Chapter 31

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Did I start writing this at 12 a.m, yes, yes I did. Do I have School tmrw, yes, yes I have. Am I still not gonna sleep bc I have to read a story, yeah. Did I finished it at 01:30 p.m, yes, yes I did, am I going to be tired tmrw. I dunnoooo but probably. So bye. Thanks for all the reads and support btw. [edited]

A small smile put itself on my face as I watched Gon and Leorio hugging. I myself had squeezed Gon almost to death and then I told him to be more careful. I turned around to look at Killua and Alluka, who stood behind me. I smiled at them. Alluka smiling back but Killua was too focused on Gon, who now was talking to his father. „Killua stop doing that", I said in a teasing voice and he stuck out his tongue in respond. „I think he maybe has his first crush", Kurapika, of all people, told me and I laughed slightly at him. „That's exactly what I was thinking", I smiled and turned my attention back to Gon who had started to cry and yell at Ging, at first he didn't seemed to care but then people called him a bad dad and he seemed to be a bit overwhelmed by the whole situation. Hah, Karma is a bitch! I thought, watching how Leorio, who just had become the chairman and now had stepped back already, walk up the stairs. „How are ya old man", I greeted him and he shot me an annoyed glare, I smiled. „God, those where the worst days in my life", Leorio said and wiped sweat off his forehead, I could understand him, it must've been very stressfull for him. „Wrong", I mumbled without even realizing. Leorio raised an eyebrow at me. „What are you trying to say?" he asked and I could feel how he got pissed off already. „The worst day of your life, must have been the day of your birth", I grinned and Leorio grabbed me at my collar, pulling me real close to him. His hand was raised as if he was about to punch me. „Wow, careful, Kurapika still needs something to admire", I said, referring to my beautiful face. Leorios face dropped and with that so did I.

I easily landed on the floor and shook my head at him, while Leorio was looking back and forth between me and Kurapika. „Wait, when? how? Kurapika you could do so much better", he then said, coming to the conclusion that I obviously wasn't good enough. „No need to tell me Leorio", Kurapika then said and I rolled my eyes at the . „Rude", I hissed and decided that it was time to talk to Alluka. Killua glanced at me for that. „y/n?" he then called out for me and I turned away from Alluka to look at him, humming in respond while doing so. „How did you manage to bring Kurapika here?" he asked and I shrugged. „I mean, I didn't expect him to come", he added and put his hands behind his head. I growled at him. „Easy, I forced him", I answered and turned my attention back to Alluka, feeling how someone put a hand on my back. Alluka grinned as she saw that, she thought it was cute.


„Bye y/n, bye Kurapika!" Gon said, his voice was muffled by my clothes. I let go of him and laid my hands on his shoulder, inching down so we were face to face. „Take care of Killua and Alluka okay, mainly of Killua, he's a good boy but he might get insane one day", I mumbled and Gon nodded then he looked like he was in thoughts. „But I will go with my dad", he then said, looking in the distance. Then he smiled brightly. „I will just call him! And you take care of Kurapika, okay?" he whispered the last part of the sentence and I nodded, standing up straight and ruffled his spickt hair. Then I waved at Killua and Alluka, Leorio had left already. „Alluka, take good care of your Brother!" I yelled and she nodded, giving me a big smile. Then I turned around and walked into the airship. „Man, I'm gonna miss them", I mumbled and sat down onto the luxurious couch.

I did never really got used to all the luxury we got just because we were hunters. „Indeed, they are good kids", I heard Kurapika say and he looked up from his book. I nodded in agreement and smiled, leaning back in the couch and closing my eyes. Drifting slowly to sleep.

— time skip, about 6 months I dunno —

I woke up to something shuffle beside me, feeling something heavy in the crook of my neck. An arm was wrapped around me, pulling me even closer as I tried to get up. I sighed and fell back into the pillows. Noticing how tired I actually was, I closed my eyes again and yawned loudly. I felt Kurapika shuffle again and this time he seemed to wake up. He sat up rubbing his eyes and looked around the room. His eyes landing on the clock on the wall, it must've been pretty late already. „We need to get up y/n", he said and I groaned, snuggling more into the pillows. „I don't wanna get up", I mumbled, burying my face deeper into the pillows, then I quickly grabbed Kurapikas arm and pulled him back down. „Just five more minutes", he kept quite, before sitting up again, I felt how he placed a kiss onto the back of my head and then he left. I groaned and continued to lay a little bit longer, then, about ten minutes later, I stood up and followed him in the kitchen.

A good smell filled my nose and I had to smile immediately. Kurapika stood on the cooker, focusing on whatever he was cooking, he didn't notice me until I had walked up to him and leaned my head against his shoulder. „You overworked yourself again, didn't you?" he asked and gave me a strict look, though he also seemed worried. I rolled my eyes. „That's Not true", I denied but it was obvious that he was right. My skin was pale and I had big eyebags under my eyes. Compared to me Kurapika looked almost healthy, almost. I stepped away and sat on the table, opening the laptop that sat in front of me and opening it, letting my gaze skim over the mail i had just received. „Shit", I mumbled and put my hands on my face. Rubbing my temples while doing so. „What's wrong?" Kurapika asked, but I shrugged, acting it off.

The relationship between us didn't exactly change, despite the fact that we now were dating. I mean yeah sure, we had been trough some shit the past few months, but I believe we got used to it over the years of experience, though these few months had been though. The only thing that has changed was that Kurapika trusted me more than before, that of course made me happy but it also made me feel bad. I had been keeping some small details from him, nothing important, I would say I did it to protect him.


My gaze lingered on the ceiling as I was laying in bed. Staring onto the dark shadows on it, Kurapika laying next to me, his steady breath told me that he Was asleep. I was indeed tired, but I wasn't able to fall asleep, instead I was thinking about the mail I had received this morning. I sighed and sat up, turning to look at Kurapikas sleeping frame. Admiring him. I leaned closer to get a better look on his face. The usual stressed look wasn't showing when he was asleep, he looked so peaceful while sleeping and that made me feel at peace. At least for some time. I pushed a strand of hair out of his face and caressed his soft cheeks. His eyes fluttered open and as he saw me, he smiled. Stretching out his arm to touch my cheek with his soft finger tips. „What's wrong my love~?" he said in a sleepy voice and gave me a concerned look, or at least that's what I thought he was doing, I couldn't exactly see him. I was confused by the nickname at first, I would never get used to it. „Nothing", I mumbled and laid down again, putting my head onto his chest and listening to his calm heartbeat. „Just promise you will never leave me", I answered and closed my eyes, snuggling a bit closer. I felt him press his lips against me head. „I promise", he whispered and I finally was able to fall asleep.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now