouldn't run away, but this wasn't what I was interested in, in the first place.

I turned to look at that creep. "It seems like you're betraying us, i mean the Phantom Troupe", I corrected myself, not exactly counting myself in then I sat lazily down onto an old chair. "I wouldn't say betraying..." there was no but, so he was betraying the Phantom Troup. "I couldn't care less", I titled my head and looked back and froth between Hisoka and Kurapika. Hisoka had a knowing look on his face and Kurapika, well I still wasn't able to read his expression, but he seemed interested in the conversation. He then took a step closer and I turned to look at Hisoka again, trying to hide the faint blush on my cheeks while doing so. "So, why are you in the Phantom Troupe", I was taken a back by the sudden question, though I literally knew that Kurapika would ask that. I let out a dry laugh and turned to look at him again. "Well you see, My so called "brother" is the leader of the Troupe", Kurapikas face dropped and he just stared blankly at me. Then he quickly walked over to me and put his hands at my shoulders. A look of pitty in his eyes, I don't have to say that I was really confused. "Oh, y/n I'm so sorry", he said calmly, rubbing my shoulders whit his thumbs, I cracked a smile and shrugged. "Nah its fine, but you can put away your hate for me now", I said, ignoring the fact that my face was red like a tomato. I heard Hisoka chuckle then his footsteps as he walked away. "You know I am really sorry that I didn't tell you about it", I scratched my head in embarrassment. I heard Kurapika chuckle and then he ruffled my hair, giving me a reassuring smile. After that he turned away and walked off.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now