Chapter 29

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Did I just write that running on 4 hours of sleep and it's 12:30 p.m... noooo, that is just true to 100% and i have School tomorrow, live at my friends place for idk how long bc I am not able to stay at home bc it's difficult there. Nooooo, I dontttt🤠 I do. Idk if this is good or shitty but spoiler alert for the last season + arc, but I already gave a spoiler warning to that story. WERE ALMOST DONE OMGGG. And thanks for all the read and everything thank a lot. lol i just remember I have an English exam tmrw😐 yay fun. And I have to read a Book and we have zwo projects and, yeah I am stressed out. So i dunno it may get like 2-5 other chapter then we're done here :) bye have fun!! [edited]


I was tired to say the least, my gaze lingered on the street a head of me, I was lost, for some reason I always forgot in wich alleyway I had to turn. I rubbed my eyes and left the small alleyway, standing on the Main Street, seeing the grocery store I had been getting my groceries. The loud ring of my phone made me jump out of my thoughts. Leorio. It readed and I picked up. „Leorio, how are you", I said excited and walked down to the next bench. I could hear him sight in relive. „I'm so glad you're okay", he then said, sounding even more exhausted than I did. I frowned, but before I was able to ask what was going on he already started to talk again. „I wasn't able to reach Kurapika nor you, where have you guys been?" he asked and I felt bad, I didn't ignore him on purpose, but Kurapika did and I knew it. I mainly forgot my phone in the base. „I'm sor-" but before I was able to apologize he interrupted me. „Gon is in the Hospital, he might die", my face dropped, if that even was possible, and I felt concern washing over me. „What, Why?! What but Killua, is he okay?" I asked while running my fingers trough my hair, feeling that I was getting a headache. „Killua is okay, well beside the fact that he think it's his fault", I nodded, carefully listening and suddenly I remembered the way back. So I was walking to the base and listened to Leorio who was explaining everything, he was worried sick.

„Where are you exactly?" I asked while opening the heavy, metallic door to the basement. „Swardani City, Gon is in the nearest hospital by the Hunter Assoziation..." there were voices in the back and I could hear Leorio scoffing. I, of course, knew that he had punched Ging Freecs in the face after him saying something, though I didn't know what exactly, I did know that he was one of the hunters favorites as the new Chairman, but I also knew that he didn't want that, he wanted to see our little friend. I sighed. „Listen, we'll be getting there as soon as we can", I told him and then we had to cancel the call. In that exact moment I had arrived at the bottom of the stairs and was now standing in the red shining basement. „Who was that?" I heard Kurapika ask and I sighed. Since quite some time he had become more distant and we barely talked. „Leorio, he told me that Gon is in a hospital", I explained while stepping next to him, staring onto the red scarlet eyes that made the room shine red.

And Even though Kurapika tried to act like he wasn't affected by that, I still heard the small gasp. I laid my hand on his shoulder, Kurapika flinched at the sudden touch. with him getting distant we both weren't really used of each other's touch anymore. „And were going to visit Gon", I tightened my grip on his shoulder, feeling sick all of the sudden.

I was overwhelmed with the feelings I had been holding back the past few weeks, no even months. My feelings for Kurapika, he hurt me, he really did and I still stayed, I hurt myself with staying. I was concerned about him and now I was concerned about Gon and wanted to punch his father. I wanted to help Killua and Leorio. But the feeling I was feeling the most in that very moment was all the anger I had been holding back for so long, my anger at my parents, the Phantom Troupe, myself and Kurapika. My grip tightened even more and I automatically wrapped my aura around my hand. „I don't care if your coming or not, but I will pay Gon a visit, I don't care if you hate me after that, because I have every fucking right to hate you, but I just can't and I hate myself for it. You have no idea how much you have been hurting me and I just couldn't leave, I just couldn't... leave" with every sentence I got more quite and my grip got more loose, sadness was now taking over and my Hand on Kurapikas shoulder was just simply resting there.

It felt like someone had took all my emotions, motivations and the will to live away from me and I was drowning in emptyness. I didn't felt the tears streaming down my cheeks, while I was still staring at the Scarlett eyes in front of me. And then I felt how Kurapika pulled me in a hug after months again, hugging me closer than ever before. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, my tears falling onto his skin, soaking his suit and hair. „I'm sorry", he whispered on repeat and rubbed calming my back. „I was trying to protect you", he whispered in my ear and I felt how something wet landed in my neck. And then more and more, he was crying as well, even more than I was. „I am sorry", he started again, still rubbing my back. I finally pulled away, taking his face in my hands and eyed him. His eyes were puffy and his nose was red, I gave him a loving look and wiped his tears away with my thumb. „Sometimes I wished you would just leave, so I wouldn't have to hurt you anymore", Kurapika said, his voice just a whisper, he leaned into the soft touch of my hands. „Sometimes I wished that too", I mumbled under my breath and turned my head to the side. Letting go of Kurapikas face. „And why didn't you leave?" he asked, his voice sounded so sad, even more than usual.

I gulped, I didn't want to answer, but there was probably no other accurate answer. I felt how Kurapika put his hand under my chin and forced me to look at him. I felt how my stomach twisted. „You really wanna know, huh?" I teased, trying to get lay off my true feelings, Kurapika narrowed his eyes and nodded. His orbs turning a crimson red. Shit, did I do something wrong. I panicked and Kurapika must've noticed then his eyes softened again. „It's pretty simple", I mumbled and felt how he pulled my closer, his eyes piercing in my own. I gulped again. „Well, Maybe it isn't that simple, I mean love is never simple, is it?" I asked and I would've been embarrassed, but for some reason I wasn't, maybe because I didn't dare to look away and break the intense eye contact. „Indeed, it isn't", he confirmed my words and pressed his lips against my own. I was confused to say the least, but then kissed back. And as he pulled away, I was already touch starved. I kept silence for a while then a small grin made its way to my lips. Taking his face in my hands again. „Must say I don't know much about love, but I know that I just convinced you to come with me, we'll be back in one month. Pinky promise", I stretched out my pinky and we hooked them together.

a stupid coincidence(Kurapika x gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now