Chapter 27

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„Kurapika?" I asked and he hummed in respond, while grabbing my outstretched hand. „Why Do we have to do this? Killing people I mean", I asked as we walked to the huge house, well you could actually call it a mansion already. „Don't you know what Blacklist Hunters are", he asked in a serious tone, I shook my head in denial. „I know that stupid! I just don't think it's something for me", I explained and stared at the ground, Kurpika stopped, holding me back as well due the fact, that he was holding my hand.

I turned around to look at him, a confused expression on my face. Kurapika raised his eyebrow at me, the head slightly titled, looking me up and down with a curious look, trying to figure me out. „You think so?" I nodded and turned back around, dragging Kurapika with me. „I don't really like killing, not if it isn't necessary", I mumbled and felt how he softly squeezed my hand. I had to smile a little. „Do you think I like it", Kurapika said in an ironic tone, I shook my head again, staring at the impressing mansion. „I mean you chose the job after all", I answered and grinned slightly, feeling kinda better. „Don't you forget, you chose that path too", I groaned in annoyance. „Well yeah, but just because I wanted to help you", I let go of his hand and crossed my arms in front of my chest. Kurapika chuckled quietly. „You got yourself in that mess, I didn't force you to do anything", and just as he finished the sentence we arrived in front of the big door and I pressed the doorbell. Before the door opened, Kurapika ruffled my hair, sending me a loving smile, I smiled back, then the door swung finally open.


I followed the butler through the mansion, my jaw dropped At the sight of the luxurious house. Every inch of it was impressive to say the least. The butler pointed at two rooms in the long hallway and gave Kurapika and me a key each. „Those are your rooms, I will tell you as soon the other hunters have arrived", he said and bowed before walking off.

Kurapika and i walked in silent to our rooms. I was the first one to open the door and look inside. My eyes widened at the big room and I let out a gasp in surprise, Kurapika looked inside my room from behind me. He didn't seem as impressed as I was. „Wow, that's bigger than my apartment back in Meteor city", I mumbled and stepped inside, Kurapika chuckled at me and then turned to his own room. I closed the door behind me, dropping everything I was holding to the ground and raced to the big bed. Jumping on it and let myself sink into the pillows. It was so comfy that I immediately fell asleep, due the lack of sleep I had.


I woke up to a soft knock at my door. „Y/n get up, we're already late", I heard Kurapikas voice behind my door and I immediately jumped out of bed, put on my shoes, quickly washed my face so I wouldn't look as sleepy and opened the door. „Sorry I took a nap", I explained while we walked down the hallway to the elevator, Kurapika let out a chuckle and ruffled my messy hair. „I thought so", I let out a groan and stepped in the elevator we just arrived at.

We walked in the main area to see some other people, all of them looked like they were waiting, so no one of them could be the client. Michael, the Butler, though I didn't believe that this was his real name, stepped inside the room through a large door on the other side of it. „Good evening, we're glad that you all arrived well, if you have any problems you can call me-" I dozed off, eying the others kn the room, trying to figure out if one of them could be the client, well I was trying to figure them out in general.

There was a blond tall man with a big scar on his eye, he couldn't open it properly, a woman with long fluffy hair, she was the only one who noticed that I was watching them closely. One wrong move and they wouldn't be able to gain my trust, well maybe they wouldn't be able to do it anyway nor did they wanted to do it. Someone with short purple hair, they were politely smiling as the butler was talking, their green eyes were shining brightly. It somehow reminded me of Gon. And some shorty, with green hair, he had his arms crossed and was rolling his eyes at the butler who wouldn't stop talking. I could understand him, the butler was already talking an hour of nonsense. I sighed and rubbed over my tired eyes. Kurapika nudged me in the side and nodded at me. I nodded as well, cracking a small smile.


„You all are dismissed", Micheal said after three hours of talking, I stood up of the chair, I had sat down after one and a half hour, and followed the others, who just started to introduce themselves. „What's your name?" Ash, the one with the purple hair asked, I put my hands in the pockets of my pants, not really interested in any of them, or that's what I wanted them to think. „Y/n", I answered coldly and gave them a small nod. Ash smiled, before turning back to their convo with Miarla, the woman with the fluffy hair. I was quietly listening into their convo, but it wasn't interesting at all. „I'm Rego", the tall, blond man told me and stretcher his hand out. I didn't bother to grab it and he frowned. The short one with the green hair name was Bresh, he didn't seemed to be interested in the other people as well, though I saw how he was carefully listening as well. Then we finally arrived in the hallway were our bedrooms were. „I wonder when dinner is", I muttered and Ash nodded in agreement. „Yeah I've been starving since Michael started talking", they said while walking off to some room, I strolled to my own, opening the door and stepped inside. Just as I was about to drop onto the bed, I noticed some clothes or something on my bed. I grabbed the pile and hold it up and unfold it. It was just some simple suit, but the fabric seemed more expensive than my old one. I folded it back together and put it on the desk, then I fell on the bed and took another nap.


A quite knock was heard on my door and I opened my eyes, sitting up and looking around the room, the moon was shining through the window, so I was able to see. I rubbed my eyes and stood up, walking to the door and opened it. The light of the hallway was blinding me and I wasn't able to recognize the person, that was now pushing me back in the room and sat on the chair in front of my bed. „What the fuck Kurapika, couldn't you just come in like a normal person?" I asked pretty pissed off due the fact that he woken me up from my peaceful sleep. „I apologize", he said while staring at me, I walked back to the bed and sat on it, so I was facing him. „And what did you want", I yawned, giving him a curious look. Kurapika continued looking at me in thoughts. I snapped my fingers, so he'd answer my question. He hummed in respond. „What did you want?" I repeated myself with annoyance. „What do you think of the others?" he asked as a respond and I simply shrugged. „I didn't really pay attention", Kurapika raised an eyebrow at me. „You we're the one who payed the most attention", my eyes widened in surprise and i groaned in annoyance. „Was it that obvious", I asked, disappointed in myself. Kurapika chuckled, I honestly didn't know why, but I absolutely adored that, no I loved it, his laugh I mean, beside he wasn't the one for a good laugher anymore, but He somehow managed to laugh still when he was with me.

„Y/n?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to look at Kurapika or that's what I wanted to do, then I noticed that I had been staring. „Yes?" I asked a little bit confused. „You had been staring..." he answered and an awkward silence came between us. „Was it obvious or not", I asked and titled my head, trying to break the weird silence, Kurapika shrugged. „I wouldn't say that, after all, I know you since", he paused, looking at me in thoughts. „For quite some time", he then finished, scratching his neck, I had to laugh a little. Though I didn't knew it myself.

„To come to your question, I think they are okay, maybe a little bit annoying. Miarla seems the strongest, she's probably a manipulator, Rego is the weakest, doesn't mean he's weak, I bet he's type reinforcement. Ash is stronger than they seem, though I have no clue what they're nen type could be. Bresh is pretty strong as well, I dunno what he's either though", I took a deep breath as I finished. Kurapika had been listening closely, taking in every detail and even though he was used to it, he was still kinda impressed. „And if you would excuse me now, I was trying to sleep", I then said, ending the conversation with that and climbed in my bed, snuggling back into my pillows and covers and shot Kurapika a smile, who had stood up and walked to leave. Just as he was about to open the door, he turned back around, looking at my laying figure. „Y/n", I hummed in respond, my eyes already closed. „When we're done here, we will be taking a break for a while", he said and closed the door as he saw that I nodded in agreement.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now