Chapter 25

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I am lazy so I just decided that it's time for a huge time skip, well actually abt a month later so not that huge, the rest will be explained in the chapter ig. And if anyone here is an mikasa simp, Chat fanfic on my acc and if you did watch Naruto and ship ino x Sakura, a fanfic of them is also on my acc. I apologize for my self promo. [edited]


The loud noises around me made my head hurt already. I let out a loud sigh as I took another step in the long line of people in front of the Casino.

Even though it was almost winter it was still pretty hot outside and I was sweating in my suit (idc suits are cool so you wear it, kidding you can change ofc) and the fact that Kurapikas Arm and my were linked together didn't help at all. „Are you okay?" he asked giving me a concerned look. Though it didn't seemed at the beginning that we'd work good together, we did and at that very moment I wish we didn't. I didn't want to be here, nor did I want to gamble, I was pretty bad at it.

„Let me see the plans of the building again", Kurapikas voice let me snap out of my thoughts again, I pulled out the map and gave it to him, while stumbling some steps into the direction of the entrance, noticing that we were really close already. „Are you sure you're okay?" he asked now sounding really concerned, I turned around to look at him. „yeah, I'm just nervous", I mumbled and stepped to the counter, the man in the dark suit gave me a confused look. Most people must've been older than us two, though he didn't question it. „Name?" he asked and I answered him quickly, with a small smirk on my face. „you're not on the List", my grin just widened as I pulled out my hunter license, god how much I loved these things. As he saw it he let us pass without any hesitation. I separated myself from Kurapika and joined a game of black jack, easily winning some money.


„Can I offer you a drink", a man asked, giving me one without any hesitation, while I was walking up some stairs to get to an elevator. Though I wasn't meant to enter it, I did, it opened with an quite sound and I stepped inside. Some woman stood there, giving me a weird look, I smirked widely, whispered something and knocked her out.

As I arrived at the 5th floor I left the elevator. Looking down some empty hallway. I sniffed the air, it seemed like some window was open. Then I walked down the hallway, at the end of it was an office, the door was closed and I knocked on it. It opened after some bit. „I think you're wrong here", the secretary, who had opened the door, said. I gave her an innocent look, while pulling out a gun from behind my back. „No, I think I am right", I said while shoving her back inside, ordering her in some corner of the room, while stepping behind her desk, staring onto the computer. „Password", I asked, still pointing the gun at her, she seemed confused, maybe because no bodyguards were here. She hesitated. „The password, are you dumb or something" she gave me the password and I quickly skimmed through all the files, just before I could find the file I was looking for, she suddenly jumped at me, pushing me to the ground. „You're so dumb", I mumbled, it was easy to manipulate her, but I was so focused on the computer in front of me, that I didn't hear the door to the actual office open behind me and the underground-god stepped out. I turned my head in his direction and pointed my gun at him. „Listen fucker I am not here to hurt you, nor you're stupid affaire over there", how I did find out, I guessed, though I saw the bite marks on her neck as she attacked, they were fresh.


The door swung open, revealing Kurapika who's eyes widened as he saw the scene in front of him. His gaze lingered on the dead secretary on the ground, I had shot her after she somehow could get out of my nen and attacked me again, this time with one of her high heels, the heel of it hit me on my head and I had sadly fallen to ground. After that I shot her right in the head. But now I had the gun of Ibishi Miabe on my head. „You're so ugly from down here", I grinned and then turned to look at Kurapika.

He stood there in the doorframe, not daring to move, then if he would, I surely would get shot right in my head. „Look, sir, as I said, I am not here to hurt you, just give me those goddamn eyes, I don't wanna be here either", I hissed and the next thing I knew was that he landed a kick on my face. Though it didn't really bother me because I got what I wanted. In a Swift move, I was behind him, knocking him out. And as he fell I tugged out the glass with the eyes. Smiling as I turned to look at Kurapika. „Told you that this is gonna be easy", I grinned, while walking over to him.


„You know, we're like Bonnie and Clyde", I said as I stepped on the small balcony. „Absolutely not", I shrugged while taking a sip of the glass water I held in my hand. We kept quite for some time. „If we were like them, we would be cold blooded murdered and, not to mention, in a relationship", I felt how he took the glass of water out of my hand and took a sip of it. I sighed and put my elbows on the railing. „But we are, at least with the murder thing, I wouldn't mind to change our friendship into a relationship though", I grinned in a joking manner, thinking that this was pretty smooth and turned to look at him. Kurapika was staring in the distance, then he turned around and ruffled my hair.

We stood there for quite some time, just staring at each other. „Sometimes I wonder what I would be without you", he mumbled while I was admiring his features in the dark light of the moon. I didn't answer, I was too focused on those pretty eyes. „Jeez, you're so pretty", I whispered and continued to stare at him, then I turned around to gaze at the city below us. Kurapika kept quite, staring at me in confusion. „Shit, I didn't meant to make you feel uncomfortable", I apologized and slapped my hand to my forehead. I heard him chuckle behind me. „You didn't y/n, you could never, that's why I took such a liking on you", my face dropped, I felt how my body tensed up and how heat rushed to my cheeks. I was about to turn around, asking him what exactly he meant, but in that moment I heard the door open and close a few seconds later.


I heard some footsteps behind me and turned my head away from the laptop. Seeing a pretty tired Kurapika who was already walking straight to the coffee machine. „Morning sleepy head", I grinned and took a sip of my own cup of coffee. He didn't respond and the tension between us was rather awkward, so I just turned my attention back to the laptop. Feeling how my eyes started to close again and how I almost fell asleep. But I got myself to stay awake. „Look", I motioned Kurapika to walk over to me and he did as told, peeking over my shoulder to get a better look on the laptop. „I found where that disgusting lady stays for the next half year", I mumbled while rubbing over my closing eyes. Then the next second I felt how my head banged onto the table in front of me. „Did you even sleep y/n?" Kurapika asked as he sat down onto the chair next to me. I shook my head. „Didn't have time, I had to find her", I answered and watched how his gaze turned into an angry one, though it wasn't because of me, it was because of the text he was reading. His expression changed to one of disgust. I yawned loudly while slurping my cup of coffee empty. I groaned and lent against Kurapikas shoulder. Maybe I can take a little nap after all. I though while my eyes closed and I quickly drifted to sleep, still Feeling how he send me a small smile.

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