Chapter 11

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Okay lol I just post this because idk when I have time to upload another chapter so yeah. And my phone chrger is dead so I dont have a phone at the moment, luckily I write this on my laptop. Okay now have fun haha.


(Word count: 1498) [edited]

TW: slight cursing

I was sitting in the big room, staring at the ceiling that looked like it could break together any second. I sighed, it rained, of course, and it was boring, like it always was. In the corner of my eyes I saw movement, I turned to look at it, just to see Sharnack sneaking up on me. „Damn it! You saw me", he whined and I let out a small laugh.

He was actually one of the members I liked, well I had liked them all, I still did, even though they were criminals, they were pretty chaotic if you got to know them better.

„Even of you would've snuck on me in a better way, I still would have sensed your nen", I informed him, Sharnack frowned at my strict tone and puffed out his cheeks. „Whatever", he grumbled and sat down next to me. We both fell into silence.

I sighed loudly, while Sharnack just was staring at the wall in front of us. "What's wrong", he finally asked and I turned my head to him. "I don't get why I'm here, I can't even help at the underground auction thing", I said and Sharnack titled his head, then he stood up. "Well if you can't help, then how do I help", he laughed and I knew that he was right, I could help, but not in the way I wanted. I mean if I had to help them, I was actually forced to, I wanted to help them in the way that was a bit fun, not: Standing at a building and knock out some people who wanna get inside to help. 

"You're stronger than me, and I know I can help, but not how I want", I sounded like a little annoying brat, but I actually didn't care. I heard him laugh again, then he walked out and waved over his shoulder at me. "Dont act like a baby! That's my job you know", he shouted over his shoulder and left. I cracked a laugh, then I turned to take a look around the empty room. Deciding to get some rest before the auction in the evening.


It was already dark outside as I left the ruin. I was actually pretty fast by the building the underground auction was, well to be exact: I was at a rooftop in front of the building with the auction and had too look out for possible danger for the mission

I sighed and stared at the building in front of me. The wind blew through my hair and the sky was a bit cloudy. The whole atmosphere was quite calming, even though in the building in front of me was an massacre, at least later.

My gaze wandered over the other rooftops. Wait are those other people? I looked at the silhouettes which were standing on a rooftop near me. I breathed in a sharp breath, it must've been pretty loud because one of the silhouettes turned their head in my direction.

I hold my breath and snuck deeper into the shadows. For fuck sakes, why is here nothing I can hide behind? I wondered and breathed out very quietly.

The person was still glancing in my direction and I could hear them talking to the taller one. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I was pretty sure that it was about me. Fuck... I am for once not in the mood for fighting... I cried internally, Maybe I should attack them before they attack me. I thought and jumped at another rooftop. 

Their eyes were following me, at least those of the person who had noticed me. Now they were sure that I have been there. I groaned while I went down to a small street. I quickly walked to the building I had seen the other two. I got up at the rooftop and hid behind a chimney.

It was so dark that I could barely see something, but I could make out that there was just one person, I guess it was the taller one, but who knows. "Melody where are you?" asked the person on the rooftop and my breath hitched as I heard the familiar voice, though I couldn't think of a person where this voice belonged to.

I couldn't hear the response of the other person, but I saw how the person I was watching began to walk around the rooftop. I was still hiding behind the chimney and was listening to their footsteps, but they weren't getting closer in any way. The person was walking back and forth while listening nervously to the person they had talked through a headset or something. "I would say it's the best if you're coming back now", the person stated and stopped walking back and forth. 

I pressed myself more to the wall, while the other person and I, though I wasn't supposed to be there, were waiting for the third person.

They were silent, very silent so I looked at them from behind the chimney. The shorter one – I assumed them to be Melody – looked concentrated but now Melody was looking in my direction. "Is something wrong", the other person said and in this moment I recognized his voice. Oh come on! Why now? Why him? Wtf life, what's that for? I drew in a sharp breath and now also Kurapika must have heard it. "I thought I was hearing another heart rhythm, but I wasn't sure if it was them", Melody said, obviously referring to me, and in this exact moment the clouds in front of the moon cleared and I was able to see them.

Melody was a short women with rabbit teeth. She looked friendly to me, I was surprised when I saw her holding a flute. Must be a music hunter. Then my gaze wandered quickly to Kurapika. He looked older than he did at the hunter exam and he probably also was, I mean I didn't know his actual age or his birthday... but that didn't exactly matter at the moment, nor would it ever again.

Though I couldn't resist the urge to look down on me, I was wearing my washed out dungarees, with a (color), musty shirt and my (color) wind breaker, then I also wore the wornout boots. I shook my head and hid again behind the chimney. 

I could hear Kurapika respond to Melody's discovery, that I was the person she had followed and I knew that I had fucked up. She could hear my heartbeat, even recognize me with it, so the only thing I could do was fighting them and getting away from here or run away and hope they won't follow, but they would anyways. Whatever I would choose, I would end up fighting them anyway.  Even though I was actually hot headed was there nothing I could be angry about, besides that I probably fucked up at the mission but I didn't wanted to help the spiders anyway. That means that I didn't had motivation for anything anyway. But I also didn't wanted to face them, after what had happen. I sighed loudly, accidentally helped them to track me. And that all happened just in a few seconds.

I could here both of them sprinting in my direction and I just lazily jumped at the chimney and from there to another rooftop. Maybe this was enough to get away. I thought, knowing that it wasn't enough to get away from them. I jumped from roof to roof, they followed close behind. I sighed, helping Melody hear me better. Wait, doesn't she have a good hearing so maybe my nen would work. I sighed. I breathed in sharply. "Hey Melody", I sang whispering. I hoped she could here me, maybe she just could hear heartbeats, hopefully she don't. "If you can hear me~" I made an dramatic pause, beside I needed a bit time to think. "Then please raise a hand", I looked back and to my luck they were still behind me. One of the silhouettes behind me raised an hand and I smiled proudly. "Could you please leave me alone, I promise this is good for both of us and maybe, maybe I can help you by something~" I whispered and a quite giggle followed. I looked again behind me, my followers had lost of their fast pace. I smiled proudly. "If you're a~ good women, lure Kurapika away from me", I stopped at a rooftop and looked behind me, I couldn't see anyone any more. I grinned at me and went down back to the streets, walking back to the weird part of the city.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now