Chapter 18

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Wow is that? Is that an update. Heck yeah it is! I am really sorry for the long wait but I was actually focused on writing an other story and sorta forgot about this one. Heh I am sorry. Um well beside of that I was too lazy to re-watch the York new arc or to search cause I forgot the whole plot hehe. Um and I finished hxh finally. Yep I wasn't even finished when I started that story. I know stupid. But I still don't understand nen ect. Cause that shit is confusing. Oh and this is more like a filler chapter, I mean it dosen't really have to do with the actual plot of hxh but it has to do with the story ist actually pretty important for the plot of this story so yeah. Sorry for the long a/n lmao. Have fun reading this.

!!TW: mention of suicide. (As a joke but still)!!

(Word count: 1270)

I sat on the roof of the hospital, looking over the city. My foots dangled over the edge of the rooftop, just a few inches more and I would fall down of the roof, falling to death. Some Mafia dude was observing me with a gun in his hands. I didn't bother to look at him nor asking for his name. „Is it possible that you leave me alone?" I asked, slightly turning my head in his direction. He snorted amused. „I can't flee from here, you know", it wasn't even a lie, we were in so much height that the nearest building was at least 10 meters underneath us. He let out a snort again than answered with a simple: „Yes, I know that", he sounded almost offended. I clicked my tongue and turned my head to look onto the ground. It really is high.

I kept staring onto the filled street underneath me, the people and cars being as small as ants. A cold breeze blew over the rooftop, making me shiver due the coolness. God damnit for what do I even have a jacket if I never use it? And with that I put on my jacket and pulled my hood up. Observing the city in silence.

I heard the door to the rooftop open. „please let us talk in silence", I heard a familiar voice behind me and then two pairs of footsteps, one coming closer, one walking away and then I heard the door close again. I felt how someone sat next to me, also looking onto the city.

We sat there in silence, the cold breeze messed up our hair a bit and made me shiver again, even though I wore my jacket. „It's beautiful, isn't it?" I smiled in awe, the view really was beautiful and you could see the desert in the distance. „indeed, it is", Kurapika said after a long break of silence. I let out a sight and nervously fidget with the end of my sleeves. „Why are you here?" he asked all of the sudden. I snapped my head up and turned in his direction. Even though I did expect the question, I wasn't prepared. I didn't have a clue how to answer because I didn't know what I was doing there either. „Sorry for bursting in so suddenly", I apologized, completely ignoring the question Kurapika asked me. I turned my head back to the beautiful view, my gaze wandered nervously over the city not really focusing on something at all. „That wasn't the question", Kurapika said in a threatening tone. And I thought we we're on a good way? Guessed wrong then. I let out a sight, turning my head back to him just to see that he was already staring at me, his eyes were narrowed to slits and already turned into a crimson red. I gulped. „To be honest, I don't know", Kurapikas face dropped and he gave me a surprised look. I had to laugh a little. „You, don't know?!" Now I burst out laughing. His expression was just too funny.

On the one Hand he was totally confused about the fact that I didn't knew what I was doing there, on the other hand he was almost irritated that I didn't knew what I was doing here. But he recovered quickly and wore his usual calm expression. „And what Are you planning to do now", I shrugged and pulled my knees into my chest to rest my head on them. „I dunno, probably kill myself", as a respond I got slapped across of the back of my head. „That's nothing to joke about", Kurapika said in a warning tone I nodded and closed my eyes, breathing in the fresh air. „I have no idea, going back isn't really an option, but staying here isn't either", I mumbled, rubbing over my exhausted eyes. The lack of sleep that I got was now finally showing. I yawned loudly. „I'll probably just run away, looking for jobs as a hunter, maybe die on one of the missions", I answered and shrugged again. My head was aching and I rubbed over my hurting temples. „You don't really have a choice right now", Kurapika finally said, I sighted again. I knew that. The Mafia wouldn't let me go that quickly. Not After recognizing me as a member of the Phantom Troupe. I let out a helpless whimper, I was absolutely screwed.

„Did you ever think about leaving the troupe?" Kurapika asked after a few minute of comfortable silence. I let out a dry laugh. „It's not that easy you know", I answered and turned my head in his direction, I had to look up to him because my head was still resting on my knees. „Did I Say: it is?" I shook my head and closed my eyes, not daring to look at him. We fell back into silence. Both of us deep in thoughts.

„I can't just leave", I finally broke the silence again and sat up straight. My gaze focused on a darker point in the desert. „Why not", Kurapika asked in his natural calm voice and I calmed down immediately. Relaxing finally in days. I had to smile a little. „Well-" yes why couldn't I leave? That was a good question. I could leave at every time. I wouldn't betray them if I didn't know where they were. I could just forget it, right? „I thought so", Kurapika said firmly. I let out a long sight. Even I didn't want to admit it, he was right. „I can probably just say: I'm out, right?" Kurapika didn't give me an answer, but I supposed that it was a yes. „They won't kill me, right?" I asked kinda worried. I heard him sight. They probably wouldn't, but what if they did. „They won't", he then said surely and I nodded. „As Long as you don't really leave them", he then added thoughtfully. I turned my head slightly to him. Giving him a side glance. Kurapika looked really in thoughts, actually really focused. I understood, of course I did. „You didn't choose that path, so you can change it", I nodded in respond, he was absolutely right.

As I became a member of the troupe, I was 12 years old, I didn't knew what was going on. I didn't really understand. Chrollo did offer me a place to sleep, a roof over my head and food. That's all what I needed at this time, so I - of course I followed him. He did tell me that I had to help him with something else and I agreed, of course I did. I didn't doubted the Troupe. The people there had become my family.

„You're right", I admitted under my breath. A small smile placed itself onto Kurapikas lips. And I automatically had to smile as well. Then he stood up and turned to the door. „Wait", I heard him stop and he turned back to me. I also stood up and we were facing each other. The first time in the past 30 minutes. „How did you know that Chrollo isn't my actual brother", I asked and raised an eyebrow, actually being curious of his answer. A light chuckle escaped Kurapikas lips, slightly shacking his head over my question. „You don't have the same Surname", My face dropped. Of course! How could I be so stupid?! I let out a huff. „Of course", I grumbled pretty pissed and with that he left and the dude from before came back. Great and what am I suppose to do now?

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now