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At the end of October, Ruchuan City was in late autumn.

The whole city rained for several days. The image of the tide in the air condenses into ice, alternating wet and cold. The heavy rain seemed to have no tendency to stop, and occasionally hit the window with a clattering sound.

In the airtight interior, blackout curtains cover the scenery outside. Three silver locks were embedded in the white wooden door, which looked depressed and gloomy.

The ceiling lamp on the ceiling is on, and the light is warm yellow and the color is soft. The room is bright and bright, not like the light when you fall asleep.

But under this light.

On the bed by the window, the pink-blue quilt bulged.

The girl curled up into a ball inside, her eyes closed. Half of his fair face and soft hair were exposed.

It seemed that he was not sleeping well. Although Shunen hadn't moved, his face was pale, his eyes were blue-gray, and his eyelashes trembled from time to time. Haggard and restless.


There was a click from far away, clear and loud.

It was the sound of the entrance door being opened.

Shunen's heart palpitated, and immediately opened his eyes. She looked dull, awake for a while, sweating on her forehead.

Thinking of the sound he had just heard, Shunen slowly got out of bed, with a faint gasp in his throat. She stepped on the soft carpet and stopped in front of the door.

Standing here, I could faintly hear the voice of her mother Deng Qingyu talking to herself.

But she still looked very vigilant, and opened the two lower locks, leaving the top chain lock alone. Shunen opened the door carefully, only a small gap was opened.

After confirming that the person outside was Deng Qingyu, Shunian completely relaxed. She pursed her lips, scratched her head, rummaging for slippers that she didn't know where she was kicked.

After putting it on, walked out of the room.

The house is not too big, about fifty square meters. One bedroom, one living room and one bathroom, with a small balcony attached. At this time the curtains have been opened, and apart from the luxuriant camphor trees outside the French windows, only raindrops are constantly falling.

The sky is gloomy, and night has not yet fallen.

A slight wind came in through the gap in the window, as if it was mixed with ice.

Shunian couldn't help shivering.

There was no carpet in the living room, and the sound of slippers beating on the floor was not small, which quickly attracted Deng Qingyu's attention.

"Why is your face so bad? Didn't sleep well?"

Shunen shook his head and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here."

"I called you yesterday and heard you cough. Just so your aunt sent a box of pears and brought some to you." Deng Qingyu pointed to the kitchen, "put a bag in the refrigerator. Now I am going to stew it for you. Rock Sugar Sydney."

Shunian picked up the kettle on the coffee table and filled it with water next to the water dispenser, and responded warmly.

"thanks Mom."

Deng Qingyu stopped, and simply cleaned up the living room, and said, "You have to pay attention to the season change recently. Don't keep the windows closed, pay attention to ventilation, and don't get sick."

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