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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 37

    It's near the subway station, and the flow of people is not small.

    Some people passing by looked in their direction, and felt that the three of them looked outstanding and the atmosphere was sharp, like they were filming a TV series. Shunian and Xie Ruhe are both behind-the-scenes workers, and to passers-by, they are only good-looking people.

    But Xu Zeyuan is different. His recent popularity is very high. If there is any gossip at this time, he will definitely be half-dead by the company.

    Afraid of being found out, he lowered his head and put on the mask again, tightening his nerves to apologize to Xie Ruhe: "Master Ahe, I'm sorry. I'm the one who didn't stop talking, don't

    take it to your heart." He noticed the suspicious expression next to him and started stealing The whisperer, Xu

    Zeyuan bit his scalp and finished speaking: "Then I will go first, and I will come to apologize in the next day. I'm sorry." Xie Ruhe's expression did not change as if he hadn't heard him. He lowered his eyes, with thin and dense eyelashes, like a small fan, looking at Shunian, very quiet.

    But there is a feeling of aggrieved feeling inexplicably.

    Xu Zeyuan didn't wait for him to respond anymore, turned his head and lowered his voice to Shunian and said, "Next time, goodbye."

    Then he left and stopped a car on the side of the road.

    Shunian didn't hear what Xu Zeyuan said, and didn't look in his direction. She was still stunned, a little unable to believe her eyes, her first reaction was to comfort him: "Don't listen to him, he is nonsense."

    Xie Ruhe took the thing in her hand and straightened her lips . Light and flirty.

    "Are you still going to meet him


    Shunen's eyes widened : "Ah?" Xie Ruhe didn't repeat it, his jaw straightened and his mood was not good.     Shunen looked

    down at his leg and asked, "Are you all right?"

Xie Ruhe was very upset, but didn't want to ignore her, and said stiffly: "You can walk without supporting things now."

    Hearing this, Shunen's eyes gradually widened, and he couldn't help but stumbling on the spot twice, his small face flushed, and he said excitedly: "Really? You are too amazing!"

    Xie Ruhe rarely sees her like this. .

    As if he was happier than him, the depression that made him stuck in his chest gradually dispersed.

    Xie Ruhe pursed his lips and kept his eyes away: "It's okay."

    "It's not okay." Shunen refuted him seriously, inexplicably as if he was educating him, "I said it was two months ago, but now it's just over a month. , You are great."

    Suddenly noticed the wheelchair next to him,

    Shunen blinked: "Then why are you still in the wheelchair?" Xie Ruhe didn't answer, and put the things on the wheelchair on the wheelchair.

    The two walked side by side.

    Because of his silence, Shunen was a little confused, turned his head, and suddenly found that he was not completely walking normally. I stumbled a bit, and I had to pause a step to take the next step. It was not as smooth as I was just in front of Xu Zeyuan.

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