Chapter 17

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Ok idk what that is but I sorta like it. So um cool. How are y'all? Ok anyway look how pretty he is! Credits to the artist! Anyway if you like the sho erased I just posted a erased x reader. So if you wanna read it or something you find it on my account.
(Word count: 919) [edited]

I surely hated myself as I entered the cold hospital, the smell of disinfectant and fresh bed laundry rising into my nose I rushed over the counter, where a nurse stood behind. She send me a quick smile. „How can I help you?" she asked politely and put her hands on the counter. I could see that she was watching me closely. Well who wouldn't do that when a kid (if you could call me that) with, in dirt covered clothes and scratches on their face and over their arms would approach you with an angry expression on their face? Exactly, no one. „I would like to know, in wich room Neon Nostrade is", I hissed through my teeth's, not meaning to be rude, but I accidentally was rude. She gave me the room number, looking me up and down with a judging expression.

I ran down the hallway, bursting into the room without even knocking. They all turned around to look at me in surprise. I didn't know those people. And I also didn't know what exactly I was doing there. Betraying the troupe? Probably. Trying to figure myself out. Probably too. But now I was just standing there, all sweaty and in dirty clothes. Scratches all over my body, I didn't even know how I got them, they just appeared. „Who Are you?" a man asked But instead of giving him an answer, I took a step closer to the bed, looking at Neon who was staring at me, a look of disgust on her face. I smiled calmly. Trying to find out what I was doing there too. „Well I'm sorry what Chrollo did to you." I finally explained and watched how she raised one of her eyebrows. I was so focused on her that I didn't notice how someone approached me. „I guess he took your nen ability, I sadly have no idea how you get it back though. He probably has to give it back to you." I paused, her confused expression turned now in a small smile. She let out a amused giggle. Then the man from before spoke up again. „And why do you know that, who are you?!" I felt how he pressed something cold and round onto the back of my head, a gun. I calmly put my hands over my head, my lips turned ino a small smirk. „If you think a gun is a threat to me..." I said, trailing off at the end, sounding extremely calm for someone who just got threatened by a gun. „Don't worry, they're a friend of mine", I heard someone in an calm voice. But his voice was naturally calm. I felt the man putting the gun down and turned to look at them.

I titled my head, looking the people in the room up and down with a curious look. They weren't that much people. It was just a bunch of people. I looked at the man who just had his gun on the back of my head. „You Must be Mr. Light Nostrade"' I bowed slightly in respect. This whole situation was rather awkward, but I tried to play off how nervous I actually was. The man nodded taking a few steps back. „And who Are you?" I Heard Neon behind me. I turned back around. „I am y/n l/n, nice to meet you", I also bowed, even though if I would be there for another reason, I would've tried to slash all of their throats. She laughed at me in respond. I slightly rolled my eyes. Finally turning to Kurapika and nodding at him as some kind of greeting. I felt someone's gaze on me. I recognized their face immediately. Melody. „Aren't you the kid we kidnapped? The one from the Phantom Troupe.?" well shit. I didn't answer her. As if I didn't hear her. „That's why you know so much about the troupe!" Someone else said and I immediately had the gun on my head again. „Oh please..." I said in a sarcastic tone. „You think I am scared of a gun", I raised my eyebrows and smirked. Not scared in the slightest. „So I don't want to interrupt y'all but I am not here to help either you or the Troupe, at least I think so", I said the last part more to myself, because I wasn't sure what I was doing there in the first place, the others were though still able to hear me, giving me a suspicious look.

I wouldn't be there, if I would've been able to keep in my emotions, but I just freaked out and showed up at that hospital. So I happened to be crowded by some guys of the Mafia, all of them pointing a gun at me. "Well y/n l/n, it's a pleasure to meet you, after I have heard from the others how much trouble you cost us", Mr. Nostrade put down his gun and the others followed his example, he stretched out his hand and I took it, cracking a somehow nice smile and then we shook hands. As I said, this whole situation was rather awkward.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now