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Lose to like
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 19

    Before coming, Xu Zeyuan heard from his agent that Ahe had a very bad temper.

    It is said in the circle that his temperament has changed drastically because of an accident. To put it nicely is that the legs and feet are not flexible, in fact, you may have to be a cripple for a lifetime.

    Poor and hateful.

    The agent repeatedly emphasized various matters to him.

    Although Xu Zeyuan heard what the agent said, he didn't take it too seriously, and he didn't feel nervous about the next door-to-door visit.

    Xu Zeyuan felt that as long as he had a better attitude, Mr. Ahe would never reach out and hit a smiley.

    The result was beyond Xu Zeyuan's expectations.

    I originally thought that a public figure who was a little famous like this would always take a little image into consideration. Even if it doesn't matter anymore, Xu Zeyuan feels that he is a little famous now, and he will at least save some face for himself.

    However, Ahe did not.

    Xu Zeyuan didn't know where to provoke him. It was the first time I met, so he was hostile to him inexplicably. And unceremoniously trampled his face on the ground.

    Xu Zeyuan didn't mean to continue to please him, sneered, his expression turned ugly.

    The agent played round the field.

    Xie Ruhe didn't look at them, but looked in the direction of the security guard, with a calm and cold expression: "Is the property fee paid for     nothing ?"


Then, Xu Zeyuan and his agent were invited out of the community by the security guard.

    Xu Zeyuan put on a peaked cap, lowered the brim, and followed the agent in the direction of the car. Because he was inexplicable, he was really angry and looked in Xie Ruhe's direction again.

    Just now Xu Zeyuan's mind was placed on Xie Ruhe's body. At this time, when he looked like this, he suddenly found that Shunian was behind Xie Ruhe, pushing the wheelchair for him.

    She hung her head, her face showed a dimple, as if she was talking to him.

    The figure is small, like a student who has not yet left the society. Wearing a dark red turtleneck sweater, black pleated skirt, tights stretched both legs thin and straight.

    The man who had just been full of temperament was docile in front of her like a tamed wolf.

    Xu Zeyuan suddenly reacted to their relationship.

    I also understood why Xie Ruhe had such an attitude towards him just now.

    Xu Zeyuan was a little lost, thinking of the previous events.

    In college, he and Shunian were classmates. From the first time he saw Shunian, Xu Zeyuan liked her very much. He has always wanted a character that he will desperately get.

    After that, she frantically launched an offensive against her.

    Shunen didn't know anything about this, and didn't realize that he was pursuing her at first. The attitude towards him is not enthusiastic, and it is no different from other students.

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