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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 59:

    "That's it?" Zeng Yuanxue was stunned for a while, amused. "The two people didn't save you just now. Do you still hope that the world is good?"


    "Nothing else?"

    Shunen's eyelids moved. , Her dry lips lightly opened: "If there are other things, why should I tell you."

    Zeng Yuanxue raised his eyebrows: "Maybe I can help you convey to you...Mom in the future?"

    Shunen curled up on the ground, burying his face in his arms. In the corner, he ignored him.

    "I have to hurry up." Zeng Yuanxue didn't care about her attitude either. He got up and went out of the room and came back soon, with a knife in his hand. "Otherwise, the police will come and I won't be able to help you."

    Shunian slow Slowly raising his head, a question suddenly

    appeared : "Do you have no family?" "..." Zeng Yuanxue's expression changed, but he still bent the corner of his mouth and stuffed the knife into her hand, "hold it yourself, and then I Help you escape this filthy world."

    Shunian let him at his mercy, and said calmly: "Aren't they ashamed of you?"

    Zeng Yuanxue's eyes widened suddenly, and he reprimanded: "Shut up!" on his face His muscles twitched, and his appearance was particularly horrible: "Why are you ashamed? What did I do wrong? You are the one who is wrong, disgusting."


    "Do you know what I have experienced? How much pain do you know? "Zeng Yuanxue's voice became louder and louder, and his breathing became more and more rapid, "Who will help me?! Who will come!"

    "You can go to death." Death is right in front of him, Shunian is no longer afraid of him, "You have a good time. Pain, you can die."

    Zeng Yuanxue sneered: "Why should I die."

    "Why are other people. Everyone's life is unsatisfactory." Shunian's eyes burst into tears unconsciously. Stained with blood on his face, he slid down, "Only you, choose to hurt other people and save yourself."

    Zeng Yuanxue calmed his breath, still stubbornly said: "I am saving you."

    He stopped delaying, and let Shunian hold the handle of the knife with the tip of the knife facing inward. Zeng Yuanxue held her hand in both hands, with a chill in his eyes, smiled and said: "You want to die, I'm just helping you."

    Shunian did not resist, nor did he respond to his words.

    I just feel tired to the extreme.

    Before the tip of the knife pierced her heart, she felt like she was going to die.

    Shunen's consciousness became confused.

    Many scenes are not clear anymore, I only remember that it was the two men who called the police. After waking up, I heard that the two men felt that Zeng Yuanxue had a problem, but they didn't have the courage to face it directly.

    So I chose to leave this place and then called the police.

    Fortunately, the police arrived very quickly.

    Before Zeng Yuanxue's knife was stained with blood, before she hurt her, he was pushed to the ground by the police who broke in. Shunian was picked up by a policewoman and taken out of the house.

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